Google Cloud Dataproc v1 API - Class WorkflowTemplateService.WorkflowTemplateServiceClient (5.16.0)

public class WorkflowTemplateService.WorkflowTemplateServiceClient : ClientBase<WorkflowTemplateService.WorkflowTemplateServiceClient>

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud Dataproc v1 API class WorkflowTemplateService.WorkflowTemplateServiceClient.

Client for WorkflowTemplateService


object > ClientBase > ClientBaseWorkflowTemplateServiceWorkflowTemplateServiceClient > WorkflowTemplateService.WorkflowTemplateServiceClient







protected WorkflowTemplateServiceClient()

Protected parameterless constructor to allow creation of test doubles.


public WorkflowTemplateServiceClient(CallInvoker callInvoker)

Creates a new client for WorkflowTemplateService that uses a custom CallInvoker.

Name Description
callInvoker CallInvoker

The callInvoker to use to make remote calls.


public WorkflowTemplateServiceClient(ChannelBase channel)

Creates a new client for WorkflowTemplateService

Name Description
channel ChannelBase

The channel to use to make remote calls.


protected WorkflowTemplateServiceClient(ClientBase.ClientBaseConfiguration configuration)

Protected constructor to allow creation of configured clients.

Name Description
configuration ClientBaseClientBaseConfiguration

The client configuration.



public virtual IAMPolicy.IAMPolicyClient CreateIAMPolicyClient()

Creates a new instance of IAMPolicy.IAMPolicyClient using the same call invoker as this client.

Type Description

A new IAMPolicy.IAMPolicyClient for the same target as this client.


public virtual Operations.OperationsClient CreateOperationsClient()

Creates a new instance of Operations.OperationsClient using the same call invoker as this client.

Type Description

A new Operations client for the same target as this client.

CreateWorkflowTemplate(CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual WorkflowTemplate CreateWorkflowTemplate(CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Creates new workflow template.

Name Description
request CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

CreateWorkflowTemplate(CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual WorkflowTemplate CreateWorkflowTemplate(CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Creates new workflow template.

Name Description
request CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

CreateWorkflowTemplateAsync(CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<WorkflowTemplate> CreateWorkflowTemplateAsync(CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Creates new workflow template.

Name Description
request CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

CreateWorkflowTemplateAsync(CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<WorkflowTemplate> CreateWorkflowTemplateAsync(CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Creates new workflow template.

Name Description
request CreateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

DeleteWorkflowTemplate(DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual Empty DeleteWorkflowTemplate(DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Deletes a workflow template. It does not cancel in-progress workflows.

Name Description
request DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

DeleteWorkflowTemplate(DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual Empty DeleteWorkflowTemplate(DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Deletes a workflow template. It does not cancel in-progress workflows.

Name Description
request DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

DeleteWorkflowTemplateAsync(DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Empty> DeleteWorkflowTemplateAsync(DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Deletes a workflow template. It does not cancel in-progress workflows.

Name Description
request DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

DeleteWorkflowTemplateAsync(DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Empty> DeleteWorkflowTemplateAsync(DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Deletes a workflow template. It does not cancel in-progress workflows.

Name Description
request DeleteWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

GetWorkflowTemplate(GetWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual WorkflowTemplate GetWorkflowTemplate(GetWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Retrieves the latest workflow template.

Can retrieve previously instantiated template by specifying optional version parameter.

Name Description
request GetWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

GetWorkflowTemplate(GetWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual WorkflowTemplate GetWorkflowTemplate(GetWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Retrieves the latest workflow template.

Can retrieve previously instantiated template by specifying optional version parameter.

Name Description
request GetWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

GetWorkflowTemplateAsync(GetWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<WorkflowTemplate> GetWorkflowTemplateAsync(GetWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Retrieves the latest workflow template.

Can retrieve previously instantiated template by specifying optional version parameter.

Name Description
request GetWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

GetWorkflowTemplateAsync(GetWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<WorkflowTemplate> GetWorkflowTemplateAsync(GetWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Retrieves the latest workflow template.

Can retrieve previously instantiated template by specifying optional version parameter.

Name Description
request GetWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplate(InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual Operation InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplate(InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Instantiates a template and begins execution.

This method is equivalent to executing the sequence [CreateWorkflowTemplate][], [InstantiateWorkflowTemplate][], [DeleteWorkflowTemplate][].

The returned Operation can be used to track execution of workflow by polling [operations.get][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation]. The Operation will complete when entire workflow is finished.

The running workflow can be aborted via [operations.cancel][google.longrunning.Operations.CancelOperation]. This will cause any inflight jobs to be cancelled and workflow-owned clusters to be deleted.

The [Operation.metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] will be WorkflowMetadata. Also see Using WorkflowMetadata.

On successful completion, [Operation.response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] will be [Empty][google.protobuf.Empty].

Name Description
request InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplate(InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual Operation InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplate(InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Instantiates a template and begins execution.

This method is equivalent to executing the sequence [CreateWorkflowTemplate][], [InstantiateWorkflowTemplate][], [DeleteWorkflowTemplate][].

The returned Operation can be used to track execution of workflow by polling [operations.get][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation]. The Operation will complete when entire workflow is finished.

The running workflow can be aborted via [operations.cancel][google.longrunning.Operations.CancelOperation]. This will cause any inflight jobs to be cancelled and workflow-owned clusters to be deleted.

The [Operation.metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] will be WorkflowMetadata. Also see Using WorkflowMetadata.

On successful completion, [Operation.response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] will be [Empty][google.protobuf.Empty].

Name Description
request InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateAsync(InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Operation> InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateAsync(InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Instantiates a template and begins execution.

This method is equivalent to executing the sequence [CreateWorkflowTemplate][], [InstantiateWorkflowTemplate][], [DeleteWorkflowTemplate][].

The returned Operation can be used to track execution of workflow by polling [operations.get][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation]. The Operation will complete when entire workflow is finished.

The running workflow can be aborted via [operations.cancel][google.longrunning.Operations.CancelOperation]. This will cause any inflight jobs to be cancelled and workflow-owned clusters to be deleted.

The [Operation.metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] will be WorkflowMetadata. Also see Using WorkflowMetadata.

On successful completion, [Operation.response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] will be [Empty][google.protobuf.Empty].

Name Description
request InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateAsync(InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Operation> InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateAsync(InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Instantiates a template and begins execution.

This method is equivalent to executing the sequence [CreateWorkflowTemplate][], [InstantiateWorkflowTemplate][], [DeleteWorkflowTemplate][].

The returned Operation can be used to track execution of workflow by polling [operations.get][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation]. The Operation will complete when entire workflow is finished.

The running workflow can be aborted via [operations.cancel][google.longrunning.Operations.CancelOperation]. This will cause any inflight jobs to be cancelled and workflow-owned clusters to be deleted.

The [Operation.metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] will be WorkflowMetadata. Also see Using WorkflowMetadata.

On successful completion, [Operation.response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] will be [Empty][google.protobuf.Empty].

Name Description
request InstantiateInlineWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

InstantiateWorkflowTemplate(InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual Operation InstantiateWorkflowTemplate(InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Instantiates a template and begins execution.

The returned Operation can be used to track execution of workflow by polling [operations.get][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation]. The Operation will complete when entire workflow is finished.

The running workflow can be aborted via [operations.cancel][google.longrunning.Operations.CancelOperation]. This will cause any inflight jobs to be cancelled and workflow-owned clusters to be deleted.

The [Operation.metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] will be WorkflowMetadata. Also see Using WorkflowMetadata.

On successful completion, [Operation.response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] will be [Empty][google.protobuf.Empty].

Name Description
request InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

InstantiateWorkflowTemplate(InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual Operation InstantiateWorkflowTemplate(InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Instantiates a template and begins execution.

The returned Operation can be used to track execution of workflow by polling [operations.get][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation]. The Operation will complete when entire workflow is finished.

The running workflow can be aborted via [operations.cancel][google.longrunning.Operations.CancelOperation]. This will cause any inflight jobs to be cancelled and workflow-owned clusters to be deleted.

The [Operation.metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] will be WorkflowMetadata. Also see Using WorkflowMetadata.

On successful completion, [Operation.response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] will be [Empty][google.protobuf.Empty].

Name Description
request InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

InstantiateWorkflowTemplateAsync(InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Operation> InstantiateWorkflowTemplateAsync(InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Instantiates a template and begins execution.

The returned Operation can be used to track execution of workflow by polling [operations.get][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation]. The Operation will complete when entire workflow is finished.

The running workflow can be aborted via [operations.cancel][google.longrunning.Operations.CancelOperation]. This will cause any inflight jobs to be cancelled and workflow-owned clusters to be deleted.

The [Operation.metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] will be WorkflowMetadata. Also see Using WorkflowMetadata.

On successful completion, [Operation.response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] will be [Empty][google.protobuf.Empty].

Name Description
request InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

InstantiateWorkflowTemplateAsync(InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Operation> InstantiateWorkflowTemplateAsync(InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Instantiates a template and begins execution.

The returned Operation can be used to track execution of workflow by polling [operations.get][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation]. The Operation will complete when entire workflow is finished.

The running workflow can be aborted via [operations.cancel][google.longrunning.Operations.CancelOperation]. This will cause any inflight jobs to be cancelled and workflow-owned clusters to be deleted.

The [Operation.metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] will be WorkflowMetadata. Also see Using WorkflowMetadata.

On successful completion, [Operation.response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] will be [Empty][google.protobuf.Empty].

Name Description
request InstantiateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

ListWorkflowTemplates(ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual ListWorkflowTemplatesResponse ListWorkflowTemplates(ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest request, CallOptions options)

Lists workflows that match the specified filter in the request.

Name Description
request ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

ListWorkflowTemplates(ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual ListWorkflowTemplatesResponse ListWorkflowTemplates(ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Lists workflows that match the specified filter in the request.

Name Description
request ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

ListWorkflowTemplatesAsync(ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<ListWorkflowTemplatesResponse> ListWorkflowTemplatesAsync(ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest request, CallOptions options)

Lists workflows that match the specified filter in the request.

Name Description
request ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

ListWorkflowTemplatesAsync(ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<ListWorkflowTemplatesResponse> ListWorkflowTemplatesAsync(ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Lists workflows that match the specified filter in the request.

Name Description
request ListWorkflowTemplatesRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.


protected override WorkflowTemplateService.WorkflowTemplateServiceClient NewInstance(ClientBase.ClientBaseConfiguration configuration)

Creates a new instance of client from given ClientBaseConfiguration.

Name Description
configuration ClientBaseClientBaseConfiguration
Type Description

UpdateWorkflowTemplate(UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual WorkflowTemplate UpdateWorkflowTemplate(UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Updates (replaces) workflow template. The updated template must contain version that matches the current server version.

Name Description
request UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

UpdateWorkflowTemplate(UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual WorkflowTemplate UpdateWorkflowTemplate(UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Updates (replaces) workflow template. The updated template must contain version that matches the current server version.

Name Description
request UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

UpdateWorkflowTemplateAsync(UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<WorkflowTemplate> UpdateWorkflowTemplateAsync(UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, CallOptions options)

Updates (replaces) workflow template. The updated template must contain version that matches the current server version.

Name Description
request UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

UpdateWorkflowTemplateAsync(UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<WorkflowTemplate> UpdateWorkflowTemplateAsync(UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Updates (replaces) workflow template. The updated template must contain version that matches the current server version.

Name Description
request UpdateWorkflowTemplateRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline System.DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.