Version history

Version 2.7.0, released 2021-04-29

Note: even though there are no API surface changes, this is a minor version bump due to dependency changes

Version 2.6.0, released 2020-11-17

  • Commit 3733849: feat: added support OSInventory in Assets. docs: updated existing docs.
  • Commit c42363f: feat: add AnalyzeIamPolicy and AnalyzeIamPolicyLongrunning RPCs

Version 2.5.0, released 2020-09-28

  • Commit 0790924: fix: Add gRPC compatibility constructors
  • Commit 0ca05f5: feat: Regenerate all APIs using protoc 3.13 and Grpc.Tools 2.31
  • Commit 6eed2d8: feat: Added support for per type and partition export for Cloud Asset API

Version 2.4.0, released 2020-09-15

  • Commit c9ca107: Remove AnalyzeIamPolicy and ExportIamPolicyAnalysis RPCs

BREAKING CHANGE: The change here effectively reverts part of commit 8ef5dc2, so removes part of the public API.

We have taken the decision to publish this as a minor version rather than going to version 3.0, as we don't expect customers to be affected by the nature of the breaking change:

  • The affected version (2.3.0) has been delisted, and had only been installed by a small number of customers, as reported on NuGet
  • This version is compatible with 2.2.0 and earlier versions
  • The accidentally-included new APIs were not enabled server-side, so customers could not have started relying on the server implementation yet

We apologise for any confusion this causes.

Version 2.3.0, released 2020-08-25 (then delisted 2020-09-14)

  • Commit 8ef5dc2: feat: add AnalyzeIamPolicy and ExportIamPolicyAnalysis RPCs
  • Commit e7b75e6: feat: added support OutputResult in ExportAssetsResponse.
  • Commit 6bde7a3: Adds service comments in client documentation
  • Commit 5b06141: fix: add missing RPCs to grpc_service_config
  • Commit f83bdf1: Enables RPCs without retries to still have timeouts specified.

Version 2.2.0, released 2020-06-17

  • Commit 46ae081:
    • feat: added support for condition in Feed
    • docs: updated existing docs.

Clients can now specify conditions in Asset Feed. For details, see

Version 2.1.0, released 2020-06-02

Version 2.0.0, released 2020-04-08

No API surface changes since 2.0.0-beta03.

Version 2.0.0-beta03, released 2020-03-30

  • Commit 4a5abd3: Feature: support for AccessContextPolicy, AccessLevel, ServicePerimeter and OrgPolicy

This is the first release that depends on the Google.Cloud.OrgPolicy.V1, Google.Identity.AccessContextManager.Type and Google.Identity.AccessContextManager.V1 packages.

Version 2.0.0-beta02, released 2020-03-18

No API surface changes compared with 2.0.0-beta01, just dependency and implementation changes.

Version 2.0.0-beta01, released 2020-02-17

This is the first prerelease targeting GAX v3. Please see the breaking changes guide for details of changes to both GAX and code generation.

Additional breaking changes not covered in the guide:

  • BatchGetAssetsHistoryRequest and ExportAssetsRequest now express the parent resource as IResourceName rather than ProjectName.

Version 1.1.0, released 2019-12-09

  • Commit 4f2ccbe: Real-time feed support
  • Commit f4e3eaf:
    • BigQuery output support
    • Storage URI prefix support
    • Added ContentType.OrgPolicy and ContentType.AccessPolicy

Version 1.0.0, released 2019-07-10

Initial release.