Class Value (2.30.0)

The Value class represents a type-safe, nullable Spanner value.

It is conceptually similar to a std::any except the only allowed types are those supported by Spanner, and a "null" value (similar to a std::any without a value) still has an associated type. The supported types are shown in the following table along with how they map to the Spanner types (

Spanner Type C++ Type T
BOOL bool
INT64 std::int64_t
FLOAT32 float
FLOAT64 double
STRING std::string
BYTES google::cloud::spanner::Bytes
JSON google::cloud::spanner::Json
JSONB google::cloud::spanner::JsonB
NUMERIC google::cloud::spanner::Numeric
NUMERIC(PG) google::cloud::spanner::PgNumeric
OID(PG) google::cloud::spanner::PgOid
TIMESTAMP google::cloud::spanner::Timestamp
DATE absl::CivilDay
ENUM google::cloud::spanner::ProtoEnum<E>
PROTO google::cloud::spanner::ProtoMessage<M>
ARRAY std::vector<T> // [1]
STRUCT std::tuple<Ts...>

[1] The type T may be any of the other supported types, except for ARRAY/std::vector.

Value is a regular C++ value type with support for copy, move, equality, etc. A default-constructed Value represents an empty value with no type.

See Also Callers may create instances by passing any of the supported values (shown in the table above) to the constructor. "Null" values are created using the MakeNullValue<T>() factory function or by passing an empty absl::optional<T> to the Value constructor..


Using a non-null value.

std::string msg = "hello";
spanner::Value v(msg);
StatusOr<std::string> copy = v.get<std::string>();
if (copy) {
  std::cout << *copy;  // prints "hello"

Using a null value.

spanner::Value v = spanner::MakeNullValue<std::int64_t>();
StatusOr<std::int64_t> i = v.get<std::int64_t>();
assert(!i.ok());  // Can't get the value because v is null
StatusOr < absl::optional<std::int64_t> j =
assert(j.ok());  // OK because an empty option can represent the null
assert(!j->has_value());  // v held no value.

All of the supported types (above) are "nullable". A null is created in one of two ways:

  1. Passing an absl::optional<T>() with no value to Value's constructor.
  2. Using the MakeNullValue<T>() helper function (defined below).

Nulls can be retrieved from a Value::get<T> by specifying the type T as an absl::optional<U>. The returned optional will either be empty (indicating null) or it will contain the actual value. See the documentation for Value::get<T> below for more details.

Spanner Arrays

Spanner arrays are represented in C++ as a std::vector<T>, where the type T may be any of the other allowed Spanner types, such as bool, std::int64_t, etc. The only exception is that arrays may not directly contain another array; to achieve a similar result you could create an array of a 1-element struct holding an array. The following examples show usage of arrays.

std::vector<std::int64_t> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
spanner::Value v(vec);
auto copy = *v.get<std::vector<std::int64_t>>();
assert(vec == copy);
Spanner Structs

Spanner structs are represented in C++ as instances of std::tuple holding zero or more of the allowed Spanner types, such as bool, std::int64_t, std::vector, and even other std::tuple objects. Each tuple element corresponds to a single field in a Spanner STRUCT.

Spanner STRUCT fields may optionally contain a string indicating the field's name. Fields names may be empty, unique, or repeated. A named field may be specified as a tuple element of type std::pair<std::string, T>, where the pair's .first member indicates the field's name, and the .second member is any valid Spanner type T.

using Struct = std::tuple<bool, std::pair<std::string, std::int64_t>>;
Struct s  = {true, {"Foo", 42}};
spanner::Value v(s);
assert(s == *v.get<Struct>());



Constructs a Value that holds nothing.

All calls to get<T>() will return an error.

Value(Value const &)

Name Description
Value const &

Value(Value &&)

Name Description
Value &&


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v bool


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v std::int64_t


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v float


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v double


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v std::string


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v Bytes


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v Json


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v JsonB


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v Numeric


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v PgNumeric


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v PgOid


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v Timestamp


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v CommitTimestamp


Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v absl::CivilDay

Value(ProtoEnum< E >)

Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v ProtoEnum< E >
typename E

Value(ProtoMessage< M >)

Constructs an instance with the specified type and value.

Name Description
v ProtoMessage< M >
typename M


Constructs an instance from common C++ literal types that closely, though not exactly, match supported Spanner types.

An integer literal in C++ is of type int, which is not exactly an allowed Spanner type. This will be allowed but it will be implicitly up converted to a std::int64_t. Similarly, a C++ string literal will be implicitly converted to a std::string. For example:

spanner::Value v1(42);
assert(42 == *v1.get<std::int64_t>());

spanner::Value v2("hello");
assert("hello" == *v2.get<std::string>());
Name Description
v int

Value(char const *)

Constructs an instance from common C++ literal types that closely, though not exactly, match supported Spanner types.

An integer literal in C++ is of type int, which is not exactly an allowed Spanner type. This will be allowed but it will be implicitly up converted to a std::int64_t. Similarly, a C++ string literal will be implicitly converted to a std::string. For example:

spanner::Value v1(42);
assert(42 == *v1.get<std::int64_t>());

spanner::Value v2("hello");
assert("hello" == *v2.get<std::string>());
Name Description
v char const *

Value(absl::optional< T >)

Constructs a non-null instance if opt has a value, otherwise constructs a null instance with the specified type T.

Name Description
opt absl::optional< T >
typename T

Value(std::vector< T >)

Constructs an instance from a Spanner ARRAY of the specified type and values.

The type T may be any valid type shown above, except vectors of vectors are not allowed.

Name Description
v std::vector< T >
typename T

Value(std::tuple< Ts... >)

Constructs an instance from a Spanner STRUCT with a type and values matching the given std::tuple.

Any STRUCT field may optionally have a name, which is specified as std::pair<std::string, T>.

Name Description
tup std::tuple< Ts... >


operator=(Value const &)

Name Description
Value const &
Type Description
Value &

operator=(Value &&)

Name Description
Value &&
Type Description
Value &


get() const &

Returns the contained value wrapped in a google::cloud::StatusOr<T>.

Returns a non-OK status IFF:

  • The contained value is "null", and T is not an absl::optional.
  • There is an error converting the contained value to T.
spanner::Value v{3.14};
StatusOr<double> d = v.get<double>();
if (d) {
  std::cout << "d=" << *d;

// Now using a "null" std::int64_t
v = spanner::MakeNullValue<std::int64_t>();
StatusOr<std::int64_t> i = v.get<std::int64_t>();
if (!i) {
  std::cerr << "Could not get integer: " << i.status();
StatusOr<absl::optional<std::int64_t>> j =
assert(j.ok());  // Since we know the types match in this example
assert(!v->has_value());  // Since we know v was null in this example
Name Description
typename T
Type Description
StatusOr< T >

get() &&

Returns the contained value wrapped in a google::cloud::StatusOr<T>.

Returns a non-OK status IFF:

  • The contained value is "null", and T is not an absl::optional.
  • There is an error converting the contained value to T.
spanner::Value v{3.14};
StatusOr<double> d = v.get<double>();
if (d) {
  std::cout << "d=" << *d;

// Now using a "null" std::int64_t
v = spanner::MakeNullValue<std::int64_t>();
StatusOr<std::int64_t> i = v.get<std::int64_t>();
if (!i) {
  std::cerr << "Could not get integer: " << i.status();
StatusOr<absl::optional<std::int64_t>> j =
assert(j.ok());  // Since we know the types match in this example
assert(!v->has_value());  // Since we know v was null in this example
Name Description
typename T
Type Description
StatusOr< T >