Class JsonB (2.30.0)

JsonB is a variant of Json (see above).

While both classes share the same, thin client-side API, JsonB stores the data in a decomposed, binary format, whereas Json stores an exact copy of the RFC 7159 text.

This means that JsonB is slower to input, but faster to process as it avoids reparsing. Therefore, applications that utilize the structured state of a JSON value should prefer JsonB.

It also means that the JsonB stored representation does NOT preserve:

  • white space,
  • the order of object keys, or
  • duplicate object keys.

Note: JsonB is only applicable to PostgreSQL databases (i.e., those created using DatabaseDialect::POSTGRESQL).


JsonB(JsonB const &)

Regular value type, supporting copy, assign, move.

Name Description
JsonB const &

JsonB(JsonB &&)

Regular value type, supporting copy, assign, move.

Name Description
JsonB &&


A null value.


Construction from a JSON-formatted string.

Note that there is no check here that the argument string is indeed well-formatted. Error detection will be delayed until the value is passed to Spanner.

Name Description
s std::string


operator=(JsonB const &)

Regular value type, supporting copy, assign, move.

Name Description
JsonB const &
Type Description
JsonB &

operator=(JsonB &&)

Regular value type, supporting copy, assign, move.

Name Description
JsonB &&
Type Description
JsonB &

operator std::string() const &

Conversion to a JSON-formatted string.

operator std::string() &&

Conversion to a JSON-formatted string.