Class Filter (2.28.0)

Define the interfaces to create filter expressions.


// Get only data from the "fam" column family, and only the latest value.
auto filter = Filter::Chain(Filter::Family("fam"), Filter::Latest(1));
table->ReadRow("foo", std::move(filter));

Those filters that use regular expressions, expect the patterns to be in the RE2 syntax.



Name Description
rhs ::google::bigtable::v2::RowFilter

Filter(Filter &&)

Name Description
Filter &&

Filter(Filter const &)

Name Description
Filter const &


operator=(Filter &&)

Name Description
Filter &&
Type Description
Filter &

operator=(Filter const &)

Name Description
Filter const &
Type Description
Filter &


static ValueRangeLeftOpen(std::string, std::string)

Return a filter that accepts values in the range [start, end).

The range must be non-empty. The server will reject empty ranges with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT error. This function makes no attempt to validate the timestamp range before sending it to the server.

Name Description
start std::string
end std::string
Type Description

static ValueRangeRightOpen(std::string, std::string)

Return a filter that accepts values in the range [start, end].

The range must be non-empty. The server will reject empty ranges with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT error. This function makes no attempt to validate the timestamp range before sending it to the server.

Name Description
start std::string
end std::string
Type Description

static ValueRangeClosed(std::string, std::string)

Return a filter that accepts values in the range [start, end].

The range must be non-empty. The server will reject empty ranges with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT error. This function makes no attempt to validate the timestamp range before sending it to the server.

Name Description
start std::string
end std::string
Type Description

static ValueRangeOpen(std::string, std::string)

Return a filter that accepts values in the range (start, end).

The range must be non-empty. The server will reject empty ranges with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT error. This function makes no attempt to validate the timestamp range before sending it to the server.

Name Description
start std::string
end std::string
Type Description

static ColumnRangeRightOpen(std::string, std::string, std::string)

Return a filter that accepts columns in the range [start, end) within the column_family.

The range must be non-empty. The server will reject empty ranges with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT error. This function makes no attempt to validate the timestamp range before sending it to the server.

Name Description
column_family std::string
start std::string
end std::string
Type Description

static ColumnRangeLeftOpen(std::string, std::string, std::string)

Return a filter that accepts columns in the range (start, end] within the column_family.

The range must be non-empty. The server will reject empty ranges with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT error. This function makes no attempt to validate the timestamp range before sending it to the server.

Name Description
column_family std::string
start std::string
end std::string
Type Description

static ColumnRangeClosed(std::string, std::string, std::string)

Return a filter that accepts columns in the range [start, end] within the column_family.

The range must be non-empty. The server will reject empty ranges with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT error. This function makes no attempt to validate the timestamp range before sending it to the server.

Name Description
column_family std::string
start std::string
end std::string
Type Description

static ColumnRangeOpen(std::string, std::string, std::string)

Return a filter that accepts columns in the range (start, end) within the column_family.

The range must be non-empty. The server will reject empty ranges with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT error. This function makes no attempt to validate the timestamp range before sending it to the server.

Name Description
column_family std::string
start std::string
end std::string
Type Description

static Condition(Filter, Filter, Filter)

Returns a per-row conditional filter expression.

For each row the predicate filter is evaluated, if it returns any cells, then the cells returned by true_filter are returned, otherwise the cells from false_filter are returned.

The server validates the tree of filters, and rejects them if any contain invalid values. The server may impose additional restrictions on the resulting collection of filters. This function makes no attempt to validate the input before sending it to the server.

Name Description
predicate Filter
true_filter Filter
false_filter Filter
Type Description

static Chain(FilterTypes &&...)

Return a chain filter.

The filter returned by this function acts like a pipeline. The output row from each stage is passed on as input for the next stage.

Name Description
stages FilterTypes &&...

the filter stages. The filter must contain at least two stages. The server validates each stage, and will reject them as described in their corresponding function. The server may also impose additional restrictions on the composition of the Chain. This function makes no attempt at validating the stages locally, the Chain filter is sent as-is it to the server.

Type Description

static ChainFromRange(Iterator, Iterator)

Return a chain filter.

The filter returned by this function acts like a pipeline. The output row from each stage is passed on as input for the next stage.

Name Description
begin Iterator

the start of the range.

end Iterator

the end of the range.

typename Iterator

an InputIterator whose value_type is Filter.

Type Description

static Interleave(FilterTypes &&...)

Return a filter that interleaves the results of many other filters.

This filter executes each stream in parallel and then merges the results by interleaving the output from each stream. The proto file has a nice illustration in the documentation of google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave.

In brief, if the input cells are c1, c2, c3, ..., and you have three subfilters S1, S2, and S3, the output of Interleave(S1, S2, S3) is: S1(c1), S2(c1), S3(c1), S1(d2), S2(d2), S3(c2), S1(c3), S2(c3), S3(c2), ... where some of the Si(c_j) values may be empty if the filter discards the cell altogether.

Name Description
streams FilterTypes &&...

the filters to interleave. The filter must contain at least two streams. The server validates each stream, and will reject them as described in their corresponding function. The server may also impose additional restrictions on the overall composition of the Interleave filter. This function makes no attempt at validating the streams locally, the Interleave filter is sent as-is to the server.

Type Description

static InterleaveFromRange(Iterator, Iterator)

Return a filter that interleaves the results of a range of filters.

Similar to Interleave(), except this function accepts a pair of Iterators.

Name Description
begin Iterator

the begin iterator of the range.

end Iterator

the end iterator of the range.

typename Iterator
Type Description

static Sink()

Return a filter that outputs all cells ignoring intermediate filters.

Please read the documentation in the proto file for a detailed description. In short, this is an advanced filter to facilitate debugging. You can explore the intermediate results of a complex filter expression by injecting a filter of this type.

Type Description

as_proto() const &

Return the filter expression as a protobuf.

Type Description
::google::bigtable::v2::RowFilter const &

as_proto() &&

Move out the underlying protobuf value.

Type Description
::google::bigtable::v2::RowFilter &&

static PassAllFilter()

Return a filter that passes on all data.

Type Description

static BlockAllFilter()

Return a filter that blocks all data.

Type Description

static Latest(std::int32_t)

Return a filter that accepts only the last n values of each column.

The server rejects filters where n <= 0, any ReadRows() request containing such a filter fails with grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT. This function does not perform any local validation of n.

Name Description
n std::int32_t
Type Description

static FamilyRegex(std::string)

Return a filter that matches column families matching the given regexp.

Name Description
pattern std::string

the regular expression. It must be a valid RE2 pattern. For technical reasons, the regex must not contain the ':' character, even if it is not being used as a literal. The server rejects filters with invalid patterns, including patterns containing the ':' character. The server fails the ReadRows() request with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT status code. This function makes no attempt to validate the pattern before sending it to the server.

Type Description

static ColumnRegex(std::string)

Return a filter that accepts only columns matching the given regexp.

Name Description
pattern std::string

the regular expression. It must be a valid RE2 pattern. The server rejects filters with an invalid pattern with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT status code. This function makes no attempt to validate the pattern before sending it to the server.

Type Description

static ColumnRange(std::string, std::string, std::string)

Return a filter that accepts columns in the range [start, end) within the family column family.

The column range must be non-empty, i.e., start must be strictly smaller than end. The server will reject empty ranges with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT status code. This function makes no attempt to validate the column family or column range before sending them to the server.

Name Description
family std::string
start std::string
end std::string
Type Description

static ColumnName(std::string, std::string)

Return the filter that accepts the named column within the family column family.

This function makes no attempt to validate the column family or column range before sending them to the server.

Name Description
family std::string
column std::string
Type Description

static TimestampRangeMicros(std::int64_t, std::int64_t)

Return a filter that accepts cells with timestamps in the range [start, end).

The timestamp range must be non-empty, i.e. start must be strictly smaller than end. The server will reject empty ranges with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT status code. This function makes no attempt to validate the timestamp range before sending it to the server.

Name Description
start std::int64_t
end std::int64_t
Type Description

static TimestampRange(std::chrono::duration< Rep1, Period1 >, std::chrono::duration< Rep2, Period2 >)

Return a filter that accepts cells with timestamps in the range [start, end).

The function accepts any instantiation of std::chrono::duration<> for the start and end parameters. For example:

using namespace std::chrono_literals; // C++14
auto r1 = bigtable::Filter::TimestampRange(10ms, 500ms);
auto r2 = bigtable::Filter::TimestampRange(10min, 10min + 2s);

The timestamp range must be non-empty, i.e. start must be strictly smaller than end. The server will reject empty ranges with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT error. This function makes no attempt to validate the timestamp range before sending it to the server.

See Also

std::chrono::duration<> for more details.

Name Description
start std::chrono::duration< Rep1, Period1 >
end std::chrono::duration< Rep2, Period2 >
typename Rep1

a placeholder to match the Rep tparam for start type, the semantics of this template parameter are documented in std::chrono::duration<> (in brief, the underlying arithmetic type used to store the number of ticks), for our purposes it is simply a formal parameter.

typename Period1

a placeholder to match the Period tparam for start type, the semantics of this template parameter are documented in std::chrono::duration<> (in brief, the length of the tick in seconds, expressed as a std::ratio<>), for our purposes it is simply a formal parameter.

typename Rep2

similar formal parameter for the type of end.

typename Period2

similar formal parameter for the type of end.

Type Description

static RowKeysRegex(std::string)

Return a filter that matches keys matching the given regexp.

Name Description
pattern std::string

the regular expression. It must be a valid RE2 pattern. More details at

Type Description

static ValueRegex(std::string)

Return a filter that matches cells with values matching the given regexp.

Name Description
pattern std::string

the regular expression. It must be a valid RE2 pattern. The server rejects filters with an invalid pattern with a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT status code. This function makes no attempt to validate the timestamp range before sending it to the server.

Type Description

static ValueRange(std::string, std::string)

Return filter matching values in the range [start, end).

See Also

ValueRangeRightOpen() for more details.

Name Description
start std::string
end std::string
Type Description

static CellsRowLimit(std::int32_t)

Return a filter that only accepts the first n cells in a row.

Note that cells might be repeated, such as when interleaving the results of multiple filters via the Interleave() function. Furthermore, this filter apples to the cells within a row; if there are multiple column families and/or columns in a row, the order is:

  • All the cells for a column family appear together, but there is no guarantee on the order of the column families. Furthermore, column families may appear in different orders in different rows.
  • Within a column family, the cells are ordered by column name, where column names are sorted lexicographically.
  • Within a column, the cells appear in descending order by timestamp.

The server rejects filters where n <= 0, any ReadRows() request containing such a filter fails with grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT. This function does not perform any local validation of n.

Name Description
n std::int32_t
Type Description

static CellsRowOffset(std::int32_t)

Return a filter that skips the first n cells in a row.

Note that cells might be repeated, such as when interleaving the results of multiple filters via the Interleave() function. Furthermore, this filter apples to the cells within a row; if there are multiple column families and/or columns in a row, the order is:

  • All the cells for a column family appear together, but there is no guarantee on the order of the column families. Furthermore, column families may appear in different orders in different rows.
  • Within a column family, the cells are ordered by column name, where column names are sorted lexicographically.
  • Within a column, the cells appear in descending order by timestamp.

The server rejects filters where n <= 0, any ReadRows() request containing such a filter fails with grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT. This function does not perform any local validation of n.

Name Description
n std::int32_t
Type Description

static RowSample(double)

Return a filter that samples rows with a given probability.

The server rejects filters where probability is outside the range (0.0, 1.0). Any ReadRows() request containing such a filter fails with grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT. This function does not perform any local validation of probability.

Name Description
probability double

the probability that any row will be selected. It must be in the range (0.0, 1.0).

Type Description

static StripValueTransformer()

Return a filter that transforms any values into the empty string.

As the name indicates, this acts as a transformer on the data, replacing any values with the empty string.

Type Description

static ApplyLabelTransformer(std::string)

Returns a filter that applies a label to each value.

Each value accepted by previous filters is modified to include the label.

Name Description
label std::string

the label applied to each cell. The labels must be at most 15 characters long, and must match the [a-z0-9\\-]+ pattern. The server validates the filter and will return a grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT if the label does not meet these requirements. This function makes no attempt to validate the label parameter before sending it to the server.

Type Description