What is Blockchain Analytics?

Blockchain Analytics offers indexed blockchain data made available through BigQuery for easy analysis through SQL.

Blockchain Analytics offers you access to reliable data without the overhead of operating nodes or developing and maintaining an indexer. You can now query the full history of blocks, transactions, logs and call traces for Ethereum Virtual Machine compatible blockchains.

Today, developers interested in blockchain data are required to first get access to the right nodes, then develop and maintain an indexer that transforms the data into a queryable data model. This process is repeated for every protocol of interest. Google has leveraged its deep expertise in scalable data processing to provide off-chain access to on-chain data. By leveraging this data made available in BigQuery, you can avoid these steps and focus on building value for your users.

By providing datasets in BigQuery, you can access blockchain data as easily as your internal data. Join on-chain data with application data to get a comprehensive picture of your users and your business.

How are these datasets different from the existing public dataset?

Like the existing public blockchain datasets, customers are not charged for storage of the data, only for querying the data based on BigQuery pricing.

With the Blockchain Analytics datasets, we have redesigned the indexer and implemented it on Google infrastructure to provide reliable data for your mission critical applications.