Fantom example queries

This page provides Blockchain Analytics query examples for Fantom.

See the BigQuery documentation for instructions on using BigQuery.

View the earliest and most recently indexed block

In the Google Cloud console, go to the BigQuery page.

Go to BigQuery

The following query is loaded into the Editor field:

  MIN(block_number) AS `First block`,
  MAX(block_number) AS `Newest block`,
  COUNT(1) AS `Total number of blocks`

Example result:

First block Newest block Total number of blocks
0 68125012 68125013

Top 10 wallets by number of transactions

In the Google Cloud console, go to the BigQuery page.

Go to BigQuery

The following query is loaded into the Editor field:

  COUNT(*) AS num_transactions 
FROM `bigquery-public-data.goog_blockchain_fantom_opera_us.transactions`
GROUP BY from_address
ORDER BY num_transactions DESC

Example result

From Address Num Transactions
0xe93685f3bba03016f02bd1828badd6195988d950 2278761
0xb8ff877ed78ba520ece21b1de7843a8a57ca47cb 1607685
0x88888846b627c2405c4b8963e45d731b7cdda406 1585298
0x26cf0b614df78bc4ec744f3703a9337a651acf74 1375400
0xebf4fbb9c81b84dd5cf89bc75588e5d0018501b3 1306694
0x9d945d909ca91937d19563e30bb4dac12c860189 847169
0x70ecc7fecaea8d67e820035ed48c53706e7f2079 830320
0x657439ed989b0ec28a09b592fda8c61ebd434b6a 806376
0x9d7593003c0d48014a38be07ca8c312e6d32f17d 804562
0xd968665350a0bb7d487aadba94d920d8890ee06f 804225