Apigee Integration release notes

This page documents production updates to Apigee Integration software in 2022 and later. We recommend that users periodically check this list for any new announcements, or subscribe to this page using a feed reader to get notifications of updates.

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August 02, 2024

Redirecting from Apigee Integration to Application Integration

We are converging Apigee Integration and Application Integration. This change involves the following updates:

For more information, see Use Application Integration.

October 19, 2023

The maximum memory available for script evaluation in the Data Transformer Script task is 300 MB. For the list of all the applicable limits, see Quotas and Limits.

October 10, 2023

The following new data transformer functions are available:

  • Manifest XML - Converts the specified input JSON object into an XML string.

  • Parse XML - Parses the specified input XML string into a JSON object.

IAM Conditions for fine-grained access

IAM Conditions lets you define and enforce conditional, attribute-based access control for Google Cloud resources, including Application Integration resources. For more information, see Add IAM conditions.

You can now view the detailed summary of an integration from the Integration designer. For more information, see View integration details.

September 22, 2023

Vertex AI - Predict task

Starting with this release, Apigee Integration provides the Vertex AI - Predict task that lets you perform online predictions on your ML models.

September 20, 2023

Application Integration is now available for your Google Cloud project. You can now use both Apigee Integration and Application Integration within the same Google Cloud project. For more information, see Using Application Integration.

June 13, 2023

May 23, 2023

May 22, 2023

Error catcher trigger

The Error Catcher trigger lets you invoke an error catcher that is defined or customized to handle the failure of an identified trigger, task, or edge condition in your integration.

For more information, see Error catcher trigger.

Return task

The Return task lets you customize the error messages corresponding to the HTTP response codes that are returned during an integration execution failure.

For more information, see Return task.

May 09, 2023

Cloud logs support for Connectors tasks

You can now view the execution logs of a failed Connectors task in Apigee Integration.

For more information, see Execution Logs.

The issue relating to the validation of incorrect variable assignments in an integration has been resolved.

May 01, 2023

On May 1, 2023 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration.

Apigee Integrations is now available in the following locations:

  • Melbourne (australia-southeast2)
  • Finland (europe-north1)
  • Paris (europe-west9)
  • Madrid (europe-southwest1)
  • Doha (me-central1)
  • Tel Aviv (me-west1)

For more information about the supported locations, see Apigee Integration supported regions.

April 20, 2023

Apigee Integration fails to validate incorrect variable assignments in an integration. For example, you can currently assign a JSON value to an unassigned variable of String data type. This behaviour might cause data mapping and integration failures.

Until this issue is resolved, we recommend that you do the following:

  • Assign values to an integration variable as per the variable data type.
  • Verify and update existing integration variable values as per its respective variable data type.

April 03, 2023

On April 3, 2023 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration.

Secret Manager - Access task (Preview)

The Secret Manager - Access task lets you access secret versions that are stored in Cloud Secret Manager from your integration.

For more information, see Secret Manager - Access task.

February 09, 2023

On February 9, 2023 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration.

Data Mapping Editor improvements

Transform expression changes:

  • You can now add, modify, or remove a function or a function parameter in-between an existing transform expression without losing the subsequent transform functions in the expression.
  • When applying a pre-defined transform function to a variable in the Data Mapping Editor, the function selection menu now displays the list of functions as per the return type of the preceding function or the data type of the preceding parameter.

Data Mapping Editor UI changes:

  • Input rows are updated to display indent guides to improve readability and structure recognition.
  • Mapping validation errors are now highlighted for each function in an Input row.

For more information, see Data Mapping editor.

February 06, 2023

On February 6, 2023 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration.

JavaScript task (Preview)

The JavaScript task lets you write custom JavaScript code snippets for your integration.

Using the JavaScript Editor, you can code complex data mapping logic for your integration, perform variable assignments, and add or modify integration variables.

For more information, see JavaScript task.

Delete integration

You can now delete an entire integration without the need to individually delete all the respective integration versions.

When you delete an integration, you permanently delete all the versions of that integration, including all the integration variables, configured triggers, tasks, and data mappings.

For more information, see Delete integrations.

January 10, 2023

On January 10, 2023 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integrations software.

Cloud Scheduler trigger (Preview)

The Cloud Scheduler trigger lets you schedule your integration executions for defined time periods or regular intervals across multiple regions. Cloud Scheduler triggers leverage the Cloud Scheduler services to provide a fully managed enterprise-grade cron job scheduler within Apigee Integration.

For more information, see Cloud Scheduler trigger.

December 26, 2022

On December 26, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integrations software.

Test without publishing an integration

You can now test your integration without the need to publish or create a new integration version. Testing an integration lets you experiment with the integration input variable values, and helps in identifying any faults in the integration connection flow before you finalize and publish the integration.

For more information, see Test and publish integrations.

November 29, 2022

On November 29, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integrations software.

Integration variable color code

The color codes of all the integration variable data types is removed and now changed to a single uniform color. Integration variables will no longer be color coded (green, blue, orange) based on their data type.

See Format of an integration variable.

Data Mapping editor

  • The background color of the Input and Output row is changed to a single uniform color.
  • Input rows are updated to add line breaks and indentations according to the use of mapping functions to improve readability and structure recognition.
  • A confirmation dialog is displayed before proceeding to delete an entire Input row.

See Data Mapping editor.

November 23, 2022

On November 23, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integrations software.

Bug ID Description
250638658 Updated the behaviour of the SetIntegrationRequest policy to identify payload parameter strings enclosed within $# and #$ as flow variables.

SetIntegrationRequest policy payload parameter strings enclosed within { and } are no longer identified as flow variables.

November 04, 2022

On November 4, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration software.

US multi-region (us) for Apigee Integration is deprecated. Use us-east1, us-west1, or us-central1 locations instead

As of November 10, 2022, you can no longer create an integration in the US multi-region (us) location. Any existing integration running in US multi-region (us) will be stopped on or after January 10, 2023.

It's recommended that you perform the following actions before January 10, 2023:

  • Clone your existing integrations to us-east1, us-west1, us-central1, or any of the supported regions. For information about how to clone an integration, see Clone integrations.

  • Migrate your existing integration proxies to us-east1, us-west1, us-central1, or any of the supported regions. You can do this by manually updating the IntegrationRegion child element in the SetIntegrationRequest policy.

October 04, 2022

On October 4, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration software.

Apigee Integration trials

Starting with this release, Apigee Integration trials (eval org) is available in Application Integration. Users in a newly provisioned Apigee eval org will be redirected to Application Integration when they open Integrations in Apigee. You can continue using the Apigee proxies (created in the eval org) with the integrations created in Application Integration.

September 01, 2022

On September 01, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration software.

Region support for integration endpoint

August 10, 2022

On August 10, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration software.

Support for VPC Service Controls (Preview)

VPC Service Controls lets you define a security perimeter around the Apigee Integration Google Cloud service. For more information, see Set up VPC Service Controls for Apigee Integration.

July 09, 2022

On July 09, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration software.

Data Mapping task enhancements

The Data Mapping task in Apigee Integrations now provides the following enhancements:

  • Nested function support. You can pass one or more transformation functions as input parameters to another function.
  • New transformation functions. You can use the following new transform functions for array-type variables:

    • FILTER - Filters the array elements that satisfy a given condition.
    • FOR_EACH - Applies one or more transformation functions for each element in an array.
  • Subfield mapping support for JSON variables. You can view and search all the subfields of a JSON variable in the data mapping editor variable list.

For more information, see the Data Mapping task.

June 23, 2022

On June 23, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integrations software.

Apigee Integration trials

Starting with this release, Apigee Integrations is available in an Apigee Eval org which lets you try out the integrations feature without getting billed for the usage. For information, see Enable integrations in an eval org.

Updates to SetIntegrationRequest policy

The SetIntegrationRequest policy has the following updates:

  • Support for ref attribute in the <Parameter>, <ParameterArray>, and <Value> elements. By using this attribute, you can assign flow variable values to the parameters.

  • Empty  <Parameter> and <ParameterArray> elements are supported. However, if these elements are empty, Apigee treats the element value as null.

  • Empty <Value> element is not supported. If the element is empty, Apigee reports an error.

February 21, 2022

On February 21, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration software.

Bug ID Description
N/A Cloud Pub/Sub trigger having same topic in multiple region fails. You can now create a Cloud Pub/Sub trigger for the same topic in multiple regions. Because of this fix, your already existing Cloud Pub/Sub trigger may now execute multiple times. Contact Apigee support if you notice this problem. However, if you haven't used the Cloud Pub/Sub trigger in your integrations, you can ignore this fix.

January 19, 2022

On January 19, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee Integration software.

Filter clause in the Connectors task

You can add a filter to restrict the amount of data processed by an entity operation. For more information, see Add a filter for an operation.

Upload and download integrations

The Upload/download menu button in the integration designer lets you upload and download integrations in a JSON file format. For more information, see Upload and download integrations.