GPU machine types

To use GPUs on Google Cloud, you can either deploy an accelerator-optimized VM that has attached GPUs, or attach GPUs to an N1 general-purpose VM. The following GPU machine types are supported for running your artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and high performance computing (HPC) workloads on the AI Hypercomputer platform.

The A4 series

The A4 machine series is available in the following configurations. For more information about this machine series, see A4 accelerator-optimized machine series.


These machine types have NVIDIA B200 GPUs (nvidia-b200) attached and are ideal for foundation model training and serving.

Machine type GPU count GPU memory*
(GB HBM3e)
vCPU count VM memory (GB) Attached Local SSD (GiB) Physical NIC count Maximum network bandwidth (Gbps)
a4-highgpu-8g 8 1,440 224 3,968 12,000 10 3,600

*GPU memory is the memory on a GPU device that can be used for temporary storage of data. It is separate from the VM's memory and is specifically designed to handle the higher bandwidth demands of your graphics-intensive workloads.
A vCPU is implemented as a single hardware hyper-thread on one of the available CPU platforms.
Maximum egress bandwidth cannot exceed the number given. Actual egress bandwidth depends on the destination IP address and other factors. See Network bandwidth.

A3 series

The A3 machine series is available in the following configurations. For more information about this machine series, see A3 accelerator-optimized machine series.

A3 Ultra

These machine types have NVIDIA H200 GPUs (nvidia-h200-141gb) attached and are ideal for foundation model training and serving.

Machine type GPU count GPU memory*
(GB HBM3e)
vCPU count VM memory (GB) Attached Local SSD (GiB) Physical NIC count Maximum network bandwidth (Gbps)
a3-ultragpu-8g 8 1128 224 2,952 12,000 10 3,600

*GPU memory is the memory on a GPU device that can be used for temporary storage of data. It is separate from the VM's memory and is specifically designed to handle the higher bandwidth demands of your graphics-intensive workloads.
A vCPU is implemented as a single hardware hyper-thread on one of the available CPU platforms.
Maximum egress bandwidth cannot exceed the number given. Actual egress bandwidth depends on the destination IP address and other factors. See Network bandwidth.

A3 Mega

These machine types have NVIDIA H100 80GB GPUs (nvidia-h100-mega-80gb) and are ideal for large model training and multi-host inference.

Machine type GPU count GPU memory*
vCPU count VM memory (GB) Attached Local SSD (GiB) Physical NIC count Maximum network bandwidth (Gbps)
a3-megagpu-8g 8 640 208 1,872 6,000 9 1,800

*GPU memory is the memory on a GPU device that can be used for temporary storage of data. It is separate from the VM's memory and is specifically designed to handle the higher bandwidth demands of your graphics-intensive workloads.
A vCPU is implemented as a single hardware hyper-thread on one of the available CPU platforms.
Maximum egress bandwidth cannot exceed the number given. Actual egress bandwidth depends on the destination IP address and other factors. See Network bandwidth.

A3 High

These machine types have NVIDIA H100 80GB GPUs (nvidia-h100-80gb) and are well-suited for both large model inference and model fine tuning.

Machine type GPU count GPU memory*
vCPU count VM memory (GB) Attached Local SSD (GiB) Physical NIC count Maximum network bandwidth (Gbps)
a3-highgpu-1g 1 80 26 234 750 1 25
a3-highgpu-2g 2 160 52 468 1,500 1 50
a3-highgpu-4g 4 320 104 936 3,000 1 100
a3-highgpu-8g 8 640 208 1,872 6,000 5 1,000

*GPU memory is the memory on a GPU device that can be used for temporary storage of data. It is separate from the VM's memory and is specifically designed to handle the higher bandwidth demands of your graphics-intensive workloads.
A vCPU is implemented as a single hardware hyper-thread on one of the available CPU platforms.
Maximum egress bandwidth cannot exceed the number given. Actual egress bandwidth depends on the destination IP address and other factors. See Network bandwidth.

A3 Edge

These machine types have NVIDIA H100 80GB GPUs (nvidia-h100-80gb), are designed specifically for serving and are available in a limited set of regions.

Machine type GPU count GPU memory*
vCPU count VM memory (GB) Attached Local SSD (GiB) Physical NIC count Maximum network bandwidth (Gbps)
a3-edgegpu-8g 8 640 208 1,872 6,000 5
  • 800: for asia-south1 and northamerica-northeast2
  • 400: for all other A3 Edge regions

*GPU memory is the memory on a GPU device that can be used for temporary storage of data. It is separate from the VM's memory and is specifically designed to handle the higher bandwidth demands of your graphics-intensive workloads.
A vCPU is implemented as a single hardware hyper-thread on one of the available CPU platforms.
Maximum egress bandwidth cannot exceed the number given. Actual egress bandwidth depends on the destination IP address and other factors. See Network bandwidth.

A2 series

The A2 machine series is available in the following configurations. For more information about this machine series, see A2 machine series.

A2 Ultra

These machine types have NVIDIA A100 80GB GPUs (nvidia-a100-80gb) attached and are ideal for model fine tuning, large model and cost optimized inference.

Machine type GPU count GPU memory*
vCPU count VM memory (GB) Attached Local SSD (GiB) Maximum network bandwidth (Gbps)
a2-ultragpu-1g 1 80 12 170 375 24
a2-ultragpu-2g 2 160 24 340 750 32
a2-ultragpu-4g 4 320 48 680 1,500 50
a2-ultragpu-8g 8 640 96 1,360 3,000 100

*GPU memory is the memory on a GPU device that can be used for temporary storage of data. It is separate from the VM's memory and is specifically designed to handle the higher bandwidth demands of your graphics-intensive workloads.
A vCPU is implemented as a single hardware hyper-thread on one of the available CPU platforms.
Maximum egress bandwidth cannot exceed the number given. Actual egress bandwidth depends on the destination IP address and other factors. See Network bandwidth.

A2 High

These machine types have NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs (nvidia-a100-40gb) attached and are ideal for model fine tuning, large model and cost optimized inference.

Machine type GPU count GPU memory*
vCPU count VM memory (GB) Attached Local SSD (GiB) Maximum network bandwidth (Gbps)
a2-highgpu-1g 1 40 12 85 Yes 24
a2-highgpu-2g 2 80 24 170 Yes 32
a2-highgpu-4g 4 160 48 340 Yes 50
a2-highgpu-8g 8 320 96 680 Yes 100
a2-megagpu-16g 16 640 96 1,360 Yes 100

*GPU memory is the memory on a GPU device that can be used for temporary storage of data. It is separate from the VM's memory and is specifically designed to handle the higher bandwidth demands of your graphics-intensive workloads.
A vCPU is implemented as a single hardware hyper-thread on one of the available CPU platforms.
Maximum egress bandwidth cannot exceed the number given. Actual egress bandwidth depends on the destination IP address and other factors. See Network bandwidth.

G2 series

These machine types have NVIDIA L4 GPUs (nvidia-l4 or nvidia-l4-vws) attached and are ideal for cost-optimized inference, graphics-intensive and high performance computing workloads.

Machine type GPU count GPU memory* (GB GDDR6) vCPU count Default VM memory (GB) Custom VM memory range (GB) Max Local SSD supported (GiB) Maximum network bandwidth (Gbps)
g2-standard-4 1 24 4 16 16 to 32 375 10
g2-standard-8 1 24 8 32 32 to 54 375 16
g2-standard-12 1 24 12 48 48 to 54 375 16
g2-standard-16 1 24 16 64 54 to 64 375 32
g2-standard-24 2 48 24 96 96 to 108 750 32
g2-standard-32 1 24 32 128 96 to 128 375 32
g2-standard-48 4 96 48 192 192 to 216 1,500 50
g2-standard-96 8 192 96 384 384 to 432 3,000 100

*GPU memory is the memory on a GPU device that can be used for temporary storage of data. It is separate from the VM's memory and is specifically designed to handle the higher bandwidth demands of your graphics-intensive workloads.
A vCPU is implemented as a single hardware hyper-thread on one of the available CPU platforms.
Maximum egress bandwidth cannot exceed the number given. Actual egress bandwidth depends on the destination IP address and other factors. See Network bandwidth.

N1 + GPUs series

You can also attach NVIDIA T4, P4, V100 and P100 models to an N1 machine type with the exception of the N1 shared-core machine type. These machine types can be used for small scale inference, graphics-intensive and high performance computing workloads.

For more information about these N1+GPUs machines, see N1 + GPU machine series.

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