Prerequisites for MIGs

This document describes the prerequisites required for creating managed instance groups (MIGs) that are deployed on Hypercompute Cluster. For more information about Hypercompute Cluster, see Hypercompute Cluster.

Create a MIG if you want to manage multiple virtual machines (VMs) as a single entity. MIGs offer high availability and scalability by automatically managing the VMs in the group. To learn more about MIGs, see Managed instance groups in the Compute Engine documentation.

To learn about other ways to create VMs or clusters, see the Overview page.

Before you begin

  • Select the tab for how you plan to use the samples on this page:


    In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.


    To use the REST API samples on this page in a local development environment, you use the credentials you provide to the gcloud CLI.

      After installing the Google Cloud CLI, initialize it by running the following command:

      gcloud init

      If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.

    For more information, see Authenticate for using REST in the Google Cloud authentication documentation.


After you have requested capacity, prepare for creating your MIG by completing the following tasks:

  1. Optional: Create a compact placement policy. Use this policy to place your VMs in a single or adjacent blocks.

    However, if you want your VMs to be on a specific block, skip this step and provide the name of the required block during the instance template creation.

  2. Required: Create an instance template. This instance template is used to define the VM properties that the MIG will use to create each VM in the group.

Compact placement policy

Create a compact placement policy

When you apply compact placement policies to your VMs, Compute Engine makes best-effort attempts to create VMs as close to each other as possible. If you require a minimum compactness to minimize network latency, then specify the maxDistance field when creating a placement policy. A lower maxDistance value ensures closer VM placement, but it also increases the chance that some VMs won't be created.

The following table shows the machine series and number of VMs that each maxDistance value supports:

Maximum distance value Description Supported machine series Maximum number of VMs
Unspecified (Not recommended) Compute Engine makes best-effort attempts to place the VMs as close to each other as possible, but with no maximum distance between VMs. A4 and A3 Ultra 1,500
3 Compute Engine creates VMs in adjacent blocks. A4 1,500
2 Compute Engine creates VMs in the same block. A4 and A3 Ultra For A4 VMs: 150, for A3 Ultra VMs: 256
To create a compact placement policy, select one of the following options:


To create a compact placement policy, use the gcloud beta compute resource-policies create group-placement command:

gcloud beta compute resource-policies create group-placement POLICY_NAME \
    --collocation=collocated \
    --max-distance=MAX_DISTANCE \

Replace the following:

  • POLICY_NAME: the name of the compact placement policy.
  • MAX_DISTANCE: the maximum distance configuration for your VMs. The value must be 3 to place VMs in the adjacent blocks, or 2 to place VMs in the same block.
  • REGION: the region where you want to create the placement policy. Specify a region in which the machine type that you want to use is available. For information about regions, see GPU regions and zones.


To create a compact placement policy, make a POST request to the beta resourcePolicies.insert method. In the request body, include the collocation field set to COLLOCATED, and the maxDistance field.

    "name": "POLICY_NAME",
    "groupPlacementPolicy": {
      "collocation": "COLLOCATED",
      "maxDistance": MAX_DISTANCE

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: your project ID
  • POLICY_NAME: the name of the compact placement policy.
  • MAX_DISTANCE: the maximum distance configuration for your VMs. The value must be 3 to place VMs in the adjacent blocks, or 2 to place VMs in the same block.
  • REGION: the region where you want to create the placement policy. Specify a region in which the machine type that you want to use is available. For information about regions, see GPU regions and zones.

Instance template

Each VM in a MIG is based on an instance template. To create an instance template, complete the following steps:

  1. Create VPC networks. Use these networks to provide connectivity between the VMs.
  2. Create an instance template. Use this instance template to specify the machine type, network, and other VM properties that you want to use to create VMs in the MIG.

Create VPC networks

Based on the machine type that you want to use and the number of network interfaces in the machine type, you need to create Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks as follows:

Machine type Physical NIC count* Network interfaces Number of VPC networks to create
a4-highgpu-8g 10
  • 2 gVNIC network interfaces used for host to host communication
  • 1 RDMA network interface (attached to a network with 8 subnets) for GPU to GPU communication
a3-ultragpu-8g 10
  • 2 gVNIC network interfaces used for host to host communication.
  • 1 RDMA network interface (attached to a network with 8 subnets) for GPU to GPU communication.
*For more information about NIC arrangement, see Review network bandwidth and NIC arrangement.
For more information about the network interfaces, see Using Google Virtual NIC and RDMA network profiles.

Set up the networks either manually by following the instruction guides or automatically by using the provided script.

Instruction guides

To create the networks, you can use the following instructions:


To create the networks, you can use the following script.


  # Create standard VPCs (network and subnets) for the gVNICs
  for N in $(seq 0 1); do
    gcloud beta compute networks create GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-net-$N \

    gcloud beta compute networks subnets create GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-sub-$N \
      --network=GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-net-$N \
      --region=REGION \

    gcloud beta compute firewall-rules create GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-internal-$N \
      --network=GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-net-$N \
      --action=ALLOW \
      --rules=tcp:0-65535,udp:0-65535,icmp \

  # Create SSH firewall rules
  gcloud beta compute firewall-rules create GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-ssh \
    --network=GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-net-0 \
    --action=ALLOW \
    --rules=tcp:22 \

  # Assumes that an external IP is only created for vNIC 0
  gcloud beta compute firewall-rules create GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-allow-ping-net-0 \
    --network=GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-net-0 \
    --action=ALLOW \
    --rules=icmp \

  # List and make sure network profiles exist
  gcloud beta compute network-profiles list

  # Create network for CX-7
  gcloud beta compute networks create RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma \
    --network-profile=ZONE-vpc-roce \
    --subnet-mode custom

  # Create subnets.
  for N in $(seq 0 7); do
    gcloud beta compute networks subnets create RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-$N \
      --network=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma \
      --region=REGION \
      --range=10.$((N+2)).0.0/16  # offset to avoid overlap with gVNICs

Replace the following:

  • GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX: the name prefix to use for the standard VPC networks and subnets that use gVNIC NICs.
  • RDMA_NAME_PREFIX: the name prefix to use for the VPC networks and subnets that use RDMA NICs.
  • ZONE: specify a zone in which the machine type that you want to use is available. For information about regions, see GPU regions and zones.
  • REGION: the region where you want to create the networks. This must correspond to the zone specified. For example, if your zone is europe-west1-b, then your region is europe-west1.
  • IP_RANGE: the IP range to use for the SSH firewall rules.

Create an instance template

Before creating an instance template, ensure that you created the VPC networks as mentioned in the previous section.

When you create an instance template that runs on reservation blocks, consider the following:

  • The provisioning model must be reservation-bound. For more information about this provisioning model, see reservation-bound.
  • The reservation affinity must be specific.


To create a regional instance template, use the gcloud beta compute instance-templates create command.

If you chose to use a compact placement policy, also add the --resource-policies=POLICY_NAME flag. Replace POLICY_NAME with the name of the compact placement policy.

gcloud beta compute instance-templates create INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME  \
    --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \
    --image-family=IMAGE_FAMILY \
    --image-project=IMAGE_PROJECT \
    --reservation-affinity=specific \
    --reservation=RESERVATION \
    --provisioning-model=RESERVATION_BOUND \
    --instance-termination-action=DELETE \
    --instance-template-region=REGION \
    --boot-disk-type=hyperdisk-balanced \
    --boot-disk-size=DISK_SIZE \
    --scopes=cloud-platform \
    --network-interface=nic-type=GVNIC,network=GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-net-0,subnet=GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-sub-0 \
    --network-interface=nic-type=GVNIC,network=GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-net-1,subnet=GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-sub-1,no-address \
    --network-interface=nic-type=MRDMA,network=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma,subnet=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-0,no-address \
    --network-interface=nic-type=MRDMA,network=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma,subnet=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-1,no-address \
    --network-interface=nic-type=MRDMA,network=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma,subnet=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-2,no-address \
    --network-interface=nic-type=MRDMA,network=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma,subnet=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-3,no-address \
    --network-interface=nic-type=MRDMA,network=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma,subnet=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-4,no-address \
    --network-interface=nic-type=MRDMA,network=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma,subnet=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-5,no-address \
    --network-interface=nic-type=MRDMA,network=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma,subnet=RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-6,no-address \

Replace the following:

  • INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME: the name of the instance template.
  • MACHINE_TYPE: the machine type to use for the VMs in the MIG. You can specify either an A4 or A3 Ultra machine type. For more information, see GPU machine types.
  • IMAGE_FAMILY: the image family of the OS image that you want to use. For a list of supported operating systems, see Supported operating systems.
  • IMAGE_PROJECT: the project ID of the OS image.
  • RESERVATION: for this value, you can either specify the reservation name or a specific block within a reservation. To get the reservation name or the available blocks, see View capacity. Choose one of the following:
    Reservation value When to use

    For example: exr-5010-01

    • If you are using a placement policy. The placement policy will be applied to the reservation and the VMs are placed on a single block.
    • If you aren't using a placement policy and are ok with VMs placed anywhere in your reservation.

    For example: exr-5010-01/reservationBlocks/exr-5010-01-block-1

    • If you aren't using a placement policy and want your VMs to be placed in a specific block.
  • REGION: the region where you want to create the instance template. Specify a region in which the machine type that you want to use is available. For information about regions, see GPU regions and zones.
  • DISK_SIZE: the size of the boot disk in GB.


To create a regional instance template, make a POST request to the regionInstanceTemplates.insert method as follows:

If you chose to use a compact placement policy, also add the placement policy parameter to the request body.

       "networkInterfaces": [
        "accessConfigs": [
            "name": "external-nat",
            "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
        "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-net-0",
        "nicType": "GVNIC",
        "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID/region/REGION/subnetworks/GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-sub-0"
        "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-net-1",
        "nicType": "GVNIC",
        "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID/region/REGION/subnetworks/GVNIC_NAME_PREFIX-sub-1"
        "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma",
        "nicType": "MRDMA",
        "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID/region/REGION/subnetworks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-0"
        "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma",
        "nicType": "MRDMA",
        "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID/region/REGION/subnetworks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-1"
        "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma",
        "nicType": "MRDMA",
        "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID/region/REGION/subnetworks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-2"
        "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma",
        "nicType": "MRDMA",
        "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID/region/REGION/subnetworks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-3"
        "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma",
        "nicType": "MRDMA",
        "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID/region/REGION/subnetworks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-4"
        "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma",
        "nicType": "MRDMA",
        "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID/region/REGION/subnetworks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-5"
        "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma",
        "nicType": "MRDMA",
        "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID/region/REGION/subnetworks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-6"
        "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma",
        "nicType": "MRDMA",
        "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID/region/REGION/subnetworks/RDMA_NAME_PREFIX-mrdma-sub-7"
             "instanceTerminationAction": "DELETE"

Replace the following:

  • INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME: the name of the instance template.
  • MACHINE_TYPE: the machine type to use for the VMs in the MIG. You can specify either an A4 or A3 Ultra machine type. For more information, see GPU machine types.
  • IMAGE_FAMILY: the image family of the OS image that you want to use. For a list of supported operating systems, see Supported operating systems.
  • IMAGE_PROJECT: the project ID of the OS image.
  • RESERVATION: for this value, you can either specify the the reservation name or a specific block within a reservation. To get the reservation name or the available blocks, see View capacity. Choose one of the following:
    Reservation value When to use

    For example: exr-5010-01

    • If you are using a placement policy. The placement policy will be applied to the reservation and the VMs are placed on a single block.
    • If you aren't using a placement policy and are ok with VMs placed anywhere in your reservation.

    For example: exr-5010-01/reservationBlocks/exr-5010-01-block-1

    • If you aren't using a placement policy and want your VMs to be placed in a specific block.
  • REGION: the region where you want to create the instance template. Specify a region in which the machine type that you want to use is available. For information about regions, see GPU regions and zones.
  • DISK_SIZE: the size of the boot disk in GB.
Compact placement policy

If you chose to use a compact placement policy, also add the following flag to the request body:

  "resourcePolicies": [

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project ID of the compact placement policy.
  • REGION: the region of the compact placement policy.
  • POLICY_NAME: the name of the compact placement policy.

What's next?