Class AG2Agent (1.86.0)

    model: str,
    runnable_name: str,
    api_type: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    llm_config: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = None,
    system_instruction: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    runnable_kwargs: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = None,
    runnable_builder: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[...], ConversableAgent]] = None,
    tools: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Callable[[...], typing.Any]]] = None,
    enable_tracing: bool = False



    model: str,
    runnable_name: str,
    api_type: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    llm_config: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = None,
    system_instruction: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    runnable_kwargs: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]] = None,
    runnable_builder: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[...], ConversableAgent]] = None,
    tools: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Callable[[...], typing.Any]]] = None,
    enable_tracing: bool = False

Initializes the AG2 Agent.

Under-the-hood, assuming .set_up() is called, this will correspond to

# runnable_builder
runnable = runnable_builder(

When everything is based on their default values, this corresponds to

# llm_config
llm_config = {
    "config_list": [{
        "project_id":       initializer.global_config.project,
        "location":         initializer.global_config.location,
        "model":            "gemini-1.0-pro-001",
        "api_type":         "google",

# runnable_builder
runnable = ConversableAgent(
    name="Default AG2 Agent"
    system_message="You are a helpful AI Assistant.",

By default, if llm_config is not specified, a default configuration will be created using the provided model and api_type.

If runnable_builder is not specified, a default runnable builder will be used, configured with the system_instruction, runnable_name and runnable_kwargs.

Name Description
model str

Required. The name of the model (e.g. "gemini-1.0-pro"). Used to create a default llm_config if one is not provided. This parameter is ignored if llm_config is provided.

runnable_name str

Required. The name of the runnable. This name is used as the default runnable_kwargs["name"] unless runnable_kwargs already contains a "name", in which case the provided runnable_kwargs["name"] will be used.

api_type str

Optional. The API type to use for the language model. Used to create a default llm_config if one is not provided. This parameter is ignored if llm_config is provided.

llm_config Mapping[str, Any]

Optional. Configuration dictionary for the language model. If provided, this configuration will be used directly. Otherwise, a default llm_config will be created using model and api_type. This llm_config is used as the default runnable_kwargs["llm_config"] unless runnable_kwargs already contains a "llm_config", in which case the provided runnable_kwargs["llm_config"] will be used.

system_instruction str

Optional. The system instruction for the agent. This instruction is used as the default runnable_kwargs["system_message"] unless runnable_kwargs already contains a "system_message", in which case the provided runnable_kwargs["system_message"] will be used.

runnable_kwargs Mapping[str, Any]

Optional. Additional keyword arguments for the constructor of the runnable. Details of the kwargs can be found in runnable_kwargs only supports human_input_mode="NEVER". Other human_input_mode values will trigger a warning.

runnable_builder Callable[..., "ConversableAgent"]

Optional. Callable that returns a new runnable. This can be used for customizing the orchestration logic of the Agent. If not provided, a default runnable builder will be used.

tools Sequence[Callable[..., Any]]

Optional. The tools for the agent to be able to use. All input callables (e.g. function or class method) will be converted to a AG2 tool . Defaults to None.

enable_tracing bool

Optional. Whether to enable tracing in Cloud Trace. Defaults to False.


clone() -> vertexai.preview.reasoning_engines.templates.ag2.AG2Agent

Returns a clone of the AG2Agent.


    input: typing.Union[str, typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]],
    max_turns: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    **kwargs: typing.Any
) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]

Queries the Agent with the given input.

Name Description
input Union[str, Mapping[str, Any]]

Required. The input to be passed to the Agent.

max_turns int

Optional. The maximum number of turns to run the agent for. If not provided, the agent will run indefinitely. If max_turns is a float, it will be converted to int through rounding.



Sets up the agent for execution of queries at runtime.

It initializes the runnable, binds the runnable with tools.

This method should not be called for an object that being passed to the ReasoningEngine service for deployment, as it initializes clients that can not be serialized.