Teaching Python decorators

Identify and explain the decorators in code.

You can query a model directly and test the results returned when using different parameter values with the Cloud console, or by calling the Vertex AI API directly.

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You are a world-class Python developer and tutor specialized in teaching Python and fundamental programming concepts to new developers. You explain each concept clearly and in simple terms, breaking down complex ideas step by step.

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I'm a Python beginner, trying to learn the Python syntax features demonstrated in the following code. Can you identify all three @ statements, and then explain their meanings? When explaining, you need to generate code examples to help demonstrate their functionality. Do not include any code blocks that are not example code you have generated.


from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List
from enum import Enum
from collections import namedtuple

class LootCategory(Enum):
    WEAPON = "Weapon"
    ARMOR = "Armor"
    POTION = "Potion"

LootAttributes = namedtuple('LootAttributes', ['attack_boost', 'defense_boost'])

class Loot:
    name: str
    category: LootCategory
    attributes: LootAttributes = LootAttributes(attack_boost=0, defense_boost=0)

class LootForge:
    def craft_weapon(name: str, attack_boost: int) -> Loot:
        return Loot(name, LootCategory.WEAPON, LootAttributes(attack_boost, 0))

    def craft_armor(name: str, defense_boost: int) -> Loot:
        return Loot(name, LootCategory.ARMOR, LootAttributes(0, defense_boost))

    def brew_potion(name: str) -> Loot:
        return Loot(name, LootCategory.POTION)

class Ability:
    name: str
    impact: int
    energy_cost: int

class AbilityTome:
    def create_offensive_ability(name: str, impact: int, energy_cost: int) -> Ability:
        return Ability(name, impact, energy_cost)

    def create_healing_ability(name: str, healing: int, energy_cost: int) -> Ability:
        return Ability(name, -healing, energy_cost)

class Adventurer:
    name: str
    health: int
    stamina: int
    base_damage: int
    base_resilience: int
    backpack: List[Loot] = field(default_factory=list)
    abilities: List[Ability] = field(default_factory=list)

    def calculate_attack_damage(self) -> int:
        return self.base_damage + sum(item.attributes.attack_boost for item in self.backpack)

    def total_resilience(self) -> int:
        return self.base_resilience + sum(item.attributes.defense_boost for item in self.backpack)

class BackpackOrganizer:
    def add_loot(adventurer: Adventurer, loot: Loot):

class AbilityMaster:
    def teach_ability(adventurer: Adventurer, ability: Ability):

    def use_ability(user: Adventurer, ability_name: str, target: Adventurer) -> str:
        ability = next((a for a in user.abilities if a.name == ability_name), None)
        if ability and user.stamina >= ability.energy_cost:
            user.stamina -= ability.energy_cost
            target.health -= ability.impact
            return f"{user.name} invokes {ability_name} on {target.name} with an impact of {ability.impact}!"
        return f"{user.name} attempted to invoke {ability_name} but failed due to insufficient energy or lack of knowledge."

class BattleController:
    def execute_attack(attacker: Adventurer, defender: Adventurer) -> str:
        impact = max(0, attacker.calculate_attack_damage - defender.total_resilience)
        defender.health -= impact
        return f"{attacker.name} strikes {defender.name} and inflicts {impact} damage!"

class AdventurerCrafter:
    def create_adventurer(name: str, health: int, stamina: int, base_damage: int, base_resilience: int) -> Adventurer:
        return Adventurer(name, health, stamina, base_damage, base_resilience)

class AdventurerLogger:
    def log_adventurer(adventurer: Adventurer) -> str:
        loot = ', '.join(item.name for item in adventurer.backpack) or "No loot"
        abilities = ', '.join(ability.name for ability in adventurer.abilities) or "No abilities"
        return (f"Adventurer({adventurer.name}, Health: {adventurer.health}, Stamina: {adventurer.stamina}, "
                f"Damage: {adventurer.calculate_attack_damage}, Resilience: {adventurer.total_resilience}, "
                f"Loot: [{loot}], Abilities: [{abilities}])")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    champion = AdventurerCrafter.create_adventurer(name="Champion", health=100, stamina=100, base_damage=10, base_resilience=10)
    rogue = AdventurerCrafter.create_adventurer(name="Rogue", health=65, stamina=80, base_damage=35, base_resilience=2)

    sword = LootForge.craft_weapon("Sword", 10)
    shield = LootForge.craft_armor("Shield", 10)
    fireball = AbilityTome.create_offensive_ability("Fireball", 20, 10)
    heal = AbilityTome.create_healing_ability("Heal", 15, 8)

    BackpackOrganizer.add_loot(champion, sword)
    AbilityMaster.teach_ability(champion, fireball)
    BackpackOrganizer.add_loot(rogue, shield)
    AbilityMaster.teach_ability(rogue, heal)


    print(BattleController.execute_attack(champion, rogue))
    print(AbilityMaster.use_ability(rogue, "Heal", rogue))
    print(AbilityMaster.use_ability(champion, "Fireball", rogue))


The three @ symbols in the provided code represent decorators in Python. Let's break down each one:

  1. @dataclass: This decorator is used to automatically generate boilerplate code for classes. It simplifies the creation of classes that primarily store data. It automatically adds methods like __init__, __repr__, and others, based on the fields you define within the class.

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    class Dog:
        name: str
        breed: str
        age: int
    my_dog = Dog("Buddy", "Golden Retriever", 3)
    print(my_dog)  # Output: Dog(name='Buddy', breed='Golden Retriever', age=3)

    Without @dataclass, you would have to manually write the __init__ method and potentially others:

    class Dog:
        def __init__(self, name, breed, age):
            self.name = name
            self.breed = breed
            self.age = age
    my_dog = Dog("Buddy", "Golden Retriever", 3)
    print(my_dog) # Output: <__main__.Dog object at 0x...> (less informative)
  2. @staticmethod: This decorator defines a method that is bound to the class and not the instance of the class. It doesn't have access to self (the instance) or cls (the class itself) implicitly. Static methods are essentially utility functions that logically belong within a class but don't need to interact with the class's state.

    class MathHelper:
        def add(x, y):
            return x + y
    result = MathHelper.add(5, 3)  # No need to create a MathHelper object
    print(result)  # Output: 8

    If you tried to call add as an instance method, you'd get an error because it doesn't use self:

    class MathHelper:
        def add(self, x, y): # Incorrect - instance method needs self
            return x + y
    helper = MathHelper()
    result = helper.add(5,3) # This would work, but is not a static method
  3. @property: This decorator transforms a method into a read-only attribute. It allows you to access a method using attribute syntax (e.g., object.attribute) but behind the scenes, it executes the method's code. This is useful for computed attributes or attributes that need some processing before being returned.

    class Circle:
        def __init__(self, radius):
            self._radius = radius  # Note the underscore - convention for internal attributes
        def area(self):
            return 3.14159 * self._radius * self._radius
    my_circle = Circle(5)
    print(my_circle.area)  # Output: 78.53975 (no parentheses needed)

    Without the @property decorator, you'd have to call area as a method:

    class Circle:
        def __init__(self, radius):
            self._radius = radius
        def area(self):
            return 3.14159 * self._radius * self._radius
    my_circle = Circle(5)
    print(my_circle.area()) # Output: 78.53975 (parentheses are needed)
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