AutoML Translation beginner's guide
AutoML Translation lets you build custom models (without writing code) that are tailored for your domain-specific content compared to the default Google Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model.
Imagine you run a financial reporting service that has an opportunity to expand to new countries. Those markets require that your time-sensitive financial documents are translated in real time. Instead of hiring bilingual finance staff or contracting with a specialist translator, both of which come at a high price due to their domain expertise and your need for quick turnaround, a custom model can help you automate translation jobs in a scalable way.
Try it for yourself
If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how Cloud Translation performs in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
Try Cloud Translation freeWhy is Machine Learning (ML) the right tool for this problem?
Classical programming requires the programmer to specify step-by-step
instructions for the computer to follow.
But this rule-based approach quickly gets unfeasible for translation. Natural
language is complex, and translating it is complex too. Machine translation is
done almost entirely with a statistical approach, with massive parallel corpora
replacing linguistic experts fine-tuning specialized sets of rules by hand.
You need a system that can generalize to a wide variety of translation scenarios but is laser-focused on your use case and task-specific linguistic domain in the language pairs you care about. In a scenario where a sequence of specific rules is bound to expand exponentially, you need a system that can learn from examples. Fortunately, machine learning systems are well-positioned to solve this problem.
Is the default NMT model or a custom model the right tool for me?
The neural machine translation (NMT) model covers a large number of language pairs and does well with general-purpose text. Where a custom model really excels is for the "last mile" between generic translation tasks and specific, niche vocabularies. AutoML Translation starts from the generic NMT model and then tunes the model to fit your training data to get the right translation for domain-specific content that matters to you.
What does machine learning involve?
Machine learning involves using data to train algorithms to achieve a
desired outcome. The specifics of the algorithm and training methods change
based on the problem space. There are many different subcategories of machine
learning, all of which solve different problems and work within different
constraints. AutoML Translation enables you to perform supervised
learning, which involves training a computer to recognize patterns from
translated segment pairs. Using supervised learning, we can train a custom
model to translate domain-specific content you care about.
Data Preparation
In order to train a custom model, you supply matching pairs of segments in the source and target languages - that is, pairs of segments that mean the same thing in the language you want to translate from and the language you want to translate to. The closer in meaning your segment pairs are, the better your model will work.
Assess your use case

While putting together the dataset, always start with the use case. You can begin with the following questions:
- What is the outcome you're trying to achieve?
- What kinds of segments do you need to translate to achieve this outcome? Is this a task that the NMT model can do out of the box?
- Is it possible for humans to translate these segments in a way that satisfies you? If the translation task is inherently ambiguous, to the point where a person fluent in both languages would have a hard time doing a satisfactory job, you might find the NMT model and your custom model to be similar in performance.
- What kinds of examples would best reflect the type and range of data your system will need to translate?
A core principle underpinning Google's ML products is human-centered machine learning, an approach that foregrounds responsible AI practices including fairness. The goal of fairness in ML is to understand and prevent unjust or prejudicial treatment of people related to race, income, sexual orientation, religion, gender, and other characteristics historically associated with discrimination and marginalization, when and where they manifest in algorithmic systems or algorithmically aided decision-making. You can read more in our guide and find fair-aware notes ✽ in the guidelines below. As you move through the guidelines for putting together your dataset, we encourage you to consider fairness in machine learning where relevant to your use case.
Source your data
After you've established what data you need, you need to find a way to source
it. You can begin by taking into account all the data your organization
collects. You might find that you're already collecting the data you would need
to train a translation model. In case you don't have the data you need, you can
obtain it manually or outsource it to a third-party provider.
Match data to your problem domain
You're training a custom translation model because you need a model that fits
a particular linguistic domain. Make sure your segment pairs do the best
possible job of covering the vocabulary, usage, and grammatical quirks of your
industry or area of focus. Find documents that contain typical usages you'd find
in the translation tasks you want accomplished, and make sure your parallel
phrases match as closely in meaning as you can arrange. Of course, sometimes
languages don't map perfectly in vocabulary or syntax, but try to capture the
full diversity of semantics you expect to encounter in use if that's possible.
You're building on top of a model that already does a pretty good job with
general-purpose translation - your examples are the special last step that makes
custom models work for your use case in particular, so make sure
they're relevant and representative of usage you expect to see.
Capture the diversity of your linguistic space
It's tempting to assume that the way people write about a specific domain is
uniform enough that a small number of text samples translated by a small
number of translators should be sufficient to train a model that works well for
anyone else writing about that domain. But we're all individuals, and we each
bring our own personality to the words we write. A training dataset with segment
pairs from a broad selection of authors and translators is more likely to give
you a model that's useful for translating writing from a diverse organization.
In addition, consider the variety of segment lengths and structures; a dataset
where all the segments are the same size or share a similar grammatical structure
will not give Cloud Translation enough information to build a good model
that captures all the possibilities.
Keep humans in the loop
If it's at all feasible, make sure a person who understands both languages well
has validated the segment pairs match up correctly and represent
understandable, accurate translations. A mistake as simple as misaligning the
rows of your training data spreadsheet can yield translations that sound like
nonsense. High-quality data is the most important thing you can provide to
AutoML Translation to get a model that's usable for your business.
Clean up messy data
It's easy to make mistakes when preprocessing data, and some of those mistakes
can really confuse a custom model. In particular, look for the following data
issues that you can fix:
- Remove duplicate source segments, particularly if they have different target translations. AutoML Translation uses only the first seen example and drops all other pairs at import time. By removing duplicates, you ensure AutoML Translation uses your preferred translation.
- Align source segments to the correct target segments.
- Match segments to the specified language; for example, include only Chinese segments in a Chinese dataset.
- For target segments that include mixed languages, check that untranslated words are intentionally untranslated, such as names of products or organizations. Target segments that mistakenly include untranslated words add noise to your training data, which can result in a lower quality model.
- Fix segments with typographical or grammatical errors so that your model doesn't learn these errors.
- Remove non-translatable content such as placeholder tags and HTML tags. Non-translatable content can result in punctuation errors.
- Don't include translations that replace general entities with specific nouns. For instance, you might have an example that changes "president" to a name of a specific president like "JFK" or "John F Kennedy." The model might learn to change all instances of "president" to "JFK." Instead, remove these translations or change the specific nouns to a common one.
- Remove duplicate segments in the training and test sets. (Learn more about train and test sets)
- Split multiple segments into different segment pairs. Training on a dataset where many items have more than about 50 tokens (words) in them yields lower quality models. Split items into individual sentences where possible.
- Use consistent casing. Casing affects how a model learns, for example, to distinguish a headline versus body text.
- Remove TMX tags when importing data from a TSV file. In some cases, you might export your existing translation memory to a TSV file, which might include TMX tags. However, AutoML Translation cleans up translation unit tags only when you import from a TMX file (not for TSV files).
How AutoML Translation preprocesses your data
AutoML Translation stops parsing your data input file when:
- There is invalid formatting
- There is an unreasonably long segment pair (10 MB)
- The file uses an encoding other than UTF-8
AutoML Translation ignores errors for problems it cannot detect, such as:
- A <tu> element in a TMX file doesn't have the source language or target language.
- One of the input segment pairs is empty.
For automatic data splitting, AutoML Translation does additional processing:
- After the dataset is uploaded, it removes segment pairs with identical source segments.
- It randomly splits your data into three sets with a ratio of 8:1:1 (train:validation:test) before training.
Consider how AutoML Translation uses your dataset in creating a custom model
Your dataset contains training, validation and testing sets. If you do not
specify the splits (see Preparing your training data
and your dataset contains under 100,000 segment pairs, then
AutoML Translation automatically uses 80% of your content documents for
training, 10% for validating, and 10% for testing. If your data is larger than
that, you'll need to perform your own data split.
Training Set
The vast majority of your data should be in the training set. This is the data
your model "sees" during training: it's used to learn the parameters of the
model, namely the weights of the connections between nodes of the neural
Validation Set
The validation set, sometimes also called the "dev" set, is also used during the
training process. During model learning, the framework uses the training set to
train a suite of candidate models, and then uses the model's performance on the
validation set to choose the best model generated. It uses the model's
performance on the validation set to tune the model's hyperparameters, which are
variables that specify the model's structure. If you used the training set to
tune the hyperparameters, the model would end up overly focused on your training
data. Using a somewhat novel dataset to fine-tune model structure means your
model will generalize better.
Test Set
The test set is not involved in the training process at all. Once the model has
completed its training entirely, we use the test set as an entirely new
challenge for your model. The performance of your model on the test set is
intended to give you a pretty good idea of how your model will perform on
real-world data.
Manual Splitting
AutoML Translation can split your data into training, validation, and
test sets for you, or you can do it yourself if you want to exercise more
control over the process, if you'd prefer a different percentage split, or if
there are specific examples that you're sure you want included in a certain part
of your model training lifecycle.
Prepare your data for import

After you've decided if a manual or automatic split of your data is right for you, there are two ways to add data:
- You can import data as a tab-separated values (TSV) file containing source and target segments, one segment pair per line.
- You can import data as a TMX file, a standard format for providing segment
pairs to automatic translation model tools (learn more about the supported
TMX format). If the TMX file contains invalid XML tags,
AutoML ignores them. If the TMX file does not conform to proper
XML and TMX format – for example, if it is missing an end tag or a
element – AutoML will not process it. Cloud Translation also ends processing and returns an error if it skips more than 1024 invalid<tu>
After your model is trained, you receive a summary of your model performance. Click the Train tab to view a detailed analysis.
What should I keep in mind before evaluating my model?
Debugging a model is more about debugging the data than the model itself. If your
model starts acting in an unexpected manner as you're evaluating its performance
before and after pushing to production, you should return and check your data to
see where it can be improved.
BLEU score
The BLEU score is a standard way to measure the quality of a machine translation system. AutoML Translation uses a BLEU score calculated on the test data you've provided as its primary evaluation metric. (Learn more about BLEU scores.)
The Google NMT model, which powers the Cloud Translation API, is built for general usage. It might not be the best solution for you if you are looking for specialized translation in your own fields. The trained custom model usually works better than the NMT model in the fields that your training set is related to.
After you train the custom model with your own dataset, the BLEU score of the custom model and Google NMT model are shown in the Train tab. There is also a BLEU score performance gain from the custom model on the Train tab. The higher the BLEU score, the better translations your model can give you for segments that are similar to your training data. If the BLEU score falls in the range 30-40, the model is considered to be able to provide good translations.
Note that BLEU scores are not recommended for comparing across different corpora and languages. For example, an English to German BLEU score of 50 is not comparable to a Japanese to English BLEU score of 50. Many translation experts have shifted to model-based metric approaches, which have higher correlation with human ratings and are more granular in identifying error scenarios.
AutoML Translation only supports BLEU scores. To evaluate your translation model using model-based metrics, see the Gen AI evaluation service in Vertex AI.
Testing your model
Even if the BLEU score looks okay, it's a good practice to check the model
yourself to make sure its performance matches your expectations. If your
training and test data are drawn from the same incorrect set of samples, the
scores might be excellent even if the translation is nonsense. Add some examples
as input on the Predict tab and compare the results from the custom model
with the Google NMT base model. You might notice that your model comes up with
the same predictions as the base model, especially on short segments or if you
have a smaller training set. This isn't unexpected - the base model is already
pretty good for a wide variety of use cases. Try some longer or more complex
segments. However, if all of your segments come back identical to the
predictions from the base model, this may indicate a data problem.
If there's a mistake that you're particularly worried about your model making (for example, a confusing feature of your language pair that often trips up human translators, or a translation mistake that might be especially costly in money or reputation) make sure your test set or procedure covers that case adequately for you to feel safe using your model in everyday tasks.
What's next
- To create your own dataset and custom model, see Prepare training
data for instructions on how to prepare your data.