Order Transfer Appliance

You can order Transfer Appliance from the Google Cloud console. To order an appliance, enable the Transfer Appliance API and add the required Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to access the ordering page.

Enable Transfer Appliance API

Enable the Transfer Appliance API.

Transfer Appliance API

Enable required permissions

To get the permissions that you need to order Transfer Appliance and then view order information in the Google Cloud console, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles on Transfer Appliance:

For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

Order Transfer Appliance

Once the required permissions are granted, go to the Transfer Appliance order page:

  1. On the Order appliance page, enter your delivery location and choose Transfer Appliance for the appliance type.

    Go to Transfer Appliance ordering

  2. In the Choose hardware specs page, select storage capacity for the appliance and form factor. Choose one of the following types of connectivity options you want on the Transfer Appliance. Hardware specs cannot be changed after the order has been placed.

    • Enabled connectivity: Lets you set the appliance in online mode and perform data transfers remotely.

    • Disabled connectivity: Blocks the appliance from going online. Data is transferred to the Transfer Appliance and must be shipped back to Google to upload data from the appliance to Cloud Storage.

  3. In the Configure appliance settings page

    • Enter a name for your appliance
    • Enter or Browse destination Cloud Storage bucket for the data to be ingested into from the appliance.
    • Choose the encryption type
      • GMEK - Google Managed Encryption key
      • CMEK - Customer Managed Encryption key. Create and authorize the Transfer Appliance Service Agent to view and decrypt data during offline ingestion.
  4. In the Enter contact and delivery information page, enter contact and delivery details.

  5. In the Review order page, confirm that the entered information is correct and click Submit order.

Ordered appliances can be found in the Google Cloud console. You can view order details such as Appliance ID, appliance status, appliance model, order status, and the date you placed the order.

Next steps

Prepare permissions and access

Complete project setup before the appliance gets delivered.

Track Transfer Appliance

You can track your appliance's shipment, either to you or back to Google, by viewing the tracking details on the orders page. On this page, select your order and then review the details under the Shipments tab.