The following page discusses the Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions required to perform actions within the Cloud Storage portion of the Google Cloud console. IAM permissions are bundled together to make roles, and you grant roles to users and groups.
Common permissions required for using the Google Cloud console
Certain permissions are broadly necessary in order to use the Google Cloud console:
All actions involving buckets should include
permissions at the project level.These permissions allow you to access the Buckets page, where you create, view, and update buckets.
All actions that include a billing project in the request require
permission for the project that's specified.This permission ensures you are authorized to bill the project you specify. Including a billing project is used, for example, when accessing a bucket with Requester Pays enabled.
Permissions required for specific actions
Action | Required IAM Permissions (in addition to those listed above) |
Create a bucket | storage.buckets.create storage.buckets.enableObjectRetention 1 |
Attach a tag to a bucket | storage.buckets.createTagBinding |
List or filter buckets | No additional permissions |
List tags directly attached to a bucket | storage.buckets.listTagBindings |
List both inherited tags and tags directly attached to a bucket | storage.buckets.listEffectiveTags |
View the following bucket information:
storage.buckets.get |
Change the following bucket settings:
storage.buckets.get storage.buckets.update storage.buckets.enableObjectRetention 1 |
Enable the Requester Pays feature | storage.buckets.get storage.buckets.update |
Disable the Requester Pays feature | storage.buckets.get storage.buckets.update resourcemanager.projects.createBillingAssignment 3 |
Change the public access prevention setting | storage.buckets.get storage.buckets.setIamPolicy storage.buckets.update |
Change bucket permissions | storage.buckets.get storage.buckets.getIamPolicy storage.buckets.setIamPolicy storage.buckets.update |
Delete an empty bucket | storage.buckets.delete storage.objects.list |
Delete a non-empty bucket | storage.buckets.delete storage.objects.delete storage.objects.list |
Detach a tag from a bucket | storage.buckets.deleteTagBinding |
Create a folder | storage.folders.create |
Get the metadata of a folder | storage.folders.get |
List folders | storage.folders.list |
Rename folders | storage.folders.rename (for the source bucket)storage.folders.create (for the destination bucket) |
Delete folders | storage.folders.delete |
Upload an object or folder of objects | storage.objects.create storage.objects.delete 2storage.objects.setRetention 4 |
View the details for an object5 | storage.objects.get storage.objects.list |
View the version history of an object | storage.objects.get storage.objects.list |
Download an object5 or folder of objects | storage.objects.get storage.objects.list |
List objects in a bucket, including noncurrent objects and soft-deleted objects | storage.objects.list |
Determine if an object is publicly accessible5 | storage.buckets.getIamPolicy storage.objects.list storage.objects.getIamPolicy 7 |
Rename an object or restore a noncurrent version of an object | storage.objects.create storage.objects.delete storage.objects.get storage.objects.list storage.objects.getIamPolicy 7storage.objects.setIamPolicy 7 |
Copy an object | storage.objects.create storage.objects.delete 2storage.objects.get storage.objects.list storage.objects.getIamPolicy 7,8storage.objects.setIamPolicy 7,8 |
Move an object | storage.objects.create storage.objects.delete 2storage.objects.delete storage.objects.get storage.objects.list storage.objects.getIamPolicy 7,8storage.objects.setIamPolicy 7,8 |
View an object's access permissions5,6 | storage.objects.get storage.objects.list storage.objects.getIamPolicy |
Edit an object's access permissions5,6 | storage.objects.get storage.objects.list storage.objects.getIamPolicy storage.objects.setIamPolicy storage.objects.update |
Edit an object's metadata5 | storage.objects.get storage.objects.list storage.objects.update |
Add, change, or remove a retention configuration on an object5 | storage.objects.get storage.objects.list storage.objects.update storage.objects.setRetention storage.objects.overrideUnlockedRetention 9 |
Add or remove a hold on an object5 | storage.objects.get storage.objects.list storage.objects.update |
Delete an object5, a noncurrent version of an object, or a folder of objects | storage.objects.delete storage.objects.list |
Restore a deleted object | storage.objects.create storage.objects.delete 2storage.objects.list storage.objects.restore |
Bulk restore deleted objects | storage.objects.create storage.objects.delete 10storage.objects.restore storage.buckets.restore storage.objects.setIamPolicy 7,11 |
View the name of a project's Cloud Storage service agent | resourcemanager.projects.get |
View the service account HMAC keys for a project | resourcemanager.projects.get storage.hmacKeys.list |
Create an HMAC key for a service account | resourcemanager.projects.get storage.hmacKeys.list storage.hmacKeys.create |
Disable or re-enable an HMAC key for a service account | resourcemanager.projects.get storage.hmacKeys.list storage.hmacKeys.update |
Delete an HMAC key for a service account | resourcemanager.projects.get storage.hmacKeys.list storage.hmacKeys.delete |
Create, view, or delete an HMAC key for the user account you are logged in as | resourcemanager.projects.get |
Configure, update or disable the Storage Intelligence configuration on a project, a folder or an organization | storage.intelligenceConfigs.update |
View the Storage Intelligence configuration on a project, a folder or an organization | storage.intelligenceConfigs.get |
Create a cache using Anywhere Cache | storage.anywhereCaches.create |
List a cache using Anywhere Cache | storage.anywhereCaches.list |
Update a cache using Anywhere Cache | storage.anywhereCaches.update |
Pause a cache using Anywhere Cache | storage.anywhereCaches.pause |
Resume a cache using Anywhere Cache | storage.anywhereCaches.resume |
Get the metadata of a cache using Anywhere Cache | storage.anywhereCaches.get |
Disable a cache using Anywhere Cache | storage.anywhereCaches.disable |
1This permission is only required when enabling a bucket to support object retention configurations.
2This permission is only required if an object with the same name already exists in the destination bucket.
3This permission is only required if you do not include a billing project in your request. See Requester Pays Use and access requirements for more information.
4This permission is only required when adding a retention configuration as part of uploading the object.
5This action does not require storage.objects.list
if it's performed on the details page for the relevant object and you don't
access the details page from the overall list of objects for the bucket.
6This action does not apply to buckets with uniform bucket-level access enabled.
7This permission does not apply to buckets with uniform bucket-level access enabled.
8This permission is only required when keeping the permissions currently applied to the source object.
9This permission is required when changing an existing retention configuration such that the configuration becomes locked, reduced, or removed.
10This permission is only required if an object with the same name already exists in the destination bucket and you select the Overwrite live objects option.
11 This permission is only required when selecting the Copy source access controls (ACLs) option.
What's next
For a list of roles and the permissions they contain, see IAM roles for Cloud Storage.
Grant IAM roles at the project and bucket level.