REST Resource: projects.locations.repositories

Resource: Repository

Metadata of a Secure Source Manager repository.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "description": string,
  "instance": string,
  "uid": string,
  "createTime": string,
  "updateTime": string,
  "etag": string,
  "uris": {
    object (URIs)
  "initialConfig": {
    object (InitialConfig)


Optional. A unique identifier for a repository. The name should be of the format: projects/{project}/locations/{locationId}/repositories/{repositoryId}



Optional. Description of the repository, which cannot exceed 500 characters.



Optional. The name of the instance in which the repository is hosted, formatted as projects/{project_number}/locations/{locationId}/instances/{instanceId} When creating repository via * (Data Plane API), this field is output only. When creating repository via (Control Plane API), this field is used as input.



Output only. Unique identifier of the repository.


string (Timestamp format)

Output only. Create timestamp.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".


string (Timestamp format)

Output only. Update timestamp.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".



Optional. This checksum is computed by the server based on the value of other fields, and may be sent on update and delete requests to ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding.


object (URIs)

Output only. URIs for the repository.


object (InitialConfig)

Input only. Initial configurations for the repository.


URIs for the repository.

JSON representation
  "html": string,
  "gitHttps": string,
  "api": string


Output only. HTML is the URI for user to view the repository in a browser.



Output only. gitHttps is the git HTTPS URI for git operations.



Output only. API is the URI for API access.


Repository initialization configuration.

JSON representation
  "defaultBranch": string,
  "gitignores": [
  "license": string,
  "readme": string


Default branch name of the repository.



List of gitignore template names user can choose from. Valid values: actionscript, ada, agda, android, anjuta, ansible, appcelerator-titanium, app-engine, archives, arch-linux-packages, atmel-studio, autotools, backup, bazaar, bazel, bitrix, bricx-cc, c, cake-php, calabash, cf-wheels, chef-cookbook, clojure, cloud9, c-make, code-igniter, code-kit, code-sniffer, common-lisp, composer, concrete5, coq, cordova, cpp, craft-cms, cuda, cvs, d, dart, dart-editor, delphi, diff, dm, dreamweaver, dropbox, drupal, drupal-7, eagle, eclipse, eiffel-studio, elisp, elixir, elm, emacs, ensime, epi-server, erlang, esp-idf, espresso, exercism, expression-engine, ext-js, fancy, finale, flex-builder, force-dot-com, fortran, fuel-php, gcov, git-book, gnome-shell-extension, go, godot, gpg, gradle, grails, gwt, haskell, hugo, iar-ewarm, idris, igor-pro, images, infor-cms, java, jboss, jboss-4, jboss-6, jdeveloper, jekyll, jenkins-home, jenv, jet-brains, jigsaw, joomla, julia, jupyter-notebooks, kate, kdevelop4, kentico, ki-cad, kohana, kotlin, lab-view, laravel, lazarus, leiningen, lemon-stand, libre-office, lilypond, linux, lithium, logtalk, lua, lyx, mac-os, magento, magento-1, magento-2, matlab, maven, mercurial, mercury, metals, meta-programming-system, meteor, microsoft-office, model-sim, momentics, mono-develop, nanoc, net-beans, nikola, nim, ninja, node, notepad-pp, nwjs, objective--c, ocaml, octave, opa, open-cart, openssl, oracle-forms, otto, packer, patch, perl, perl6, phalcon, phoenix, pimcore, play-framework, plone, prestashop, processing, psoc-creator, puppet, pure-script, putty, python, qooxdoo, qt, r, racket, rails, raku, red, redcar, redis, rhodes-rhomobile, ros, ruby, rust, sam, sass, sbt, scala, scheme, scons, scrivener, sdcc, seam-gen, sketch-up, slick-edit, smalltalk, snap, splunk, stata, stella, sublime-text, sugar-crm, svn, swift, symfony, symphony-cms, synopsys-vcs, tags, terraform, tex, text-mate, textpattern, think-php, tortoise-git, turbo-gears-2, typo3, umbraco, unity, unreal-engine, vagrant, vim, virtual-env, virtuoso, visual-studio, visual-studio-code, vue, vvvv, waf, web-methods, windows, word-press, xcode, xilinx, xilinx-ise, xojo, yeoman, yii, zend-framework, zephir.



License template name user can choose from. Valid values: license-0bsd, license-389-exception, aal, abstyles, adobe-2006, adobe-glyph, adsl, afl-1-1, afl-1-2, afl-2-0, afl-2-1, afl-3-0, afmparse, agpl-1-0, agpl-1-0-only, agpl-1-0-or-later, agpl-3-0-only, agpl-3-0-or-later, aladdin, amdplpa, aml, ampas, antlr-pd, antlr-pd-fallback, apache-1-0, apache-1-1, apache-2-0, apafml, apl-1-0, apsl-1-0, apsl-1-1, apsl-1-2, apsl-2-0, artistic-1-0, artistic-1-0-cl8, artistic-1-0-perl, artistic-2-0, autoconf-exception-2-0, autoconf-exception-3-0, bahyph, barr, beerware, bison-exception-2-2, bittorrent-1-0, bittorrent-1-1, blessing, blueoak-1-0-0, bootloader-exception, borceux, bsd-1-clause, bsd-2-clause, bsd-2-clause-freebsd, bsd-2-clause-netbsd, bsd-2-clause-patent, bsd-2-clause-views, bsd-3-clause, bsd-3-clause-attribution, bsd-3-clause-clear, bsd-3-clause-lbnl, bsd-3-clause-modification, bsd-3-clause-no-nuclear-license, bsd-3-clause-no-nuclear-license-2014, bsd-3-clause-no-nuclear-warranty, bsd-3-clause-open-mpi, bsd-4-clause, bsd-4-clause-shortened, bsd-4-clause-uc, bsd-protection, bsd-source-code, bsl-1-0, busl-1-1, cal-1-0, cal-1-0-combined-work-exception, caldera, catosl-1-1, cc0-1-0, cc-by-1-0, cc-by-2-0, cc-by-3-0, cc-by-3-0-at, cc-by-3-0-us, cc-by-4-0, cc-by-nc-1-0, cc-by-nc-2-0, cc-by-nc-3-0, cc-by-nc-4-0, cc-by-nc-nd-1-0, cc-by-nc-nd-2-0, cc-by-nc-nd-3-0, cc-by-nc-nd-3-0-igo, cc-by-nc-nd-4-0, cc-by-nc-sa-1-0, cc-by-nc-sa-2-0, cc-by-nc-sa-3-0, cc-by-nc-sa-4-0, cc-by-nd-1-0, cc-by-nd-2-0, cc-by-nd-3-0, cc-by-nd-4-0, cc-by-sa-1-0, cc-by-sa-2-0, cc-by-sa-2-0-uk, cc-by-sa-2-1-jp, cc-by-sa-3-0, cc-by-sa-3-0-at, cc-by-sa-4-0, cc-pddc, cddl-1-0, cddl-1-1, cdla-permissive-1-0, cdla-sharing-1-0, cecill-1-0, cecill-1-1, cecill-2-0, cecill-2-1, cecill-b, cecill-c, cern-ohl-1-1, cern-ohl-1-2, cern-ohl-p-2-0, cern-ohl-s-2-0, cern-ohl-w-2-0, clartistic, classpath-exception-2-0, clisp-exception-2-0, cnri-jython, cnri-python, cnri-python-gpl-compatible, condor-1-1, copyleft-next-0-3-0, copyleft-next-0-3-1, cpal-1-0, cpl-1-0, cpol-1-02, crossword, crystal-stacker, cua-opl-1-0, cube, c-uda-1-0, curl, d-fsl-1-0, diffmark, digirule-foss-exception, doc, dotseqn, drl-1-0, dsdp, dvipdfm, ecl-1-0, ecl-2-0, ecos-exception-2-0, efl-1-0, efl-2-0, egenix, entessa, epics, epl-1-0, epl-2-0, erlpl-1-1, etalab-2-0, eu-datagrid, eupl-1-0, eupl-1-1, eupl-1-2, eurosym, fair, fawkes-runtime-exception, fltk-exception, font-exception-2-0, frameworx-1-0, freebsd-doc, freeimage, freertos-exception-2-0, fsfap, fsful, fsfullr, ftl, gcc-exception-2-0, gcc-exception-3-1, gd, gfdl-1-1-invariants-only, gfdl-1-1-invariants-or-later, gfdl-1-1-no-invariants-only, gfdl-1-1-no-invariants-or-later, gfdl-1-1-only, gfdl-1-1-or-later, gfdl-1-2-invariants-only, gfdl-1-2-invariants-or-later, gfdl-1-2-no-invariants-only, gfdl-1-2-no-invariants-or-later, gfdl-1-2-only, gfdl-1-2-or-later, gfdl-1-3-invariants-only, gfdl-1-3-invariants-or-later, gfdl-1-3-no-invariants-only, gfdl-1-3-no-invariants-or-later, gfdl-1-3-only, gfdl-1-3-or-later, giftware, gl2ps, glide, glulxe, glwtpl, gnu-javamail-exception, gnuplot, gpl-1-0-only, gpl-1-0-or-later, gpl-2-0-only, gpl-2-0-or-later, gpl-3-0-linking-exception, gpl-3-0-linking-source-exception, gpl-3-0-only, gpl-3-0-or-later, gpl-cc-1-0, gsoap-1-3b, haskell-report, hippocratic-2-1, hpnd, hpnd-sell-variant, htmltidy, i2p-gpl-java-exception, ibm-pibs, icu, ijg, image-magick, imatix, imlib2, info-zip, intel, intel-acpi, interbase-1-0, ipa, ipl-1-0, isc, jasper-2-0, jpnic, json, lal-1-2, lal-1-3, latex2e, leptonica, lgpl-2-0-only, lgpl-2-0-or-later, lgpl-2-1-only, lgpl-2-1-or-later, lgpl-3-0-linking-exception, lgpl-3-0-only, lgpl-3-0-or-later, lgpllr, libpng, libpng-2-0, libselinux-1-0, libtiff, libtool-exception, liliq-p-1-1, liliq-r-1-1, liliq-rplus-1-1, linux-openib, linux-syscall-note, llvm-exception, lpl-1-0, lpl-1-02, lppl-1-0, lppl-1-1, lppl-1-2, lppl-1-3a, lppl-1-3c, lzma-exception, make-index, mif-exception, miros, mit, mit-0, mit-advertising, mit-cmu, mit-enna, mit-feh, mit-modern-variant, mitnfa, mit-open-group, motosoto, mpich2, mpl-1-0, mpl-1-1, mpl-2-0, mpl-2-0-no-copyleft-exception, ms-pl, ms-rl, mtll, mulanpsl-1-0, mulanpsl-2-0, multics, mup, naist-2003, nasa-1-3, naumen, nbpl-1-0, ncgl-uk-2-0, ncsa, netcdf, net-snmp, newsletr, ngpl, nist-pd, nist-pd-fallback, nlod-1-0, nlpl, nokia, nokia-qt-exception-1-1, nosl, noweb, npl-1-0, npl-1-1, nposl-3-0, nrl, ntp, ntp-0, ocaml-lgpl-linking-exception, occt-exception-1-0, occt-pl, oclc-2-0, odbl-1-0, odc-by-1-0, ofl-1-0, ofl-1-0-no-rfn, ofl-1-0-rfn, ofl-1-1, ofl-1-1-no-rfn, ofl-1-1-rfn, ogc-1-0, ogdl-taiwan-1-0, ogl-canada-2-0, ogl-uk-1-0, ogl-uk-2-0, ogl-uk-3-0, ogtsl, oldap-1-1, oldap-1-2, oldap-1-3, oldap-1-4, oldap-2-0, oldap-2-0-1, oldap-2-1, oldap-2-2, oldap-2-2-1, oldap-2-2-2, oldap-2-3, oldap-2-4, oldap-2-7, oml, openjdk-assembly-exception-1-0, openssl, openvpn-openssl-exception, opl-1-0, oset-pl-2-1, osl-1-0, osl-1-1, osl-2-0, osl-2-1, osl-3-0, o-uda-1-0, parity-6-0-0, parity-7-0-0, pddl-1-0, php-3-0, php-3-01, plexus, polyform-noncommercial-1-0-0, polyform-small-business-1-0-0, postgresql, psf-2-0, psfrag, ps-or-pdf-font-exception-20170817, psutils, python-2-0, qhull, qpl-1-0, qt-gpl-exception-1-0, qt-lgpl-exception-1-1, qwt-exception-1-0, rdisc, rhecos-1-1, rpl-1-1, rpsl-1-0, rsa-md, rscpl, ruby, saxpath, sax-pd, scea, sendmail, sendmail-8-23, sgi-b-1-0, sgi-b-1-1, sgi-b-2-0, shl-0-51, shl-2-0, shl-2-1, simpl-2-0, sissl, sissl-1-2, sleepycat, smlnj, smppl, snia, spencer-86, spencer-94, spencer-99, spl-1-0, ssh-openssh, ssh-short, sspl-1-0, sugarcrm-1-1-3, swift-exception, swl, tapr-ohl-1-0, tcl, tcp-wrappers, tmate, torque-1-1, tosl, tu-berlin-1-0, tu-berlin-2-0, u-boot-exception-2-0, ucl-1-0, unicode-dfs-2015, unicode-dfs-2016, unicode-tou, universal-foss-exception-1-0, unlicense, upl-1-0, vim, vostrom, vsl-1-0, w3c, w3c-19980720, w3c-20150513, watcom-1-0, wsuipa, wtfpl, wxwindows-exception-3-1, x11, xerox, xfree86-1-1, xinetd, xnet, xpp, xskat, ypl-1-0, ypl-1-1, zed, zend-2-0, zimbra-1-3, zimbra-1-4, zlib, zlib-acknowledgement, zpl-1-1, zpl-2-0, zpl-2-1.



README template name. Valid template name(s) are: default.



Creates a new repository in a given project and location.


Deletes a Repository.


Gets metadata of a repository.


Get IAM policy for a repository.


Lists Repositories in a given project and location.


Set IAM policy on a repository.


Test IAM permissions on a repository.