Authorize the gcloud CLI

In order to access Google Cloud, you will usually have to authorize the Google Cloud CLI. This page demonstrates available authorization options and shows you how to manage the accounts you use for authorization. If you're using a Compute Engine instance or Cloud Shell, you're not required to authorize the gcloud CLI.

Types of accounts

To grant authorization to the gcloud CLI to access Google Cloud, you can use either a user account or a service account.

A user account is a Google Cloud account that allows end users to authenticate to your application. For most common use cases, especially interactively using the gcloud CLI, using a user account is best practice.

A service account is a Google Cloud account associated with your Google Cloud project and not a specific user. You can use the built-in service account available when using Cloud Run functions, App Engine, Compute Engine, or Google Kubernetes Engine. A service account is recommended to run gcloud CLI scripts on multiple machines.

Choose an authorization type

You must authorize the Google Cloud CLI to manage Google Cloud resources. Both Google Cloud CLI and Google Cloud use OAuth2 for authentication and authorization.

Choose one of the following authorization types:

Type Description
User account Recommended if you're using the gcloud CLI from the command line or you're writing scripts with the gcloud CLI for use on a single machine.
Service account Recommended if you're installing and setting up the gcloud CLI as part of a machine deployment process in production, or for use on Compute Engine virtual machine instances where all users have access to root.

For more information about authentication and Google Cloud, see Authentication overview.

Authorize with a user account

This section describes how to authorize with a user account.

Authenticating with a Google Account

Use the following gcloud CLI commands to authorize access with a user account:

Command Description
gcloud init Authorizes access and performs other common setup steps.
gcloud auth login Authorizes access only.

During authorization, these commands obtain account credentials from Google Cloud and store them on the local system. The specified account becomes the active account in your configuration. The gcloud CLI uses the stored credentials to access Google Cloud. You can have any number of accounts with stored credentials for a single gcloud CLI installation, but only one account is active at a time.

Run gcloud init

gcloud init authorizes access and performs other common setup steps. gcloud init uses a web-based authorization flow to authenticate the user account and grant access permissions.

To authorize access and perform other common setup steps:

  1. Run gcloud init:

    gcloud init

    Or, to prevent the command from automatically opening a web browser:

    gcloud init --console-only

    Using the --console-only flag is useful if you're running the command on a remote system using ssh and do not have access to a browser on that system. You must then manually open the provided URL in a browser on your local system to complete the authorization process.

  2. Follow the browser-based authorization flow to authenticate the account and grant access permissions.

For more information about gcloud init, see Initializing the gcloud CLI.

Run gcloud auth login

Running gcloud auth login authorizes the user account only. To authorize access without performing other setup steps, use one of the following options.

  • If you want to authorize the gcloud CLI on a machine with a browser, follow these steps.

    1. Authorize the gcloud CLI:

      gcloud auth login
    2. Follow the browser-based authorization flow to authenticate the account and grant access permissions.

  • If you want to authorize the gcloud CLI on a machine that doesn't have a browser and you can install the gcloud CLI on another machine with a browser, use the --no-browser flag.

    1. Authorize the gcloud CLI:

      gcloud auth login --no-browser
    2. Copy the long command that begins with gcloud auth login --remote-bootstrap=".

    3. Paste and run this command on the command line of a different, trusted machine that has local installations of both a web browser and the gcloud CLI tool version 372.0 or later.

    4. Copy the long URL output from the machine with the web browser.

    5. Paste the long URL back to the first machine under the prompt, "Enter the output of the above command", and press Enter to complete the authorization.

  • If you want to authorize the gcloud CLI on a machine that doesn't have a browser and you cannot install the gcloud CLI on another machine with a browser, use the --no-launch-browser flag. The --no-launch-browser flag prevents the command from automatically opening a web browser.

    1. Authorize the gcloud CLI:

      gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser
    2. Copy the long URL that begins with

    3. Paste this URL into the browser of a different, trusted machine that has a web browser.

    4. Copy the authorization code from the machine with the web browser.

    5. Paste the authorization code back to the first machine at the prompt, "Enter verification code", and press Enter to complete the authorization.

  • If you already have an access token, use one of the following methods to pass the access token to the gcloud CLI:

    • Store the access token in a file and set its path through the --access-token-file flag.
    • Store the access token in a file and set its path in the auth/access_token_file property.
    • Set the CLOUDSDK_AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable to the access token value.

Authenticating with Workforce Identity Federation

This section describes how to sign in to the gcloud CLI using Workforce Identity Federation.

gcloud CLI browser-based sign-in

To sign in to the gcloud CLI using a browser-based sign-in flow, do the following:

  1. Create a login configuration file.

    To create the login configuration file, run the following command. You can optionally activate the file as the default for the gcloud CLI by adding the --activate flag. You can then run gcloud auth login without specifying the configuration file path each time.

    gcloud iam workforce-pools create-login-config \
        locations/global/workforcePools/WORKFORCE_POOL_ID/providers/PROVIDER_ID \

    Replace the following:

    • WORKFORCE_POOL_ID: the workforce pool ID
    • PROVIDER_ID: the provider ID
    • LOGIN_CONFIG_FILE_PATH: the path to a configuration file that you specify—for example, login.json

    The file contains contains the endpoints used by the gcloud CLI to enable the browser-based authentication flow and set the audience to the IdP that was configured in the workforce identity pool provider. The file doesn't contain confidential information.

    The output looks similar to the following:

      "type": "external_account_authorized_user_login_config",
      "audience": "//",
      "auth_url": "",
      "token_url": "",
      "token_info_url": "",

    To stop gcloud auth login from using this configuration file automatically, you can unset it by running gcloud config unset auth/login_config_file.

  2. Sign in using browser-based authentication.

    To authenticate using browser-based sign-in authentication, you can use one of the following methods:

    • If you used the --activate flag when you created the configuration file, or if you activated the configuration file with gcloud config set auth/login_config_file, the gcloud CLI uses your configuration file automatically:

      gcloud auth login
    • To sign in by specifying the location of the configuration file, run the following command:

      gcloud auth login --login-config=LOGIN_CONFIG_FILE_PATH
    • To use an environment variable to specify the location of the configuration file, set CLOUDSDK_AUTH_LOGIN_CONFIG_FILE to the configuration path.

To discontinue using the login configuration file, do the following:

  • If you used the --activate flag when you created the configuration file, or if you activated the configuration file with gcloud config set auth/login_config_file, you must run the following command to unset it:

    gcloud config unset auth/login_config_file
  • Clear the CLOUDSDK_AUTH_LOGIN_CONFIG_FILE environment variable, if it is set.

gcloud CLI headless sign-in

To sign in to gcloud CLI, using a headless flow, do the following:


  1. Sign a user in to your IdP app and get the OIDC token.

    For information on obtaining the token, refer to your IdP's OIDC documentation.

  2. Save the OIDC token returned by IdP in a secure location on your local machine.

  3. Generate a configuration file by running the following command:

    gcloud iam workforce-pools create-cred-config \
        locations/global/workforcePools/WORKFORCE_POOL_ID/providers/PROVIDER_ID \
        --subject-token-type="urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token" \
        --credential-source-file="PATH_TO_OIDC_ID_TOKEN" \
        --workforce-pool-user-project="WORKFORCE_POOL_USER_PROJECT" \

Replace the following:

  • WORKFORCE_POOL_ID: the workforce pool ID
  • PROVIDER_ID: the provider ID
  • PATH_TO_OIDC_TOKEN: the path to the OIDC IdP credential file
  • WORKFORCE_POOL_USER_PROJECT: the project number associated with the workforce pools user project

The principal must have permission on this project.

When you run the command, it produces an OIDC IdP config file that is formatted similar to the following:

  "type": "external_account",
  "audience": "//",
  "subject_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token",
  "token_url": "",
  "workforce_pool_user_project": "WORKFORCE_POOL_USER_PROJECT",
  "credential_source": {


  1. Sign a user in to your IdP app and get the SAML assertion.

    For information on obtaining the SAML assertion from your IdP, refer to your IdP's SAML documentation.

  2. Save the SAML response returned by IdP in a secure location on your local machine, then store the path, as follows:

  3. To generate a configuration file, run the following command:

    gcloud iam workforce-pools create-cred-config \
        locations/global/workforcePools/WORKFORCE_POOL_ID/providers/WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_ID \
        --subject-token-type="urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2" \
        --credential-source-file="SAML_ASSERTION_PATH"  \
        --workforce-pool-user-project="PROJECT_ID"  \

    Replace the following:

    • WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_ID: the workforce provider ID you created earlier in this guide.
    • WORKFORCE_POOL_ID: the workforce pool ID you created earlier in this guide.
    • SAML_ASSERTION_PATH: the path of the SAML assertion file.
    • PROJECT_ID: the project ID

    The configuration file that is generated looks similar to the following:

      "type": "external_account",
      "audience": "//",
      "subject_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2",
      "token_url": "",
      "credential_source": {
        "file": "SAML_ASSERTION_PATH"
      "workforce_pool_user_project": "PROJECT_ID"

To sign in to gcloud using token exchange, run the following command:

gcloud auth login --cred-file="config.json"

gcloud then transparently exchanges your IdP credentials for temporary Google Cloud access tokens, allowing you to make other gcloud calls to Google Cloud.

The output is similar to the following:

Authenticated with external account user credentials for:

To list the credentialed accounts and your currently active account, run the following command:

gcloud auth list

Authorize with a service account

The gcloud auth login command can authorize access with a service account by using a credential file stored on your local file system. This credential can be a user credential with permission to impersonate the service account, a credential configuration file for Workload Identity Federation, or a service account key.

Authorize a service account using service account impersonation

To authorize the gcloud CLI to use impersonated service account credentials, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service Accounts page.

    Go to Service Accounts

  2. Choose an existing account or create a new account by clicking Create service account.

  3. To get the permission that you need to impersonate a service account, ask your administrator to grant you the Service Account Token Creator (roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator) IAM role on the service account. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

    This predefined role contains the iam.serviceAccounts.getAccessToken permission, which is required to impersonate a service account.

    You might also be able to get this permission with custom roles or other predefined roles.

  4. Authorize the gcloud CLI with your user identity by running gcloud auth login.

  5. To set up the gcloud CLI to use the identity and access provided by a service account by default, use the gcloud CLI config command:

    gcloud config set auth/impersonate_service_account SERVICE_ACCT_EMAIL
  6. To stop using impersonated service account credentials with the gcloud CLI by default, unset the flag with the gcloud CLI config command:

    gcloud config unset auth/impersonate_service_account

Authorize a service account using Workload Identity Federation

To authorize the gcloud CLI with a service account using external credentials from Workload Identity Federation, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service Accounts page.

    Go to Service Accounts

  2. Choose an existing account or create a new account by clicking Create service account.

  3. Create a credential configuration file for Workload Identity Federation by following the directions for your supported identity provider.

  4. To activate your service account, run gcloud auth login with the --cred-file flag:

    gcloud auth login --cred-file=CONFIGURATION_FILE

    Replace CONFIGURATION_FILE with the path to a credential configuration file for Workload Identity Federation.

Authorize a service account using a service account key

To authorize the gcloud CLI with a service account using a service account key, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service Accounts page.

    Go to Service Accounts

  2. Choose an existing account or create a new account by clicking Create service account.

  3. To create service account keys, see the IAM instructions to Create a service account key.

  4. To activate your service account, run gcloud auth login with the --cred-file flag:

    gcloud auth login --cred-file=KEY_FILE

    Replace KEY_FILE with the path to a service account key file.

List accounts

To list the accounts whose credentials are stored on the local system, run gcloud auth list:

gcloud auth list

The gcloud CLI lists the accounts and shows which account is active:

Credentialed accounts:
 - (active)

Switch the active account

To switch the active account, run gcloud config set:

gcloud config set account ACCOUNT

where [ACCOUNT] is the full email address of the account.

You can also switch accounts by creating a separate configuration that specifies the different account and switching between configurations:

gcloud config configurations activate CONFIGURATION

If you want to switch the account used by the gcloud CLI on a per-invocation basis, override the active account using the --account flag.

Set authorized session length

As an administrator, you can control how long different users can access the gcloud CLI without having to re-authenticate. For example, you can force users with elevated privileges to re-authenticate more frequently than regular users.

For more information, see Set session length for Google Cloud services.

Revoke credentials for an account

You can revoke credentials when you want to disallow access by the gcloud CLI by a particular account. You don't need to revoke credentials to switch between accounts.

To revoke credentials, run gcloud auth revoke:

gcloud auth revoke ACCOUNT

To revoke all access for the gcloud CLI for all machines, remove the gcloud CLI from the list of apps that have access to your account.

Work with credential files

Find your credential files

To find the location of your credential files, run gcloud info:

gcloud info

The gcloud CLI prints information about your installation. Credential files are stored in the user configuration directory:

User Config Directory: [/home/USERNAME/.config/gcloud]

Set up Application Default Credentials

The gcloud CLI provides support for managing Application Default Credentials (ADC) with the gcloud auth application-default command group. To make user credentials available to ADC, run gcloud auth application-default login:

gcloud auth application-default login

These credentials are not used by the gcloud CLI. For more ways to set up ADC, see Set up Application Default Credentials.

gcloud config unset auth/impersonate_service_account
gcloud auth application-default login

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