Release history for google-cloud-logging

2.4.0 (2024-03-07)


  • Update minimum supported Ruby version to 2.7 (#25298)

2.3.3 (2023-05-19)


  • Fixed broken links in authentication documentation (#21619)

2.3.2 (2022-10-18)

Bug Fixes

  • update list logs response (#19285)

2.3.1 (2022-07-24)

Bug Fixes

  • update resource descriptor to handle paged enum (#18856)

2.3.0 (2022-06-30)


  • Update minimum Ruby version to 2.6 (#18444)

2.2.2 / 2021-10-21


  • Add documentation for quota_project Configuration attribute

2.2.1 / 2021-07-08


  • Update in handwritten packages

2.2.0 / 2021-03-10


  • Drop support for Ruby 2.4 and add support for Ruby 3.0

2.1.0 / 2020-09-16


  • quota_project can be set via library configuration

2.0.0 / 2020-07-21

This is a major update that removes the "low-level" client interface code, and instead adds the new google-cloud-logging-v2 gem as a dependency. The new dependency is a rewritten low-level client, produced by a next- generation client code generator, with improved performance and stability.

This change should have no effect on the high-level interface that most users will use. The one exception is that the (mostly undocumented) client_config argument, for adjusting low-level parameters such as RPC retry settings on client objects, has been removed. If you need to adjust these parameters, use the configuration interface in google-cloud-logging-v2.

Substantial changes have been made in the low-level interfaces, however. If you are using the low-level classes under the Google::Cloud::Logging::V2 module, please review the docs for the new google-cloud-logging-v2 gem. In particular:

  • Some classes have been renamed, notably the client class itself.
  • The client constructor takes a configuration block instead of configuration keyword arguments.
  • All RPC method arguments are now keyword arguments.

1.10.9 / 2020-06-17


  • Improved field descriptions in the low-level interface.

1.10.8 / 2020-06-12


  • Provide more details on low-level monitored resource data types

1.10.7 / 2020-05-28


  • Fix a few broken links

1.10.6 / 2020-05-19

Bug Fixes

  • Adjusted some default timeout and retry settings

1.10.5 / 2020-05-05

Bug Fixes

  • Prevent error when calling stop! on unused AsyncWriter

1.10.4 / 2020-04-20


  • Fix some broken links in the Project and Sink docs

1.10.3 / 2020-04-06


  • Fix some broken links in the low-level interface documentation.

1.10.2 / 2020-04-01

Bug Fixes

  • Restore some path helpers in the low-level interface.

1.10.1 / 2020-03-19

Bug Fixes

  • Restore billing, folder, and organization path helpers in low-level interface

1.10.0 / 2020-03-16


  • support separate project setting for quota/billing

Low-level interface updates

  • Add LogBucket
  • Add ConfigServiceV2Client#list_buckets
  • Add ConfigServiceV2Client#get_bucket
  • Add ConfigServiceV2Client#update_bucket
  • Add LifecycleState enum
  • Change name to positional param in ConfigServiceV2Client#get_cmek_settings
  • Change name and cmek_settings to positional params in ConfigServiceV2Client#update_cmek_settings
  • Remove billing, folder, and organization path helpers from ConfigServiceV2Client
  • Remove LogEntry#metadata
  • Remove previously deprecated project_ids from LoggingServiceV2Client#list_log_entries
  • Remove log_path helpers from LoggingServiceV2Client
  • Rename ConfigServiceV2Client#billing_path to #billing_account_path
  • Rename LoggingServiceV2Client#billing_path to #billing_account_path
  • Rename MetricsServiceV2Client#metric_path to #log_metric_path
  • Update network configuration settings

1.9.5 / 2020-02-24


  • Fix doc links to Cmek methods in lower-level client

1.9.4 / 2020-01-23


  • Update year

1.9.3 / 2019-12-20


  • Update description of MetricDescriptor#unit in lower-level API

1.9.2 / 2019-12-18

Bug Fixes

  • Fix MonitorMixin usage on Ruby 2.7
    • Ruby 2.7 will error if new_cond is called before super().
    • Make the call to super() be the first call in initialize


  • Update docs for lower-level API call MetricDescriptorMetadata#unit

1.9.1 / 2019-11-06

Bug Fixes

  • Update minimum runtime dependencies

1.9.0 / 2019-10-29

This release requires Ruby 2.4 or later.


  • Clarify which Google Cloud Platform environments support automatic authentication

1.8.0 / 2019-10-03


  • Support additional fields of LogSink in the low-level interface
    • Add LogSink#create_time field
    • Add LogSink#update_time field
    • Add LogSink#bigquery_options field
    • Add BigQueryOptions type
    • Update documentation

1.7.0 / 2019-08-23


  • Support overriding of service endpoint

1.6.6 / 2019-07-31

  • Fix max threads setting in thread pools
    • Thread pools once again limit the number of threads allocated.
  • Update documentation links

1.6.5 / 2019-07-08

  • Support overriding service host and port in the low-level interface.

1.6.4 / 2019-06-11

  • Add documentation for MetricDescriptor#launch_stage and MonitoredResourceDescriptor#launch_stage.
  • Deprecate MetricDescriptor:: MetricDescriptorMetadata#launch_stage
  • Use VERSION constant in GAPIC client

1.6.3 / 2019-04-29

  • Add guide.
  • Update generated documentation.
  • Update generated code examples.
  • Extract gRPC header values from request.

1.6.2 / 2019-02-13

  • Fix bug (typo) in retrieving default on_error proc.

1.6.1 / 2019-02-07

  • Update concurrent-ruby dependency

1.6.0 / 2019-01-22

  • AsyncWriter buffer entries and make batch API calls
    • Update AsyncWriter to buffer log entries and batch API calls.
    • Maintain backwards compatibility with the previous AsyncWriter's public API, although the implementation is changed.
    • Back pressure is applied by limiting the number of queued API calls. Errors will now be raised when there are not enough resources.
    • Errors are reported using the AsyncWriter#on_error callback.
    • Pending log entries are sent before the process closes using at_exit.
    • Add Logging on_error configuration.
  • Add default insert_id value for Entry
    • Add Entry.insert_id
    • Add default insert_id value for Entry An Entry object is assigned an insert_id when created so that if the Entry object gets persisted multiple times it would know its insert_id value and not attempt to generate a new one for each persist attempt. An Entry object will still be considered empty if the only value it has is the insert_id.
    • (This change does not use SecureRandom for performance reasons.)
  • Add Logging trace_sampled
    • Add Entry#trace_sampled attribute
    • Add trace_sampled to Logger::RequestInfo
  • Changes to Rails default Logger
    • Delay updating the Rails default logger until the first web request.
      • This will avoid issues with forking processes and gRPC resources.
      • This is accomplished by adding the on_init argument to middleware.
    • Add Railtie.set_default_logger
      • This method can be called post-fork to update the Rails default logger.
  • Make use of Credentials#project_id
    • Use Credentials#project_id If a project_id is not provided, use the value on the Credentials object. This value was added in googleauth 0.7.0.
    • Loosen googleauth dependency Allow for new releases up to 0.10. The googleauth devs have committed to maintaining the current API and will not make backwards compatible changes before 0.10.
  • Direct logs for "/healthz" requests to the health check log.
  • Update documentation.

1.5.7 / 2018-11-15

  • Add Google::Logging::V2::LogEntry#trace_sampled.
  • Update low-level documentation.

1.5.6 / 2018-10-03

  • Use concurrent-ruby and ThreadLocalVar in Logger.
    • Remove Monitor and synchronize blocks.
    • Logger#thread_ids now only returns the current thread.

1.5.5 / 2018-09-20

  • Make Logger thread-safe.
  • Update Logging generated files.
    • Add Metric's MetricDescriptorMetadata.
  • Update documentation.
    • Change documentation URL to googleapis GitHub org.
  • Fix circular require warning.

1.5.4 / 2018-09-12

  • Add missing documentation files to package.

1.5.3 / 2018-09-10

  • Update documentation.

1.5.2 / 2018-08-21

  • Update documentation.

1.5.1 / 2018-07-05

  • Fix bug in List classes by propagating arguments needed for pagination calls.
  • Fix issue when disabling Stackdriver components with Rails.env.production.
  • Reduce string memory usage.
  • Add documentation for enabling gRPC logging.

1.5.0 / 2018-02-27

  • Use Google Cloud Shared Configuration.
  • Deprecated Logging Sink attributes.

1.4.0 / 2017-12-19

  • Update google-gax dependency to 1.0.

1.3.2 / 2017-11-20

  • Refresh GAPIC layer (low-level API) based on updates to Protobuf types.

1.3.1 / 2017-11-15

  • Fix credentials verification bug in Railtie.

1.3.0 / 2017-11-14

  • Add Google::Cloud::Logging::Credentials class.
  • Rename constructor arguments to project_id and credentials. (The previous arguments project and keyfile are still supported.)
  • Document Google::Auth::Credentials as credentials value.
  • Add partial_success optional argument to Project#write_entries.
  • Deprecate HttpRequest#method, use HttpRequest#request_method instead.
  • Update generated low level GAPIC code.
  • Updated google-gax (grpc, google-protobuf), googleauth dependencies.

1.2.3 / 2017-09-27

  • Updated protobuf classes.
  • Updated README.

1.2.2 / 2017-09-08

  • Add labels configuration option to Google::Cloud::Logging::Middleware for Rails and other Rack-based framework integrations.

1.2.1 / 2017-07-11

  • stackdriver-core 1.2.0 release

1.2.0 / 2017-07-11

  • Update labels parameter in Google::Cloud::Logging::Logger#initialize to default to empty hash.
  • Update Google::Cloud::Logging::Logger to support the following ActiveSupport::Logger methods: :local_level, :local_level=, :silence, :silencer, and :unknown?.
  • Update GAPIC configuration to exclude UNAVAILABLE errors from automatic retry.
  • Update gem spec homepage links.

1.1.0 / 2017-05-25

  • Introduce new Google::Cloud::Logging.configure instrumentation configuration interface.
  • Google::Cloud::Logger now sends extra trace context information in log entries.

1.0.1 / 2017-04-21

  • Middleware constructor can be called without an explicit logger. This should make integration in non-Rails applications simpler.
  • If Rails integration fails due to an auth error, the notice is now printed to STDOUT rather than STDERR, which should make it a bit less scary when displayed in Docker output.

1.0.0 / 2017-03-31

  • Release 1.0
  • Added #trace and #source_location to Entry
  • Added listing of logs for the project
  • Updated documentation
  • Automatic retry on UNAVAILABLE errors

0.24.2 / 2017-03-03

  • No public API changes.
  • Update GRPC header value sent to the Logging API.

0.24.1 / 2017-03-01

  • No public API changes.
  • Update GRPC header value sent to the Logging API.
  • Low level API adds new Protobuf types and GAPIC methods.

0.24.0 / 2017-02-21

  • Fix GRPC retry bug
  • The client_config data structure has replaced retry_codes/retry_codes_def with retry_codes
  • Update GRPC/Protobuf/GAX dependencies

0.23.2 / 2016-12-27

  • Google::Cloud::Logging::Logger depended on standard logger but didn't require it. Fixed.

0.23.1 / 2016-12-22

  • Use the stackdriver-core gem to obtain Trace ID, for compatibility with the google-cloud-trace gem.
  • Google::Cloud::Logging::Logger now understands all remaining standard Logger methods.
  • Clean up AsyncWriter threads on VM exit, to prevent gRPC from crashing if it's still in the middle of a call.
  • Support setting log name by path, and direct App Engine health checks to a separate log by default.
  • Minor improvements to warning messages.

0.23.0 / 2016-12-8

  • Add resources method argument to Project#entries
  • Deprecate projects method argument from Project#entries
  • Add start_at, end_at, and writer_identity attributes to Sink
  • Add start_at, end_at, and unique_writer_identity parameters to Project#create_sink
  • Add unique_writer_identity parameter to Sink#save
  • Many documentation improvements
  • Add documentation for Low Level API

0.21.2 / 2016-11-15

  • Fix issue with uninitialized VERSION (remi)

0.21.1 / 2016-11-4

  • Upgraded Google::Cloud::Logging::Railtie to use AsyncWriter
  • Added Rails configuration for custom monitored resource

0.21.0 / 2016-10-20

  • New service constructor
  • New constructor argument client_config
  • Logger is now asynchronous
  • AsyncWriter added
  • Rails and Rack integration added

0.20.1 / 2016-09-02

  • Fix an issue with the GRPC client and forked sub-processes

0.20.0 / 2016-08-26

This gem contains the Stackdriver Logging service implementation for the google-cloud gem. The google-cloud gem replaces the old gcloud gem. Legacy code can continue to use the gcloud gem.

  • Namespace is now Google::Cloud
  • The google-cloud gem is now an umbrella package for individual gems