Reference documentation and code samples for the Error Reporting API class Google::Cloud::ErrorReporting::Project.
Projects are top-level containers in Google Cloud Platform. They store information about billing and authorized users, and they control access to Error Reporting. Each project has a friendly name and a unique ID. Projects can be created only in the Google Developers Console.
See new
- Object
require "google/cloud/error_reporting" error_reporting = error_event = error_reporting.error_event "Error with Backtrace", event_time:, service_name: "my_app_name" error_event
def self.default_project() -> String
Find default project_id from the configuration, environment varaibles, or query from GCE meta service.
- (String) — default valid GCP project_id
def self.default_project_id() -> String
Find default project_id from the configuration, environment varaibles, or query from GCE meta service.
- (String) — default valid GCP project_id
def self.default_service_name() -> String
Find default service_name from the configuration, environment varaibles, or query from GCE meta service, or just "ruby".
- (String) — default GCP service_name
def self.default_service_version() -> String
Find default service_version from the configuration, environment varaibles, or query from GCE meta service.
- (String) — default GCP service_version
def error_event(message = nil, service_name: nil, service_version: nil, event_time: nil, user: nil, file_path: nil, line_number: nil, function_name: nil) -> ErrorEvent
Create a new ErrorEvent instance with given parameters.
- message (String) — The error message along with backtrace
- service_name (String) (defaults to: nil) — The service's name. Default to Project.default_service_name
- service_version (String) (defaults to: nil) — The service's version. Default to Project.default_service_version
- event_time (Time) (defaults to: nil) — Time when the event occurred. If not provided, the time when the event was received by the Error Reporting system will be used.
- user (String) (defaults to: nil) — The user who caused or was affected by the crash. This can be a user ID, an email address, or an arbitrary token that uniquely identifies the user. When sending an error report, leave this field empty if the user was not logged in. In this case the Error Reporting system will use other data, such as remote IP address, to distinguish affected users.
- file_path (String) (defaults to: nil) — The source code filename, which can include a truncated relative path, or a full path from a production machine.
- line_number (Number) (defaults to: nil) — 1-based. 0 indicates that the line number is unknown.
- function_name (String) (defaults to: nil) — Human-readable name of a function or method. The value can include optional context like the class or package name. For example, my.package.MyClass.method in case of Java.
- (ErrorEvent) — A new ErrorEvent instance
require "google/cloud/error_reporting" error_reporting = error_event = error_reporting.error_event "Error Message with Backtrace", event_time:, service_name: "my_app_name", service_version: "v8", user: "johndoh", file_path: "MyController.rb", line_number: 123, function_name: "index" error_event
def project() -> String
Get the name of current project_id from underneath gRPC Service object.
- (String) — The current project_id
def project_id() -> String
Get the name of current project_id from underneath gRPC Service object.
- (String) — The current project_id
def report(*args, &block)
Report a ErrorEvent to Error Reporting service.
require "google/cloud/error_reporting" error_reporting = error_event = error_reporting.error_event "Error with Backtrace" error_event
def report_exception(exception, service_name: nil, service_version: nil)
Create a ErrorEvent from the given exception, and report this ErrorEvent to Error Reporting service.
- exception (Exception) — A Ruby exception
- service_name (String) (defaults to: nil) — The service's name. Default to Project.default_service_name
- service_version (String) (defaults to: nil) — The service's version. Default to Project.default_service_version
- (error_event)
require "google/cloud/error_reporting" error_reporting = begin fail StandardError, "A serious problem" rescue => exception error_reporting.report_exception exception, service_name: "my_app_name", service_version: "v8" end