Discovery Engine V1BETA API - Class Google::Cloud::DiscoveryEngine::V1beta::SearchRequest::ContentSearchSpec::ExtractiveContentSpec (v0.4.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Discovery Engine V1BETA API class Google::Cloud::DiscoveryEngine::V1beta::SearchRequest::ContentSearchSpec::ExtractiveContentSpec.

A specification for configuring the extractive content in a search response.


  • Object

Extended By

  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods


  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts



def max_extractive_answer_count() -> ::Integer
  • (::Integer) — The maximum number of extractive answers returned in each search result.

    An extractive answer is a verbatim answer extracted from the original document, which provides a precise and contextually relevant answer to the search query.

    If the number of matching answers is less than the max_extractive_answer_count, return all of the answers. Otherwise, return the max_extractive_answer_count.

    At most one answer is returned for each SearchResult.


def max_extractive_answer_count=(value) -> ::Integer
  • value (::Integer) — The maximum number of extractive answers returned in each search result.

    An extractive answer is a verbatim answer extracted from the original document, which provides a precise and contextually relevant answer to the search query.

    If the number of matching answers is less than the max_extractive_answer_count, return all of the answers. Otherwise, return the max_extractive_answer_count.

    At most one answer is returned for each SearchResult.

  • (::Integer) — The maximum number of extractive answers returned in each search result.

    An extractive answer is a verbatim answer extracted from the original document, which provides a precise and contextually relevant answer to the search query.

    If the number of matching answers is less than the max_extractive_answer_count, return all of the answers. Otherwise, return the max_extractive_answer_count.

    At most one answer is returned for each SearchResult.


def max_extractive_segment_count() -> ::Integer
  • (::Integer) — The max number of extractive segments returned in each search result. Only applied if the [DataStore][] is set to [DataStore.ContentConfig.CONTENT_REQUIRED][] or [DataStore.solution_types][] is [SOLUTION_TYPE_CHAT][].

    An extractive segment is a text segment extracted from the original document that is relevant to the search query, and, in general, more verbose than an extractive answer. The segment could then be used as input for LLMs to generate summaries and answers.

    If the number of matching segments is less than max_extractive_segment_count, return all of the segments. Otherwise, return the max_extractive_segment_count.

    Currently one segment is returned for each SearchResult.


def max_extractive_segment_count=(value) -> ::Integer
  • value (::Integer) — The max number of extractive segments returned in each search result. Only applied if the [DataStore][] is set to [DataStore.ContentConfig.CONTENT_REQUIRED][] or [DataStore.solution_types][] is [SOLUTION_TYPE_CHAT][].

    An extractive segment is a text segment extracted from the original document that is relevant to the search query, and, in general, more verbose than an extractive answer. The segment could then be used as input for LLMs to generate summaries and answers.

    If the number of matching segments is less than max_extractive_segment_count, return all of the segments. Otherwise, return the max_extractive_segment_count.

    Currently one segment is returned for each SearchResult.

  • (::Integer) — The max number of extractive segments returned in each search result. Only applied if the [DataStore][] is set to [DataStore.ContentConfig.CONTENT_REQUIRED][] or [DataStore.solution_types][] is [SOLUTION_TYPE_CHAT][].

    An extractive segment is a text segment extracted from the original document that is relevant to the search query, and, in general, more verbose than an extractive answer. The segment could then be used as input for LLMs to generate summaries and answers.

    If the number of matching segments is less than max_extractive_segment_count, return all of the segments. Otherwise, return the max_extractive_segment_count.

    Currently one segment is returned for each SearchResult.