Discovery Engine V1BETA API - Class Google::Cloud::DiscoveryEngine::V1beta::CompleteQueryRequest (v0.3.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Discovery Engine V1BETA API class Google::Cloud::DiscoveryEngine::V1beta::CompleteQueryRequest.

Request message for CompletionService.CompleteQuery method.


  • Object

Extended By

  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts::ClassMethods


  • Google::Protobuf::MessageExts



def data_store() -> ::String
  • (::String) — Required. The parent data store resource name for which the completion is performed, such as projects/*/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataStores/default_data_store.


def data_store=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) — Required. The parent data store resource name for which the completion is performed, such as projects/*/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataStores/default_data_store.
  • (::String) — Required. The parent data store resource name for which the completion is performed, such as projects/*/locations/global/collections/default_collection/dataStores/default_data_store.


def query() -> ::String
  • (::String) — Required. The typeahead input used to fetch suggestions. Maximum length is 128 characters.


def query=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) — Required. The typeahead input used to fetch suggestions. Maximum length is 128 characters.
  • (::String) — Required. The typeahead input used to fetch suggestions. Maximum length is 128 characters.


def query_model() -> ::String
  • (::String) —

    Selects data model of query suggestions for serving. Currently supported values:

    • document - Using suggestions generated from user-imported documents.
    • search-history - Using suggestions generated from the past history of SearchService.Search API calls. Do not use it when there is no traffic for Search API.
    • user-event - Using suggestions generated from user-imported search events.
    • document-completable - Using suggestions taken directly from user-imported document fields marked as completable.

    Default values:

    • document is the default model for regular dataStores.
    • search-history is the default model for [IndustryVertical.SITE_SEARCH][] dataStores.


def query_model=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) —

    Selects data model of query suggestions for serving. Currently supported values:

    • document - Using suggestions generated from user-imported documents.
    • search-history - Using suggestions generated from the past history of SearchService.Search API calls. Do not use it when there is no traffic for Search API.
    • user-event - Using suggestions generated from user-imported search events.
    • document-completable - Using suggestions taken directly from user-imported document fields marked as completable.

    Default values:

    • document is the default model for regular dataStores.
    • search-history is the default model for [IndustryVertical.SITE_SEARCH][] dataStores.
  • (::String) —

    Selects data model of query suggestions for serving. Currently supported values:

    • document - Using suggestions generated from user-imported documents.
    • search-history - Using suggestions generated from the past history of SearchService.Search API calls. Do not use it when there is no traffic for Search API.
    • user-event - Using suggestions generated from user-imported search events.
    • document-completable - Using suggestions taken directly from user-imported document fields marked as completable.

    Default values:

    • document is the default model for regular dataStores.
    • search-history is the default model for [IndustryVertical.SITE_SEARCH][] dataStores.


def user_pseudo_id() -> ::String
  • (::String) — A unique identifier for tracking visitors. For example, this could be implemented with an HTTP cookie, which should be able to uniquely identify a visitor on a single device. This unique identifier should not change if the visitor logs in or out of the website.

    This field should NOT have a fixed value such as unknown_visitor.

    This should be the same identifier as UserEvent.user_pseudo_id and SearchRequest.user_pseudo_id.

    The field must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a length limit of 128 characters. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.


def user_pseudo_id=(value) -> ::String
  • value (::String) — A unique identifier for tracking visitors. For example, this could be implemented with an HTTP cookie, which should be able to uniquely identify a visitor on a single device. This unique identifier should not change if the visitor logs in or out of the website.

    This field should NOT have a fixed value such as unknown_visitor.

    This should be the same identifier as UserEvent.user_pseudo_id and SearchRequest.user_pseudo_id.

    The field must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a length limit of 128 characters. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.

  • (::String) — A unique identifier for tracking visitors. For example, this could be implemented with an HTTP cookie, which should be able to uniquely identify a visitor on a single device. This unique identifier should not change if the visitor logs in or out of the website.

    This field should NOT have a fixed value such as unknown_visitor.

    This should be the same identifier as UserEvent.user_pseudo_id and SearchRequest.user_pseudo_id.

    The field must be a UTF-8 encoded string with a length limit of 128 characters. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.