Batch V1 API - Module Google::Cloud::Batch::V1::JobStatus::State (v0.10.5)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Batch V1 API module Google::Cloud::Batch::V1::JobStatus::State.

Valid Job states.

value: 0
Job state unspecified.

value: 1
Job is admitted (validated and persisted) and waiting for resources.


value: 2
Job is scheduled to run as soon as resource allocation is ready. The resource allocation may happen at a later time but with a high chance to succeed.


value: 3
Resource allocation has been successful. At least one Task in the Job is RUNNING.


value: 4
All Tasks in the Job have finished successfully.


value: 5
At least one Task in the Job has failed.


value: 6
The Job will be deleted, but has not been deleted yet. Typically this is because resources used by the Job are still being cleaned up.