Class Type (3.8.0)


Face landmark (feature) type. Left and right are defined from the vantage of the viewer of the image without considering mirror projections typical of photos. So, LEFT_EYE, typically, is the person's right eye.


Name Description
UNKNOWN_LANDMARK Unknown face landmark detected. Should not be filled.
LEFT_EYE Left eye.
RIGHT_EYE Right eye.
LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW Left of left eyebrow.
RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW Right of left eyebrow.
LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW Left of right eyebrow.
RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW Right of right eyebrow.
MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES Midpoint between eyes.
NOSE_TIP Nose tip.
UPPER_LIP Upper lip.
LOWER_LIP Lower lip.
MOUTH_LEFT Mouth left.
MOUTH_RIGHT Mouth right.
MOUTH_CENTER Mouth center.
NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT Nose, bottom right.
NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT Nose, bottom left.
NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER Nose, bottom center.
LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY Left eye, top boundary.
LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER Left eye, right corner.
LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY Left eye, bottom boundary.
LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER Left eye, left corner.
RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY Right eye, top boundary.
RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER Right eye, right corner.
RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY Right eye, bottom boundary.
RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER Right eye, left corner.
LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT Left eyebrow, upper midpoint.
RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT Right eyebrow, upper midpoint.
LEFT_EAR_TRAGION Left ear tragion.
RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION Right ear tragion.
LEFT_EYE_PUPIL Left eye pupil.
RIGHT_EYE_PUPIL Right eye pupil.
FOREHEAD_GLABELLA Forehead glabella.
CHIN_GNATHION Chin gnathion.
CHIN_LEFT_GONION Chin left gonion.
CHIN_RIGHT_GONION Chin right gonion.
LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER Left cheek center.
RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER Right cheek center.