Package types (2.5.3)

API documentation for texttospeech_v1beta1.types package.



Description of audio data to be synthesized. .. attribute:: audio_encoding

Required. The format of the audio byte stream.



Configuration to set up audio encoder. The encoding determines the output audio format that we'd like.


The top-level message sent by the client for the ListVoices method.


The message returned to the client by the ListVoices method. .. attribute:: voices

The list of voices.

:type: Sequence[]


Gender of the voice as described in SSML voice element <>__.


Contains text input to be synthesized. Either text or ssml must be supplied. Supplying both or neither returns [google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT][]. The input size is limited to 5000 characters.


The top-level message sent by the client for the SynthesizeSpeech method.


The message returned to the client by the SynthesizeSpeech method.


This contains a mapping between a certain point in the input text and a corresponding time in the output audio.


Description of a voice supported by the TTS service. .. attribute:: language_codes

The languages that this voice supports, expressed as BCP-47 <>__ language tags (e.g. "en-US", "es-419", "cmn-tw").

:type: Sequence[str]


Description of which voice to use for a synthesis request. .. attribute:: language_code

Required. The language (and potentially also the region) of the voice expressed as a BCP-47 <>__ language tag, e.g. "en-US". This should not include a script tag (e.g. use "cmn-cn" rather than "cmn-Hant-cn"), because the script will be inferred from the input provided in the SynthesisInput. The TTS service will use this parameter to help choose an appropriate voice. Note that the TTS service may choose a voice with a slightly different language code than the one selected; it may substitute a different region (e.g. using en-US rather than en-CA if there isn't a Canadian voice available), or even a different language, e.g. using "nb" (Norwegian Bokmal) instead of "no" (Norwegian)".

:type: str