Class CustomRankingInfo (0.5.0)

Custom ranking information for SearchJobsRequest.

Required. Controls over how job documents get ranked on top of existing relevance score (determined by API algorithm). A combination of the ranking expression and relevance score is used to determine job's final ranking position. The syntax for this expression is a subset of Google SQL syntax. Supported operators are: +, -, *, /, where the left and right side of the operator is either a numeric [Job.custom_attribut es][] key, integer/double value or an expression that can be evaluated to a number. Parenthesis are supported to adjust calculation precedence. The expression must be < 100 characters in length. The expression is considered invalid for a job if the expression references custom attributes that are not populated on the job or if the expression results in a divide by zero. If an expression is invalid for a job, that job is demoted to the end of the results. Sample ranking expression (year + 25) * 0.25 - (freshness / 0.5)