Module types (0.4.0)

API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types module.



Resource that represents an individual or collaborative activity participated in by a candidate, for example, an open-source project, a class assignment, and so on.

Activity description. Number of characters allowed is 100,000.

The first creation date of the activity.

A list of team members involved in this activity. Number of characters allowed is 100. The limitation for max number of team members is 50.

Output only. Activity name snippet shows how the [display_nam e][] is related to a search query. It's empty if the [display_name][g] isn't related to the search query.

Output only. Skill used snippet shows how the corresponding [s kills_used][ ] are related to a search query. It's empty if the corresponding [skills_used][ ity.skills_used] are not related to the search query.


Resource that represents contact information other than phone, email, URI and addresses.

The name of the contact method. For example, "hangout", "skype". Number of characters allowed is 100.


Resource that represents a address.

The address of a person. It can be one of [unstructured_addre ss][] or [structured_address][ tructured_address].

Structured address that contains street address, city, state, country, and so on.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Any class.


Resource that represents a job application record of a candidate.

Required. Client side application identifier, used to uniquely identify the application. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

One of either a job or a company is required. Resource name of the job which the candidate applied for. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/jobs/{job_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/jobs/baz".

The application date.

The application state.

If the candidate is referred by a employee.

The last update timestamp.

Outcome positiveness shows how positive the outcome is.

Output only. Job title snippet shows how the job title is related to a search query. It's empty if the job title isn't related to the search query.


Application Date Range Filter.

The API matches profiles with [Application.application_date][] between start date and end date (both boundaries are inclusive). The filter is ignored if both [start_date][] and [end_date][] are missing.

End date. If it's missing, The API matches profiles with application date not before the start date.


Filter on the job information of Application.

The job title in the application. The API does an exact match on the Job.title of Application.job in profiles.


Outcome Notes Filter.

If true, The API excludes all candidates with any [Application .outcome_notes][ me_notes] matching the outcome reason specified in the filter.


Filter on availability signals.

Required. Range of times to filter candidate signals by.


Candidate availability signal.

Timestamp of when the given availability activity last happened.


Request to create a batch of jobs.

Required. The jobs to be created.


Batch delete jobs request.

Required. The filter string specifies the jobs to be deleted. Supported operator: =, AND The fields eligible for filtering are: - companyName (Required) - requisitionId (Required) Sample Query: companyName = "projects/foo/companies/bar" AND requisitionId = "req-1"


Metadata used for long running operations returned by CTS batch APIs. It's used to replace google.longrunning.Operation.metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata].

More detailed information about operation state.

Count of failed item(s) inside an operation.

The time when the batch operation is created.

The time when the batch operation is finished and [google.long running.Operation.done][google.longrunning.Operation.done] is set to true.


Request to update a batch of jobs.

The jobs to be updated.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.BoolValue class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.BytesValue class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.CancelOperationRequest class.


Deprecated. Use AvailabilityFilter instead.

Filter on availability signals.


Resource that represents a license or certification.

Acquisition date or effective date of license or certification.

Authority of license, such as government. Number of characters allowed is 100.


An event issued when an end user interacts with the application that implements Cloud Talent Solution. Providing this information improves the quality of results for the API clients, enabling the service to perform optimally. The number of events sent must be consistent with other calls, such as job searches, issued to the service by the client.

Required. A unique identifier, generated by the client application.

Required. The detail information of a specific event type.

An event issued when a profile searcher interacts with the application that implements Cloud Talent Solution.


Parameters needed for commute search.

Required. The latitude and longitude of the location to calculate the commute time from.

If true, jobs without street level addresses may also be returned. For city level addresses, the city center is used. For state and coarser level addresses, text matching is used. If this field is set to false or isn't specified, only jobs that include street level addresses will be returned by commute search.

Specifies the traffic density to use when calculating commute time.


A Company resource represents a company in the service. A company is the entity that owns job postings, that is, the hiring entity responsible for employing applicants for the job position.

Required. The display name of the company, for example, "Google LLC".

The employer's company size.

Set to true if it is the hiring agency that post jobs for other employers. Defaults to false if not provided.

The URI representing the company's primary web site or home page, for example, "". The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

A URI that hosts the employer's company logo.

Output only. Derived details about the company.


Filter on job compensation type and amount.

Required. Specify desired base compensation entry's [Compe nsationInfo.CompensationUnit][ ensationInfo.CompensationUnit].

If set to true, jobs with unspecified compensation range fields are included.


Job compensation details.

Output only. Annualized base compensation range. Computed as base compensation entry's [CompensationEntry.amount][ oud.talent.v4beta1.CompensationInfo.CompensationEntry.amount] times [CompensationEntry.expected_units_per_year][ oud.talent.v4beta1.CompensationInfo.CompensationEntry.expected _units_per_year]. See [CompensationEntry][ ent.v4beta1.CompensationInfo.CompensationEntry] for explanation on compensation annualization.


Auto-complete parameters.

Required. The query used to generate suggestions. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

Required. Completion result count. The maximum allowed page size is 10.

The scope of the completion. The defaults is [CompletionScope. PUBLIC][ etionScope.PUBLIC].


Response of auto-complete query.

Additional information for the API invocation, such as the request tracking id.


The Request of the CreateApplication method.

Required. The application to be created.


The report event request.

Required. Events issued when end user interacts with customer's application that uses Cloud Talent Solution.


The Request of the CreateCompany method.

Required. The company to be created.


Create job request.

Required. The Job to be created.


Create profile request.

Required. The profile to be created.


The Request of the CreateTenant method.

Required. The tenant to be created.


Custom attribute values that are either filterable or non-filterable.

Exactly one of [string_values][ stomAttribute.string_values] or [long_values][ alent.v4beta1.CustomAttribute.long_values] must be specified. This field is used to perform number range search. (EQ, GT, GE, LE, LT) over filterable long_value. Currently at most 1 [long_values][google.clo ud.talent.v4beta1.CustomAttribute.long_values] is supported.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Date class.


Resource that represents a degree pursuing or acquired by a candidate.

Full Degree name. For example, "B.S.", "Master of Arts", and so on. Number of characters allowed is 100.


Request to delete a application.


Request to delete a company.


Delete job request.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.DeleteOperationRequest class.


Delete profile request.


Request to delete a tenant.


Device information collected from the job seeker, candidate, or other entity conducting the job search. Providing this information improves the quality of the search results across devices.

A device-specific ID. The ID must be a unique identifier that distinguishes the device from other devices.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.DoubleValue class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Duration class.


Education filter of the search.

The field of study. This is to search against value provided in [Degree.fields_of_study][ ee.fields_of_study]. For example "Computer Science", "Mathematics".

Whether to apply negation to the filter so profiles matching the filter is excluded.


Resource that represents an education record of a candidate.

The end date of the education.

The name of the school or institution. For example, "Stanford University", "UC Berkeley", and so on. Number of characters allowed is 250.

The degree information. It can be one of [degree_description] [ on] or [structured_degree][ ionRecord.structured_degree].

The structured notation of the degree.

If this education is current.

Output only. The job description snippet shows how the Degree is related to a search query in search result. It's empty if the Degree isn't related to the search query.


Resource that represents a person's email address.

Email address. Number of characters allowed is 4,000.


Employer filter of the search.

Define set of [EmploymentRecord][ mploymentRecord]s to search against. Defaults to [EmployerFil terMode.ALL_EMPLOYMENT_RECORDS][ EmployerFilter.EmployerFilterMode.ALL_EMPLOYMENT_RECORDS].


Resource that represents an employment record of a candidate.

End date of the employment.

The division name of the employment. For example, division, department, client, and so on. Number of characters allowed is 100.

The job title of the employment. For example, "Software Engineer", "Data Scientist", and so on. Number of characters allowed is 250.

If the jobs is a supervisor position.

If this employment is current.

Output only. The job description snippet shows how the [job_d escription][ description] is related to a search query. It's empty if the [ job_description][ .job_description] isn't related to the search query.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Empty class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.FieldMask class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.FloatValue class.


Request for getting a application by name.


Request for getting a company by name.


Get job request.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.GetOperationRequest class.


Get profile request.


Request for getting a tenant by name.


The histogram request.


Histogram result that matches HistogramQuery specified in searches.

A map from the values of the facet associated with distinct values to the number of matching entries with corresponding value. The key format is: - (for string histogram) string values stored in the field. - (for named numeric bucket) name specified in bucket() function, like for bucket(0, MAX, "non-negative"), the key will be non-negative. - (for anonymous numeric bucket) range formatted as <low>-<high>, for example, 0-1000, MIN-0, and 0-MAX.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Int32Value class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Int64Value class.


Details of an interview.

Required. The overall decision resulting from this interview (positive, negative, nuetral).


A Job resource represents a job posting (also referred to as a "job listing" or "job requisition"). A job belongs to a Company, which is the hiring entity responsible for the job.

Required. The resource name of the company listing the job. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/com panies/{company_id}". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used. For example, "projects/foo/companies/bar".

Required. The title of the job, such as "Software Engineer" The maximum number of allowed characters is 500.

Strongly recommended for the best service experience. Location(s) where the employer is looking to hire for this job posting. Specifying the full street address(es) of the hiring location enables better API results, especially job searches by commute time. At most 50 locations are allowed for best search performance. If a job has more locations, it is suggested to split it into multiple jobs with unique [requisit ion_id][]s (e.g. 'ReqA' becomes 'ReqA-1', 'ReqA-2', and so on.) as multiple jobs with the same company, [language _code][] and [re quisition_id][ ] are not allowed. If the original [requisition_id][ oud.talent.v4beta1.Job.requisition_id] must be preserved, a custom field should be used for storage. It is also suggested to group the locations that close to each other in the same job for better search experience. The maximum number of allowed characters is 500.

The benefits included with the job.

A map of fields to hold both filterable and non-filterable custom job attributes that are not covered by the provided structured fields. The keys of the map are strings up to 64 bytes and must match the pattern: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*. For example, key0LikeThis or KEY_1_LIKE_THIS. At most 100 filterable and at most 100 unfilterable keys are supported. For filterable string_values, across all keys at most 200 values are allowed, with each string no more than 255 characters. For unfilterable string_values, the maximum total size of string_values across all keys is 50KB.

The department or functional area within the company with the open position. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

A description of bonus, commission, and other compensation incentives associated with the job not including salary or pay. The maximum number of allowed characters is 10,000.

The experience level associated with the job, such as "Entry Level".

A description of the qualifications required to perform the job. The use of this field is recommended as an alternative to using the more general description field. This field accepts and sanitizes HTML input, and also accepts bold, italic, ordered list, and unordered list markup tags. The maximum number of allowed characters is 10,000.

The job PostingRegion (for example, state, country) throughout which the job is available. If this field is set, a LocationFilter in a search query within the job region finds this job posting if an exact location match isn't specified. If this field is set to [PostingRegion.NATION][ ingRegion.NATION] or [PostingRegion.ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA][goog], setting job Job.addresses to the same location level as this field is strongly recommended.

The start timestamp of the job in UTC time zone. Typically this field is used for contracting engagements. Invalid timestamps are ignored.

The timestamp this job posting was most recently published. The default value is the time the request arrives at the server. Invalid timestamps are ignored.

Output only. The timestamp when this job posting was created.

Output only. Display name of the company listing the job.

Options for job processing.


An event issued when a job seeker interacts with the application that implements Cloud Talent Solution.

Required. The [job name(s)][] associated with this event. For example, if this is an [impression][google.clo ud.talent.v4beta1.JobEvent.JobEventType.IMPRESSION] event, this field contains the identifiers of all jobs shown to the job seeker. If this was a view event, this field contains the identifier of the viewed job. The format is "projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/jobs/{job_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/jobs/baz".


The result of JobService.BatchCreateJobs or JobService.BatchUpdateJobs APIs. It's used to replace google.longrunning.Operation.response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] in case of success.


The query required to perform a search query.

This filter specifies the company entities to search against. If a value isn't specified, jobs are searched for against all companies. If multiple values are specified, jobs are searched against the companies specified. The format is "proj ects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}/companies/{company_id }". For example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz". If tenant id is unspecified, the default tenant is used. For example, "projects/foo/companies/bar". At most 20 company filters are allowed.

The category filter specifies the categories of jobs to search against. See JobCategory for more information. If a value isn't specified, jobs from any category are searched against. If multiple values are specified, jobs from any of the specified categories are searched against.

This filter specifies the exact company [Company.display_name ][] of the jobs to search against. If a value isn't specified, jobs within the search results are associated with any company. If multiple values are specified, jobs within the search results may be associated with any of the specified companies. At most 20 company display name filters are allowed.

This filter specifies a structured syntax to match against the [Job.custom_attributes][ m_attributes] marked as filterable. The syntax for this expression is a subset of SQL syntax. Supported operators are: =, !=, <, <=, >, and >= where the left of the operator is a custom field key and the right of the operator is a number or a quoted string. You must escape backslash () and quote (") characters. Supported functions are LOWER([field_name]) to perform a case insensitive match and EMPTY([field_name]) to filter on the existence of a key. Boolean expressions (AND/OR/NOT) are supported up to 3 levels of nesting (for example, "((A AND B AND C) OR NOT D) AND E"), a maximum of 100 comparisons or functions are allowed in the expression. The expression must be < 6000 bytes in length. Sample Query: (LOWER(driving_license)="class "a"" OR EMPTY(driving_license)) AND driving_years > 10

The employment type filter specifies the employment type of jobs to search against, such as [EmploymentType.FULL_TIME][go]. If a value isn't specified, jobs in the search results includes any employment type. If multiple values are specified, jobs in the search results include any of the specified employment types.

Jobs published within a range specified by this filter are searched against.


Job title of the search.

Whether to apply negation to the filter so profiles matching the filter are excluded.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.LatLng class.


List applications for which the client has ACL visibility.

The starting indicator from which to return results.


The List applications response object.

A token to retrieve the next page of results.


List companies for which the client has ACL visibility.

The starting indicator from which to return results.

Set to true if the companies requested must have open jobs. Defaults to false. If true, at most [page_size][ .talent.v4beta1.ListCompaniesRequest.page_size] of companies are fetched, among which only those with open jobs are returned.


The List companies response object.

A token to retrieve the next page of results.


List jobs request.

Required. The filter string specifies the jobs to be enumerated. Supported operator: =, AND The fields eligible for filtering are: - companyName (Required) - requisitionId - status Available values: OPEN, EXPIRED, ALL. Defaults to OPEN if no value is specified. Sample Query: - companyName = "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz" - companyName = "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz" AND requisitionId = "req-1" - companyName = "projects/foo/tenants/bar/companies/baz" AND status = "EXPIRED"

The maximum number of jobs to be returned per page of results. If [job_view][ _view] is set to [JobView.JOB_VIEW_ID_ONLY][ alent.v4beta1.JobView.JOB_VIEW_ID_ONLY], the maximum allowed page size is 1000. Otherwise, the maximum allowed page size is 100. Default is 100 if empty or a number < 1 is specified.


List jobs response.

A token to retrieve the next page of results.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.ListOperationsRequest class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.ListOperationsResponse class.


List profiles request.

The filter string specifies the profiles to be enumerated. Supported operator: =, AND The field(s) eligible for filtering are: - externalId - groupId externalId and groupId cannot be specified at the same time. If both externalId and groupId are provided, the API will return a bad request error. Sample Query: - externalId = "externalId-1"

  • groupId = "groupId-1"

    The maximum number of profiles to be returned, at most 100. Default is 100 unless a positive number smaller than 100 is specified.


The List profiles response object.

A token to retrieve the next page of results. This is empty if there are no more results.


List tenants for which the client has ACL visibility.

The starting indicator from which to return results.


The List tenants response object.

A token to retrieve the next page of results.


A resource that represents a location with full geographic information.

Postal address of the location that includes human readable information, such as postal delivery and payments addresses. Given a postal address, a postal service can deliver items to a premises, P.O. Box, or other delivery location.

Radius in miles of the job location. This value is derived from the location bounding box in which a circle with the specified radius centered from google.type.LatLng][google.type.LatLng] covers the area associated with the job location. For example, currently, "Mountain View, CA, USA" has a radius of 6.17 miles.


Geographic region of the search.

CLDR region code of the country/region of the address. This is used to address ambiguity of the user-input location, for example, "Liverpool" against "Liverpool, NY, US" or "Liverpool, UK". Set this field to bias location resolution toward a specific country or territory. If this field is not set, application behavior is biased toward the United States by default. See and http://www.unico for details. Example: "CH" for Switzerland. Note that this filter is not applicable for Profile Search related queries.

The distance_in_miles is applied when the location being searched for is identified as a city or smaller. This field is ignored if the location being searched for is a state or larger.

Whether to apply negation to the filter so profiles matching the filter are excluded. Currently only supported in profile search.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Money class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Operation class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.OperationInfo class.


Resource that represents the patent acquired by a candidate.

A list of inventors' names. Number of characters allowed for each is 100.

The date the last time the status of the patent was checked.

The name of the patent office. Number of characters allowed is 100.

The description of the patent. Number of characters allowed is 100,000.


Resource that represents the name of a person.

A string represents a person's full name. For example, "Dr. John Smith". Number of characters allowed is 100.

Preferred name for the person. This field is ignored if [struc tured_name][ _name] is provided. Number of characters allowed is 100.


Filter on person name.


Resource that represents a valid URI for a personal use.


Resource that represents a person's telephone number.

The phone type. For example, LANDLINE, MOBILE, FAX.

When this number is available. Any descriptive string is expected. Number of characters allowed is 100.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.PostalAddress class.


A resource that represents the profile for a job candidate (also referred to as a "single-source profile").

Profile's id in client system, if available. This value is unique for each profile inside a tenant. An error is thrown if another profile with the same external_id is created. The maximum number of bytes allowed is 100.

The URI set by clients that links to this profile's client- side copy. The maximum number of bytes allowed is 4000.

Indicates the hirable status of the candidate.

The timestamp when the profile was last updated at this source.

The timestamp when the candidate's resume was added or updated on the candidate's profile. Whether that resume was directly uploaded by a candidate, pulled from a 3rd party job board feed, added by a recruiter, and so on. If this field is updated, it's expected that resume is provided in the create or update calls.

The names of the candidate this profile references. Currently only one person name is supported.

The candidate's email addresses.

The candidate's personal URIs.

The employment history records of the candidate. It's highly recommended to input this information as accurately as possible to help improve search quality. Here are some recommendations: - Specify the start and end dates of the employment records. - List different employment types separately, no matter how minor the change is. For example, only job title is changed from "software engineer" to "senior software engineer". - Provide [ _current][ rrent] for the current employment if possible. If not, it's inferred from user inputs. The limitation for max number of employment records is 100.

The skill set of the candidate. It's highly recommended to provide as much information as possible to help improve the search quality. The limitation for max number of skills is 500.

The publications published by the candidate. The limitation for max number of publications is 50.

The certifications acquired by the candidate.

Output only. The resource names of the candidate's assignments.

Output only. Indicates if a summarized profile was created as part of the profile creation API call. This flag does not indicate whether a profile is searchable or not.

Output only. Candidate's availability signals.


An event issued when a profile searcher interacts with the application that implements Cloud Talent Solution.

Required. The [profile name(s)][] associated with this client event. The format is "projects/{project_id} /tenants/{tenant_id}/profiles/{profile_id}", for example, "projects/foo/tenants/bar/profiles/baz".


Filters to apply when performing the search query.

The location filter specifies geo-regions containing the profiles to search against. One of [LocationFilter.address][g] or [Locatio nFilter.lat_lng][ at_lng] must be provided or an error is thrown. If both [Loca tionFilter.address][ .address] and [LocationFilter.lat_lng][ beta1.LocationFilter.lat_lng] are provided, an error is thrown. The following logic is used to determine which locations in the profile to filter against: 1. All of the profile's geocoded [Profile.addresses][ eta1.Profile.addresses] where Address.usage is PERSONAL and Address.current is true. 2. If the above set of locations is empty, all of the profile's geocoded [Profile.addresses][ eta1.Profile.addresses] where Address.usage is CONTACT_INFO_USAGE_UNSPECIFIED and Address.current is true. 3. If the above set of locations is empty, all of the profile's geocoded [Profile.addresses][ eta1.Profile.addresses] where Address.usage is PERSONAL or CONTACT_INFO_USAGE_UNSPECIFIED and Address.current is not set. This means that any profiles without any [Profile .addresses][] that match any of the above criteria will not be included in a search with location filter. Furthermore, any [Profile.address es][] where Address.usage is WORK or SCHOOL or where Address.current is false are not considered for location filter. If a location filter isn't specified, profiles fitting the other search criteria are retrieved regardless of where they're located. If [LocationFilter.negated][ ta1.LocationFilter.negated] is specified, the result doesn't contain profiles from that location. If [LocationFilter.addre ss][] is provided, the [LocationType][ ion.LocationType], center point (latitude and longitude), and radius are automatically detected by the Google Maps Geocoding API and included as well. If [LocationFilter.address][google.c loud.talent.v4beta1.LocationFilter.address] cannot be geocoded, the filter falls back to keyword search. If the detected [LocationType][ ocationType] is [LocationType.SUB_ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA][googl VE_AREA], [LocationType.ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA][ lent.v4beta1.Location.LocationType.ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA], or [ LocationType.COUNTRY][ ationType.COUNTRY], the filter is performed against the detected location name (using exact text matching). Otherwise, the filter is performed against the detected center point and a radius of detected location radius + [LocationFilter.distanc e_in_miles][ nce_in_miles]. If [LocationFilter.address][ ent.v4beta1.LocationFilter.address] is provided, [LocationFilt er.distance_in_miles][ lter.distance_in_miles] is the additional radius on top of the radius of the location geocoded from [LocationFilter.addre ss][]. If [L ocationFilter.lat_lng][ lter.lat_lng] is provided, [LocationFilter.distance_in_mile s][ les] is the only radius that is used. [LocationFilter.distanc e_in_miles][ nce_in_miles] is 10 by default. Note that the value of [Loca tionFilter.distance_in_miles][ cationFilter.distance_in_miles] is 0 if it is unset, so the server does not differentiate [LocationFilter.distance_in_mi les][ miles] that is explicitly set to 0 and [LocationFilter.distanc e_in_miles][ nce_in_miles] that is not set. Which means that if [Location Filter.distance_in_miles][ onFilter.distance_in_miles] is explicitly set to 0, the server will use the default value of [LocationFilter.distance _in_miles][ e_in_miles] which is 10. To work around this and effectively set [LocationFilter.distance_in_miles][ 4beta1.LocationFilter.distance_in_miles] to 0, we recommend setting [LocationFilter.distance_in_miles][ nt.v4beta1.LocationFilter.distance_in_miles] to a very small decimal number (such as 0.00001). If [LocationFilter.distance _in_miles][ ce_in_miles] is negative, an error is thrown.

Employer filter specifies employers of profiles to match on. If an employer filter isn't specified, profiles with any employers are retrieved. If multiple employer filters are specified, profiles with any matching employers are retrieved. If [EmployerFilter.negated][ erFilter.negated] is specified, the result won't contain profiles that match the employers. For example, search for profiles that have working experience at "Google LLC".

Skill filter specifies skill of profiles to match on. If a skill filter isn't specified, profiles with any skills are retrieved. If multiple skill filters are specified, profiles that match any skill filters are retrieved. If [SkillFilter.n egated][] is specified, the result won't contain profiles that match the skills. For example, search for profiles that have "Java" and "Python" in skill list.

Time filter specifies the create/update timestamp of the profiles to match on. For example, search for profiles created since "2018-1-1".

The application date filters specify application date ranges to match on.

The application job filters specify the job applied for in the application.

Deprecated. Use availability_filters instead. The candidate availability filter which filters based on availability signals. Signal 1: Number of days since most recent job application. See [Availability.JobApplicationAvailabilitySigna l][ labilitySignal] for the details of this signal. Signal 2: Number of days since last profile update. See [Availability.Pr ofileUpdateAvailabilitySignal][ ilability.ProfileUpdateAvailabilitySignal] for the details of this signal. The candidate availability filter helps a recruiter understand if a specific candidate is likely to be actively seeking new job opportunities based on an aggregated set of signals. Specifically, the intent is NOT to indicate the candidate's potential qualification / interest / close ability for a specific job.

Person name filter specifies person name of profiles to match on. If multiple person name filters are specified, profiles that match any person name filters are retrieved. For example, search for profiles of candidates with name "John Smith".


Resource that represents a publication resource of a candidate.

The title of the publication. Number of characters allowed is 100.

The journal name of the publication. Number of characters allowed is 100.

The publisher of the journal. Number of characters allowed is 100.

The publication type. Number of characters allowed is 100.


The details of the score received for an assessment or interview.

The minimum value for the score.

The steps within the score (for example, interval = 1 max = 5 min = 1 indicates that the score can be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)


Meta information related to the job searcher or entity conducting the job search. This information is used to improve the performance of the service.

Required if [allow_missing_ids][ RequestMetadata.allow_missing_ids] is unset or false. A unique session identification string. A session is defined as the duration of an end user's interaction with the service over a certain period. Obfuscate this field for privacy concerns before providing it to the service. Note that any improvements to the model for a particular tenant site rely on this field being set correctly to a unique session ID. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

Only set when any of domain, [session_id][ ion_id] and [user_id][ adata.user_id] isn't available for some reason. It is highly recommended not to set this field and provide accurate domain, [session_id][ ion_id] and [user_id][ adata.user_id] for the best service experience.


Additional information returned to client, such as debugging information.


Resource that represents a resume.

The format of [structured_resume][ .Resume.structured_resume].


The Request body of the SearchJobs call.

Mode of a search. Defaults to [SearchMode.JOB_SEARCH][google .cloud.talent.v4beta1.SearchJobsRequest.SearchMode.JOB_SEARCH ].

Query used to search against jobs, such as keyword, location filters, etc.

Controls if the search job request requires the return of a precise count of the first 300 results. Setting this to true ensures consistency in the number of results per page. Best practice is to set this value to true if a client allows users to jump directly to a non-sequential search results page. Enabling this flag may adversely impact performance. Defaults to false.

The desired job attributes returned for jobs in the search response. Defaults to [JobView.JOB_VIEW_SMALL][ talent.v4beta1.JobView.JOB_VIEW_SMALL] if no value is specified.

A limit on the number of jobs returned in the search results. Increasing this value above the default value of 10 can increase search response time. The value can be between 1 and 100.

The criteria determining how search results are sorted. Default is "relevance desc". Supported options are: - "relevance desc": By relevance descending, as determined by the API algorithms. Relevance thresholding of query results is only available with this ordering. - "posting_publish_time desc": By [Job.posting_publish_ time][] descending. - "posting_update_time desc": By [ ing_update_time][ date_time] descending. - "title": By Job.title ascending. - "title desc": By Job.title descending.

  • "annualized_base_compensation": By job's [Compensati onInfo.annualized_base_compensation_range][ ent.v4beta1.CompensationInfo.annualized_base_compensation_r ange] ascending. Jobs whose annualized base compensation is unspecified are put at the end of search results. - "annualized_base_compensation desc": By job's [Compensa tionInfo.annualized_base_compensation_range][ alent.v4beta1.CompensationInfo.annualized_base_compensation _range] descending. Jobs whose annualized base compensation is unspecified are put at the end of search results. - "annualized_total_compensation": By job's [Compensation Info.annualized_total_compensation_range][ nt.v4beta1.CompensationInfo.annualized_total_compensation_r ange] ascending. Jobs whose annualized base compensation is unspecified are put at the end of search results. - "annualized_total_compensation desc": By job's [Compens ationInfo.annualized_total_compensation_range][ .talent.v4beta1.CompensationInfo.annualized_total_compensati on_range] descending. Jobs whose annualized base compensation is unspecified are put at the end of search results. - "custom_ranking desc": By the relevance score adjusted to the [SearchJobsRequest.CustomRankingInfo.rankin g_expression][ ustomRankingInfo.ranking_expression] with weight factor assigned by [SearchJobsRequest.CustomRankingInfo.importance _level][ ankingInfo.importance_level] in descending order. - Location sorting: Use the special syntax to order jobs by distance: "distance_from('Hawaii')": Order by distance from Hawaii. "distance_from(19.89, 155.5)": Order by distance from a coordinate. "distance_from('Hawaii'), distance_from('Puerto Rico')": Order by multiple locations. See details below. "distance_from('Hawaii'), distance_from(19.89, 155.5)": Order by multiple locations. See details below. The string can have a maximum of 256 characters. When multiple distance centers are provided, a job that is close to any of the distance centers would have a high rank. When a job has multiple locations, the job location closest to one of the distance centers will be used. Jobs that don't have locations will be ranked at the bottom. Distance is calculated with a precision of 11.3 meters (37.4 feet). Diversification strategy is still applied unless explicitly disabled in [diversification_level][ sRequest.diversification_level].

    Controls over how job documents get ranked on top of existing relevance score (determined by API algorithm).


Response for SearchJob method.

The histogram results that match with specified [SearchJobsReq uest.histogram_queries][ sRequest.histogram_queries].

The location filters that the service applied to the specified query. If any filters are lat-lng based, the [Location.locatio n_type][] is [Location.LocationType.LOCATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED][google. cloud.talent.v4beta1.Location.LocationType.LOCATION_TYPE_UNS PECIFIED].

The precise result count, which is available only if the client set [SearchJobsRequest.require_precise_result_size][ _result_size] to true, or if the response is the last page of results. Otherwise, the value is -1.

If query broadening is enabled, we may append additional results from the broadened query. This number indicates how many of the jobs returned in the jobs field are from the broadened query. These results are always at the end of the jobs list. In particular, a value of 0, or if the field isn't set, all the jobs in the jobs list are from the original (without broadening) query. If this field is non-zero, subsequent requests with offset after this result set should contain all broadened results.


The request body of the SearchProfiles call.

Required. The meta information collected about the profile search user. This is used to improve the search quality of the service. These values are provided by users, and must be precise and consistent.

A limit on the number of profiles returned in the search results. A value above the default value 10 can increase search response time. The maximum value allowed is 100. Otherwise an error is thrown.

An integer that specifies the current offset (that is, starting result) in search results. This field is only considered if [page_token][ ProfilesRequest.page_token] is unset. The maximum allowed value is 5000. Otherwise an error is thrown. For example, 0 means to search from the first profile, and 10 means to search from the 11th profile. This can be used for pagination, for example pageSize = 10 and offset = 10 means to search from the second page.

The criteria that determines how search results are sorted. Defaults is "relevance desc" if no value is specified. Supported options are: - "relevance desc": By descending relevance, as determined by the API algorithms. - "update_date desc": Sort by [Profile.update_time][google. cloud.talent.v4beta1.Profile.update_time] in descending order (recently updated profiles first). - "create_date desc": Sort by [Profile.create_time][ 4beta1.Profile.create_time] in descending order (recently created profiles first). - "first_name": Sort by [PersonN ame.PersonStructuredName.given_name][ ta1.PersonName.PersonStructuredName.given_name] in ascending order. - "first_name desc": Sort by [PersonName .PersonStructuredName.given_name][ .PersonName.PersonStructuredName.given_name] in descending order. - "last_name": Sort by [PersonName.PersonStructure dName.family_name][ sonStructuredName.family_name] in ascending order. - "last_name desc": Sort by [PersonName.PersonStructuredName .family_name][ ructuredName.family_name] in ascending order.

A list of expressions specifies histogram requests against matching profiles for [SearchProfilesRequest][ ent.v4beta1.SearchProfilesRequest]. The expression syntax looks like a function definition with parameters. Function syntax: function_name(histogram_facet[, list of buckets]) Data types: - Histogram facet: facet names with format [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+. - String: string like "any string with backslash escape for quote(")." - Number: whole number and floating point number like 10, -1 and -0.01. - List: list of elements with comma(,) separator surrounded by square brackets. For example, [1, 2, 3] and ["one", "two", "three"]. Built-in constants: - MIN (minimum number similar to java Double.MIN_VALUE) - MAX (maximum number similar to java Double.MAX_VALUE) Built-in functions: - bucket(start, end[, label]) Bucket build-in function creates a bucket with range of [start, end). Note that the end is exclusive. For example, bucket(1, MAX, "positive number") or bucket(1, 10). Histogram Facets: - admin1: Admin1 is a global placeholder for referring to state, province, or the particular term a country uses to define the geographic structure below the country level. Examples include states codes such as "CA", "IL", "NY", and provinces, such as "BC". - locality: Locality is a global placeholder for referring to city, town, or the particular term a country uses to define the geographic structure below the admin1 level. Examples include city names such as "Mountain View" and "New York".

  • extended_locality: Extended locality is concatenated version of admin1 and locality with comma separator. For example, "Mountain View, CA" and "New York, NY". - postal_code: Postal code of profile which follows locale code. - country: Country code (ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 code) of profile, such as US, JP, GB. - job_title: Normalized job titles specified in EmploymentHistory. - company_name: Normalized company name of profiles to match on. - institution: The school name. For example, "MIT", "University of California, Berkeley" - degree: Highest education degree in ISCED code. Each value in degree covers a specific level of education, without any expansion to upper nor lower levels of education degree. - experience_in_months: experience in months. 0 means 0 month to 1 month (exclusive). - application_date: The application date specifies application start dates. See [ApplicationDateFilter][ nDateFilter] for more details. - application_outcome_notes: The application outcome reason specifies the reasons behind the outcome of the job application. See [ApplicationOutcomeNotesFilter][google.clo ud.talent.v4beta1.ApplicationOutcomeNotesFilter] for more details. - application_job_title: The application job title specifies the job applied for in the application. See [A pplicationJobFilter][ bFilter] for more details. - hirable_status: Hirable status specifies the profile's hirable status. - string_custom_attribute: String custom attributes. Values can be accessed via square bracket notation like string_custom_attribute["key1"]. - numeric_custom_attribute: Numeric custom attributes. Values can be accessed via square bracket notation like numeric_custom_attribute["key1"]. Example expressions: - count(admin1) - count(experience_in_months, [bucket(0, 12, "1 year"), bucket(12, 36, "1-3 years"), bucket(36, MAX, "3+ years")]) - count(string_custom_attribute["assigned_recruiter"]) - count(numeric_custom_attribute["favorite_number"], [bucket(MIN, 0, "negative"), bucket(0, MAX, "non- negative")])

    This flag is used to indicate whether the service will attempt to understand synonyms and terms related to the search query or treat the query "as is" when it generates a set of results. By default this flag is set to false, thus allowing expanded results to also be returned. For example a search for "software engineer" might also return candidates who have experience in jobs similar to software engineer positions. By setting this flag to true, the service will only attempt to deliver candidates has software engineer in his/her global fields by treating "software engineer" as a keyword. It is recommended to provide a feature in the UI (such as a checkbox) to allow recruiters to set this flag to true if they intend to search for longer boolean strings.


Response of SearchProfiles method.

The spell checking result, and correction.

A token to retrieve the next page of results. This is empty if there are no more results.

The profile entities that match the specified [SearchProfilesR equest][].


Resource that represents a skill of a candidate.

The last time this skill was used.

A paragraph describes context of this skill. Number of characters allowed is 100,000.


Skill filter of the search.

Whether to apply negation to the filter so profiles matching the filter are excluded.


Spell check result.

Correction output consisting of the corrected keyword string.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Status class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.StringValue class.


Profile entry with metadata inside SearchProfilesResponse.

A profile summary shows the profile summary and how the profile matches the search query. In profile summary, the profiles with the same [Profile.group_id][ .v4beta1.Profile.group_id] are merged together. Among profiles, same education/employment records may be slightly different but they are merged into one with best efforts. For example, in one profile the school name is "UC Berkeley" and the field study is "Computer Science" and in another one the school name is "University of California at Berkeley" and the field study is "CS". The API merges these two inputs into one and selects one value for each field. For example, the school name in summary is set to "University of California at Berkeley" and the field of study is set to "Computer Science".


A Tenant resource represents a tenant in the service. A tenant is a group or entity that shares common access with specific privileges for resources like profiles. Customer may create multiple tenants to provide data isolation for different groups.

Required. Client side tenant identifier, used to uniquely identify the tenant. The maximum number of allowed characters is 255.

A list of keys of filterable [Profile.custom_attributes][goog], whose corresponding string_values are used in keyword searches. Profiles with string_values under these specified field keys are returned if any of the values match the search keyword. Custom field values with parenthesis, brackets and special symbols are not searchable as-is, and must be surrounded by quotes.


Filter on create timestamp or update timestamp of profiles.

End timestamp, matching profiles with the end time. If this field missing, The API matches profiles with create / update timestamp after the start timestamp.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.TimeOfDay class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.Timestamp class.


Message representing a period of time between two timestamps.

End of the period (exclusive).


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.UInt32Value class.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.UInt64Value class.


Request for updating a specified application.

Strongly recommended for the best service experience. If [upd ate_mask][ t.update_mask] is provided, only the specified fields in [app lication][ .application] are updated. Otherwise all the fields are updated. A field mask to specify the application fields to be updated. Only top level fields of Application are supported.


Request for updating a specified company.

Strongly recommended for the best service experience. If [upd ate_mask][ date_mask] is provided, only the specified fields in [company ][] are updated. Otherwise all the fields are updated. A field mask to specify the company fields to be updated. Only top level fields of Company are supported.


Update job request.

Strongly recommended for the best service experience. If [upd ate_mask][ _mask] is provided, only the specified fields in job are updated. Otherwise all the fields are updated. A field mask to restrict the fields that are updated. Only top level fields of Job are supported.


Update profile request

A field mask to specify the profile fields to update. A full update is performed if it is unset. Valid values are: - external_id - source - source_types - uri - is_hirable

  • create_time - update_time - candidate_update_time - resume_update_time - resume - person_names - addresses - email_addresses - phone_numbers - personal_uris - additional_contact_info - employment_records - education_records - skills - activities - publications - patents - certifications - recruiting_notes - custom_attributes - group_id - external_system - source_note - primary_responsibilities - citizenships - work_authorizations - employee_types - language_code - qualification_summary - allowed_contact_types - preferred_contact_types - contact_availability - language_fluencies - work_preference - industry_experiences - work_environment_experiences - work_availability - security_clearances - references - assessments - interviews


Request for updating a specified tenant.

Strongly recommended for the best service experience. If [upd ate_mask][ ate_mask] is provided, only the specified fields in [tenant][] are updated. Otherwise all the fields are updated. A field mask to specify the tenant fields to be updated. Only top level fields of Tenant are supported.


API documentation for talent_v4beta1.types.WaitOperationRequest class.


Work experience filter.

This filter is used to search for profiles with working experience length between [min_experience][] and [max_experience][].

The maximum duration of the work experience (exclusive).