Storage Client

Client for interacting with the Google Cloud Storage API.



Client to bundle configuration needed for API requests.

  • Parameters

    • project (str* or [None*]( – the project which the client acts on behalf of. Will be passed when creating a topic. If not passed, falls back to the default inferred from the environment.

    • credentials (Credentials) – (Optional) The OAuth2 Credentials to use for this client. If not passed (and if no _http object is passed), falls back to the default inferred from the environment.

    • _http (Session) – (Optional) HTTP object to make requests. Can be any object that defines request() with the same interface as requests.Session.request(). If not passed, an _http object is created that is bound to the credentials for the current object. This parameter should be considered private, and could change in the future.

    • client_info (ClientInfo) – The client info used to send a user-agent string along with API requests. If None, then default info will be used. Generally, you only need to set this if you’re developing your own library or partner tool.

SCOPE( = ('', '', '' )

The scopes required for authenticating as a Cloud Storage consumer.


Factory constructor for batch object.

NOTE: This will not make an HTTP request; it simply instantiates a batch object owned by this client.

bucket(bucket_name, user_project=None)

Factory constructor for bucket object.

NOTE: This will not make an HTTP request; it simply instantiates a bucket object owned by this client.

  • Parameters

    • bucket_name (str) – The name of the bucket to be instantiated.

    • user_project (str) – (Optional) the project ID to be billed for API requests made via the bucket.

  • Return type

  • Returns

    The bucket object created.

classmethod create_anonymous_client()

Factory: return client with anonymous credentials.

NOTE: Such a client has only limited access to “public” buckets: listing their contents and downloading their blobs.

  • Return type

  • Returns

    Instance w/ anonymous credentials and no project.

create_bucket(bucket_or_name, requester_pays=None, project=None)

API call: create a new bucket via a POST request.


  • Parameters

    • bucket_or_name (Union[ Bucket, str, ]) – The bucket resource to pass or name to create.

    • requester_pays (bool) – Optional. Whether requester pays for API requests for this bucket and its blobs.

    • project (str) – Optional. the project under which the bucket is to be created. If not passed, uses the project set on the client.

  • Returns

      The newly created bucket.
  • Raises – If the bucket already exists.


Create a bucket using a string.

    bucket = client.create_bucket("my-bucket")
    assert isinstance(bucket, Bucket)
    # <Bucket: my-bucket>

Create a bucket using a resource.

>>> from import storage
>>> client = storage.Client()
>>> # Set properties on a plain resource object.
>>> bucket = storage.Bucket("my-bucket-name")
>>> bucket.location = "europe-west6"
>>> bucket.storage_class = "COLDLINE"
>>> # Pass that resource object to the client.
>>> bucket = client.create_bucket(bucket)  # API request.

create_hmac_key(service_account_email, project_id=None)

Create an HMAC key for a service account.

  • Parameters

    • service_account_email (str) – e-mail address of the service account

    • project_id (str) – (Optional) explicit project ID for the key. Defaults to the client’s project.

  • Return type

    Tuple[HMACKeyMetadata, str]

  • Returns

    metadata for the created key, plus the bytes of the key’s secret, which is an 40-character base64-encoded string.

property current_batch()

Currently-active batch.

download_blob_to_file(blob_or_uri, file_obj, start=None, end=None)

Download the contents of a blob object or blob URI into a file-like object.

  • Parameters

    • blob_or_uri (Union[ Blob, str, ]) – The blob resource to pass or URI to download.

    • file_obj (file) – A file handle to which to write the blob’s data.

    • start (int) – Optional. The first byte in a range to be downloaded.

    • end (int) – Optional. The last byte in a range to be downloaded.


Download a blob using using a blob resource.

>>> from import storage
>>> client = storage.Client()
>>> bucket = client.get_bucket('my-bucket-name')
>>> blob = storage.Blob('path/to/blob', bucket)
>>> with open('file-to-download-to') as file_obj:
>>>     client.download_blob_to_file(blob, file_obj)  # API request.

Download a blob using a URI.

>>> from import storage
>>> client = storage.Client()
>>> with open('file-to-download-to') as file_obj:
>>>     client.download_blob_to_file(
>>>         'gs://bucket_name/path/to/blob', file_obj)


API call: retrieve a bucket via a GET request.


  • Parameters

    bucket_or_name (Union[ Bucket, str, ]) – The bucket resource to pass or name to create.

  • Returns

      The bucket matching the name provided.
  • Raises – If the bucket is not found.


Retrieve a bucket using a string.

        bucket = client.get_bucket("my-bucket")
        print("Sorry, that bucket does not exist!")

Get a bucket using a resource.

>>> from import storage
>>> client = storage.Client()
>>> # Set properties on a plain resource object.
>>> bucket = client.get_bucket("my-bucket-name")
>>> # Time passes. Another program may have modified the bucket
... # in the meantime, so you want to get the latest state.
>>> bucket = client.get_bucket(bucket)  # API request.

get_hmac_key_metadata(access_id, project_id=None)

Return a metadata instance for the given HMAC key.

  • Parameters

    • access_id (str) – Unique ID of an existing key.

    • project_id (str) – (Optional) project ID of an existing key. Defaults to client’s project.


Get the email address of the project’s GCS service account

  • Parameters

    project (str) – (Optional) Project ID to use for retreiving GCS service account email address. Defaults to the client’s project.

  • Return type


  • Returns

    service account email address

list_blobs(bucket_or_name, max_results=None, page_token=None, prefix=None, delimiter=None, versions=None, projection='noAcl', fields=None)

Return an iterator used to find blobs in the bucket.

If user_project is set, bills the API request to that project.

  • Parameters

    • bucket_or_name (Union[ Bucket, str, ]) – The bucket resource to pass or name to create.

    • max_results (int) – (Optional) The maximum number of blobs in each page of results from this request. Non-positive values are ignored. Defaults to a sensible value set by the API.

    • page_token (str) – (Optional) If present, return the next batch of blobs, using the value, which must correspond to the nextPageToken value returned in the previous response. Deprecated: use the pages property of the returned iterator instead of manually passing the token.

    • prefix (str) – (Optional) prefix used to filter blobs.

    • delimiter (str) – (Optional) Delimiter, used with prefix to emulate hierarchy.

    • versions (bool) – (Optional) Whether object versions should be returned as separate blobs.

    • projection (str) – (Optional) If used, must be ‘full’ or ‘noAcl’. Defaults to 'noAcl'. Specifies the set of properties to return.

    • fields (str) – (Optional) Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. Must be a list of fields. For example to get a partial response with just the next page token and the name and language of each blob returned: 'items(name,contentLanguage),nextPageToken'. See:

  • Returns

    Iterator of all Blob in this bucket matching the arguments.

list_buckets(max_results=None, page_token=None, prefix=None, projection='noAcl', fields=None, project=None)

Get all buckets in the project associated to the client.

This will not populate the list of blobs available in each bucket.

    for bucket in client.list_buckets():

This implements “storage.buckets.list”.

  • Parameters

    • max_results (int) – Optional. The maximum number of buckets to return.

    • page_token (str) – Optional. If present, return the next batch of buckets, using the value, which must correspond to the nextPageToken value returned in the previous response. Deprecated: use the pages property of the returned iterator instead of manually passing the token.

    • prefix (str) – Optional. Filter results to buckets whose names begin with this prefix.

    • projection (str) – (Optional) Specifies the set of properties to return. If used, must be ‘full’ or ‘noAcl’. Defaults to ‘noAcl’.

    • fields (str) – (Optional) Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. Must be a list of fields. For example to get a partial response with just the next page token and the language of each bucket returned: ‘items/id,nextPageToken’

    • project (str) – (Optional) the project whose buckets are to be listed. If not passed, uses the project set on the client.

  • Return type


  • Raises

    ValueError – if both project is None and the client’s project is also None.

  • Returns

    Iterator of all Bucket belonging to this project.

list_hmac_keys(max_results=None, service_account_email=None, show_deleted_keys=None, project_id=None)

List HMAC keys for a project.

  • Parameters

    • max_results (int) – (Optional) max number of keys to return in a given page.

    • service_account_email (str) – (Optional) limit keys to those created by the given service account.

    • show_deleted_keys (bool) – (Optional) included deleted keys in the list. Default is to exclude them.

    • project_id (str) – (Optional) explicit project ID for the key. Defaults to the client’s project.

  • Return type

    Tuple[HMACKeyMetadata, str]

  • Returns

    metadata for the created key, plus the bytes of the key’s secret, which is an 40-character base64-encoded string.


Get a bucket by name, returning None if not found.

You can use this if you would rather check for a None value than catching an exception:

    bucket = client.lookup_bucket("doesnt-exist")
    assert not bucket
    # None
    bucket = client.lookup_bucket("my-bucket")
    assert isinstance(bucket, Bucket)
    # <Bucket: my-bucket>