Class ExecuteBatchDmlResponse (1.10.0)

The response for ExecuteBatchDml][google.spanner.v1.Spanner.ExecuteBatchDml]. Contains a list of ResultSet][google.spanner.v1.ResultSet], one for each DML statement that has successfully executed. If a statement fails, the error is returned as part of the response payload. Clients can determine whether all DML statements have run successfully, or if a statement failed, using one of the following approaches:

  1. Check if 'status' field is OkStatus.
  2. Check if result_sets_size() equals the number of statements in ExecuteBatchDmlRequest][Spanner.ExecuteBatchDmlRequest].

Example 1: A request with 5 DML statements, all executed successfully. Result: A response with 5 ResultSets, one for each statement in the same order, and an OK status.

Example 2: A request with 5 DML statements. The 3rd statement has a syntax error. Result: A response with 2 ResultSets, for the first 2 statements that run successfully, and a syntax error (INVALID_ARGUMENT) status. From result_set_size() client can determine that the 3rd statement has failed.

If all DML statements are executed successfully, status will be OK. Otherwise, the error status of the first failed statement.