Package types (1.10.2)

API documentation for service_usage_v1.types package.

Request message for the BatchEnableServices method.

Response message for the BatchEnableServices method. This response message is assigned to the response field of the returned Operation when that operation is done.

Request message for the BatchGetServices method.


Response message for the BatchGetServices method.


Request message for the DisableService method.


Response message for the DisableService method. This response message is assigned to the response field of the returned Operation when that operation is done.


Request message for the EnableService method.


Response message for the EnableService method. This response message is assigned to the response field of the returned Operation when that operation is done.


Request message for the GetService method.


Request message for the ListServices method.


Response message for the ListServices method.


The operation metadata returned for the batchend services operation.


A service that is available for use by the consumer.


The configuration of the service.


Whether or not a service has been enabled for use by a consumer.

Values: STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): The default value, which indicates that the enabled state of the service is unspecified or not meaningful. Currently, all consumers other than projects (such as folders and organizations) are always in this state. DISABLED (1): The service cannot be used by this consumer. It has either been explicitly disabled, or has never been enabled. ENABLED (2): The service has been explicitly enabled for use by this consumer.