A Google Cloud Redis instance.
An arbitrary and optional user-provided name for the instance.
Optional. The zone where the instance will be provisioned. If not provided, the service will choose a zone for the instance. For STANDARD_HA tier, instances will be created across two zones for protection against zonal failures. If [alternative_ location_id][google.cloud.redis.v1beta1.Instance.alternative _location_id] is also provided, it must be different from [lo cation_id][google.cloud.redis.v1beta1.Instance.location_id].
Optional. The version of Redis software. If not provided,
latest supported version will be used. Currently, the
supported values are: - REDIS_4_0
for Redis 4.0
compatibility (default) - REDIS_3_2
for Redis 3.2
Output only. Hostname or IP address of the exposed Redis endpoint used by clients to connect to the service.
Output only. The current zone where the Redis endpoint is placed. For Basic Tier instances, this will always be the same as the [location_id][google.cloud.redis.v1beta1.Instance.loca tion_id] provided by the user at creation time. For Standard Tier instances, this can be either [location_id][google.cloud .redis.v1beta1.Instance.location_id] or [alternative_locatio n_id][google.cloud.redis.v1beta1.Instance.alternative_locati on_id] and can change after a failover event.
Output only. The current state of this instance.
Optional. Redis configuration parameters, according to http://redis.io/topics/config. Currently, the only supported parameters are: Redis 3.2 and above: - maxmemory-policy - notify-keyspace-events Redis 4.0 and above: - activedefrag
lfu-log-factor - lfu-decay-time
Required. Redis memory size in GiB.
Output only. Cloud IAM identity used by import / export operations to transfer data to/from Cloud Storage. Format is "serviceAccount:". The value may change over time for a given instance so should be checked before each import/export operation.
builtins.object > google.protobuf.pyext._message.CMessage > builtins.object > google.protobuf.message.Message > InstanceClasses
API documentation for redis_v1beta1.types.Instance.LabelsEntry
API documentation for redis_v1beta1.types.Instance.RedisConfigsEntry