Class TimeWindow (1.8.4)

TimeWindow(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Time windows constrain the time of an event, such as the arrival time at a visit, or the start and end time of a vehicle.

Hard time window bounds, start_time and end_time, enforce the earliest and latest time of the event, such that start_time <= event_time <= end_time. The soft time window lower bound, soft_start_time, expresses a preference for the event to happen at or after soft_start_time by incurring a cost proportional to how long before soft_start_time the event occurs. The soft time window upper bound, soft_end_time, expresses a preference for the event to happen at or before soft_end_time by incurring a cost proportional to how long after soft_end_time the event occurs. start_time, end_time, soft_start_time and soft_end_time should be within the global time limits (see ShipmentModel.global_start_time and ShipmentModel.global_end_time) and should respect:


 0 <= `start_time` <= `soft_start_time` <= `end_time` and
 0 <= `start_time` <= `soft_end_time` <= `end_time`.

.. _oneof:


Name Description
start_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
The hard time window start time. If unspecified it will be set to ShipmentModel.global_start_time.
end_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
The hard time window end time. If unspecified it will be set to ShipmentModel.global_end_time.
soft_start_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
The soft start time of the time window.
soft_end_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
The soft end time of the time window.
cost_per_hour_before_soft_start_time float
A cost per hour added to other costs in the model if the event occurs before soft_start_time, computed as: :: max(0, soft_start_time - t.seconds) * cost_per_hour_before_soft_start_time / 3600, t being the time of the event. This cost must be positive, and the field can only be set if soft_start_time has been set. This field is a member of oneof_ _cost_per_hour_before_soft_start_time.
cost_per_hour_after_soft_end_time float
A cost per hour added to other costs in the model if the event occurs after soft_end_time, computed as: :: max(0, t.seconds - soft_end_time.seconds) * cost_per_hour_after_soft_end_time / 3600, t being the time of the event. This cost must be positive, and the field can only be set if soft_end_time has been set. This field is a member of oneof_ _cost_per_hour_after_soft_end_time.