Class EventType (0.5.10)


The part of the request or response for which the extension is called.

Values: EVENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unspecified value. Do not use. REQUEST_HEADERS (1): If included in supported_events, the extension is called when the HTTP request headers arrive. REQUEST_BODY (2): If included in supported_events, the extension is called when the HTTP request body arrives. RESPONSE_HEADERS (3): If included in supported_events, the extension is called when the HTTP response headers arrive. RESPONSE_BODY (4): If included in supported_events, the extension is called when the HTTP response body arrives. REQUEST_TRAILERS (5): If included in supported_events, the extension is called when the HTTP request trailers arrives. RESPONSE_TRAILERS (6): If included in supported_events, the extension is called when the HTTP response trailers arrives.