Class LogSink (1.15.3)

Describes a sink used to export log entries to one of the following destinations in any project: a Cloud Storage bucket, a BigQuery dataset, or a Cloud Pub/Sub topic. A logs filter controls which log entries are exported. The sink must be created within a project, organization, billing account, or folder.

Required. The export destination: :: "[GCS_BUCKET]" "bigquery.googleapis .com/projects/[PROJECT_ID]/datasets/[DATASET]" "[PROJECT_ID]/topics/[TOPIC_ID]" The sink's writer_identity, set when the sink is created, must have permission to write to the destination or else the log entries are not exported. For more information, see Exporting Logs with Sinks </logging/docs/api/tasks/exporting-logs>__.

Optional. A description of this sink. The maximum length of the description is 8000 characters.

Deprecated. The log entry format to use for this sink's exported log entries. The v2 format is used by default and cannot be changed.

Optional. This field applies only to sinks owned by organizations and folders. If the field is false, the default, only the logs owned by the sink's parent resource are available for export. If the field is true, then logs from all the projects, folders, and billing accounts contained in the sink's parent resource are also available for export. Whether a particular log entry from the children is exported depends on the sink's filter expression. For example, if this field is true, then the filter resource.type=gce_instance would export all Compute Engine VM instance log entries from all projects in the sink's parent. To only export entries from certain child projects, filter on the project part of the log name: :: logName:("projects/test-project1/" OR "projects/test-project2/") AND resource.type=gce_instance

Optional. Options that affect sinks exporting data to BigQuery.

Output only. The last update timestamp of the sink. This field may not be present for older sinks.

Do not use. This field is ignored.