Class AlloyDBEngine (0.8.0)

    key: object,
    pool: sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.engine.AsyncEngine,
    loop: typing.Optional[],
    thread: typing.Optional[threading.Thread],

A class for managing connections to a AlloyDB database.



    key: object,
    pool: sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.engine.AsyncEngine,
    loop: typing.Optional[],
    thread: typing.Optional[threading.Thread],

AlloyDBEngine constructor.

Name Description
key object

Prevent direct constructor usage.

engine AsyncEngine

Async engine connection pool.

loop Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]

Async event loop used to create the engine.

thread Optional[Thread]

Thread used to create the engine async.

Type Description
Exception If the constructor is called directly by the user.


_ainit_chat_history_table(table_name: str, schema_name: str = "public") -> None

Create an AlloyDB table to save chat history messages.

Name Description
table_name str

The table name to store chat history.

schema_name str

The schema name to store the chat history table. Default: "public".


    table_name: str,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_column: str = "page_content",
    metadata_columns: typing.List[langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.Column] = [],
    metadata_json_column: str = "langchain_metadata",
    store_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None

Create a table for saving of langchain documents. If table already exists, a DuplicateTableError error is thrown.

Name Description
table_name str

The PgSQL database table name.

schema_name str

The schema name. Default: "public".

content_column str

Name of the column to store document content. Default: "page_content".

metadata_columns List[Column]

A list of Columns to create for custom metadata. Optional.

metadata_json_column str

The column to store extra metadata in JSON format. Default: "langchain_metadata". Optional.

store_metadata bool

Whether to store extra metadata in a metadata column if not described in 'metadata' field list (Default: True).


    table_name: str,
    vector_size: int,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_column: str = "content",
    embedding_column: str = "embedding",
    metadata_columns: typing.List[langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.Column] = [],
    metadata_json_column: str = "langchain_metadata",
    id_column: typing.Union[
        str, langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.Column
    ] = "langchain_id",
    overwrite_existing: bool = False,
    store_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None

Create a table for saving of vectors to be used with AlloyDBVectorStore.

Name Description
table_name str

The Postgres database table name.

vector_size int

Vector size for the embedding model to be used.

schema_name str

The schema name. Default: "public".

content_column str

Name of the column to store document content. Default: "page_content".

embedding_column str

Name of the column to store vector embeddings. Default: "embedding".

metadata_columns List[Column]

A list of Columns to create for custom metadata. Default: []. Optional.

metadata_json_column str

The column to store extra metadata in JSON format. Default: "langchain_metadata". Optional.

id_column Union[str, Column]

Column to store ids. Default: "langchain_id" column name with data type UUID. Optional.

overwrite_existing bool

Whether to drop existing table. Default: False.

store_metadata bool

Whether to store metadata in the table. Default: True.

Type Description


    table_name: str, schema_name: str = "public"
) -> sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Table

Load table schema from an existing table in a PgSQL database, potentially from a specific database schema.

Type Description
(sqlalchemy.Table) The loaded table, including its table schema information.


    project_id: str,
    region: str,
    cluster: str,
    instance: str,
    database: str,
    ip_type: typing.Union[str,],
    user: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    password: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    loop: typing.Optional[] = None,
    thread: typing.Optional[threading.Thread] = None,
    iam_account_email: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.AlloyDBEngine

Create an AlloyDBEngine from an AlloyDB instance.

Name Description
project_id str

GCP project ID.

region str

Cloud AlloyDB instance region.

cluster str

Cloud AlloyDB cluster name.

instance str

Cloud AlloyDB instance name.

database str

Database name.

ip_type Union[str, IPTypes]

IP address type. Defaults to IPTypes.PUBLIC.

user Optional[str]

Cloud AlloyDB user name. Defaults to None.

password Optional[str]

Cloud AlloyDB user password. Defaults to None.

loop Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]

Async event loop used to create the engine.

thread Optional[Thread]

Thread used to create the engine async.

iam_account_email Optional[str]

IAM service account email.

Type Description
ValueError Raises error if only one of 'user' or 'password' is specified.
Type Description
AlloyDBEngine A newly created AlloyDBEngine instance.


    coro: typing.Awaitable[langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.T],
) -> langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.T

Run an async coroutine asynchronously


    coro: typing.Awaitable[langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.T],
) -> langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.T

Run an async coroutine synchronously


    project_id: str,
    region: str,
    cluster: str,
    instance: str,
    database: str,
    user: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    password: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    ip_type: typing.Union[
    ] = IPTypes.PUBLIC,
    iam_account_email: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.AlloyDBEngine

Create an AlloyDBEngine from an AlloyDB instance.

Name Description
project_id str

GCP project ID.

region str

Cloud AlloyDB instance region.

cluster str

Cloud AlloyDB cluster name.

instance str

Cloud AlloyDB instance name.

database str

Cloud AlloyDB database name.

user Optional[str], optional

Cloud AlloyDB user name. Defaults to None.

password Optional[str], optional

Cloud AlloyDB user password. Defaults to None.

ip_type Union[str, IPTypes], optional

IP address type. Defaults to IPTypes.PUBLIC.

iam_account_email Optional[str], optional

IAM service account email. Defaults to None.

Type Description
AlloyDBEngine A newly created AlloyDBEngine instance.


ainit_chat_history_table(table_name: str, schema_name: str = "public") -> None

Create an AlloyDB table to save chat history messages.

Name Description
table_name str

The table name to store chat history.

schema_name str

The schema name to store chat history table. Default: "public".


    table_name: str,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_column: str = "page_content",
    metadata_columns: typing.List[langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.Column] = [],
    metadata_json_column: str = "langchain_metadata",
    store_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None

Create a table for saving of langchain documents.

Name Description
table_name str

The PgSQL database table name.

schema_name str

The schema name. Default: "public".

content_column str

Name of the column to store document content. Default: "page_content".

metadata_columns List[sqlalchemy.Column]

A list of SQLAlchemy Columns to create for custom metadata. Optional.

metadata_json_column str

The column to store extra metadata in JSON format. Default: "langchain_metadata". Optional.

store_metadata bool

Whether to store extra metadata in a metadata column if not described in 'metadata' field list (Default: True).

Type Description


    table_name: str,
    vector_size: int,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_column: str = "content",
    embedding_column: str = "embedding",
    metadata_columns: typing.List[langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.Column] = [],
    metadata_json_column: str = "langchain_metadata",
    id_column: typing.Union[
        str, langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.Column
    ] = "langchain_id",
    overwrite_existing: bool = False,
    store_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None

Create a table for saving of vectors to be used with AlloyDBVectorStore.

Name Description
table_name str

The database table name.

vector_size int

Vector size for the embedding model to be used.

schema_name str

The schema name. Default: "public".

content_column str

Name of the column to store document content. Default: "page_content".

embedding_column str

Name of the column to store vector embeddings. Default: "embedding".

metadata_columns List[Column]

A list of Columns to create for custom metadata. Default: []. Optional.

metadata_json_column str

The column to store extra metadata in JSON format. Default: "langchain_metadata". Optional.

id_column Union[str, Column]

Column to store ids. Default: "langchain_id" column name with data type UUID. Optional.

overwrite_existing bool

Whether to drop existing table. Default: False.

store_metadata bool

Whether to store metadata in the table. Default: True.


close() -> None

Dispose of connection pool


    engine: sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.engine.AsyncEngine,
    loop: typing.Optional[] = None,
) -> langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.AlloyDBEngine

Create an AlloyDBEngine instance from an AsyncEngine.


    url: typing.Union[str, sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL], **kwargs: typing.Any
) -> langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.AlloyDBEngine

Create an AlloyDBEngine instance from arguments

Name Description
url Optional[str]

the URL used to connect to a database. Use url or set other arguments.

Type Description
ValueError If not all database url arguments are specified


    project_id: str,
    region: str,
    cluster: str,
    instance: str,
    database: str,
    user: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    password: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    ip_type: typing.Union[
    ] = IPTypes.PUBLIC,
    iam_account_email: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.AlloyDBEngine

Create an AlloyDBEngine from an AlloyDB instance.

Name Description
project_id str

GCP project ID.

region str

Cloud AlloyDB instance region.

cluster str

Cloud AlloyDB cluster name.

instance str

Cloud AlloyDB instance name.

database str

Database name.

user Optional[str]

Cloud AlloyDB user name. Defaults to None.

password Optional[str]

Cloud AlloyDB user password. Defaults to None.

ip_type Union[str, IPTypes], optional

IP address type. Defaults to IPTypes.PUBLIC.

iam_account_email Optional[str], optional

IAM service account email. Defaults to None.

Type Description
AlloyDBEngine A newly created AlloyDBEngine instance.


init_chat_history_table(table_name: str, schema_name: str = "public") -> None

Create a Cloud SQL table to store chat history.

Name Description
table_name str

Table name to store chat history.

schema_name str

The schema name to store chat history table. Default: "public".


    table_name: str,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_column: str = "page_content",
    metadata_columns: typing.List[langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.Column] = [],
    metadata_json_column: str = "langchain_metadata",
    store_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None

Create a table for saving of langchain documents.

Name Description
table_name str

The PgSQL database table name.

schema_name str

The schema name to store the PgSQL database table. Default: "public".

content_column str

Name of the column to store document content. Default: "page_content".

metadata_columns List[sqlalchemy.Column]

A list of SQLAlchemy Columns to create for custom metadata. Optional.

metadata_json_column str

The column to store extra metadata in JSON format. Default: "langchain_metadata". Optional.

store_metadata bool

Whether to store extra metadata in a metadata column if not described in 'metadata' field list (Default: True).

Type Description


    table_name: str,
    vector_size: int,
    schema_name: str = "public",
    content_column: str = "content",
    embedding_column: str = "embedding",
    metadata_columns: typing.List[langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.Column] = [],
    metadata_json_column: str = "langchain_metadata",
    id_column: typing.Union[
        str, langchain_google_alloydb_pg.engine.Column
    ] = "langchain_id",
    overwrite_existing: bool = False,
    store_metadata: bool = True,
) -> None

Create a table for saving of vectors to be used with AlloyDBVectorStore.

Name Description
table_name str

The database table name.

vector_size int

Vector size for the embedding model to be used.

schema_name str

The schema name. Default: "public".

content_column str

Name of the column to store document content. Default: "page_content".

embedding_column str

Name of the column to store vector embeddings. Default: "embedding".

metadata_columns List[Column]

A list of Columns to create for custom metadata. Default: []. Optional.

metadata_json_column str

The column to store extra metadata in JSON format. Default: "langchain_metadata". Optional.

id_column Union[str, Column]

Column to store ids. Default: "langchain_id" column name with data type UUID. Optional.

overwrite_existing bool

Whether to drop existing table. Default: False.

store_metadata bool

Whether to store metadata in the table. Default: True.