Class LinkLACPStatus (0.1.7)

LinkLACPStatus(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Describing the status of a LACP link.


The state of a LACP link.
google_system_id str
System ID of the port on Google's side of the LACP exchange.
neighbor_system_id str
System ID of the port on the neighbor's side of the LACP exchange.
aggregatable bool
A true value indicates that the participant will allow the link to be used as part of the aggregate. A false value indicates the link should be used as an individual link.
collecting bool
If true, the participant is collecting incoming frames on the link, otherwise false
distributing bool
When true, the participant is distributing outgoing frames; when false, distribution is disabled




State enum for LACP link.

Values: UNKNOWN (0): The default state indicating state is in unknown state. ACTIVE (1): The link is configured and active within the bundle. DETACHED (2): The link is not configured within the bundle, this means the rest of the object should be empty.