
Helpers for applying Google Cloud Firestore changes in a transaction. = )

Default number of transaction attempts (with retries).

class, max_attempts=5, read_only=False)


Accumulate read-and-write operations to be sent in a transaction.

  • Parameters

    • client (Client) – The client that created this transaction.

    • max_attempts (Optional[int]) – The maximum number of attempts for the transaction (i.e. allowing retries). Defaults to MAX_ATTEMPTS.

    • read_only (Optional[bool]) – Flag indicating if the transaction should be read-only or should allow writes. Defaults to False.


Commit the changes accumulated in this batch.

  • Returns

    The write results corresponding to the changes committed, returned in the same order as the changes were applied to this batch. A write result contains an update_time field.

  • Return type

    List[, …]

create(reference, document_data)

Add a “change” to this batch to create a document.

If the document given by reference already exists, then this batch will fail when commit()-ed.

  • Parameters

    • reference (DocumentReference) – A document reference to be created in this batch.

    • document_data (dict) – Property names and values to use for creating a document.

delete(reference, option=None)

Add a “change” to delete a document.

See for more information on how option determines how the change is applied.

  • Parameters

    • reference (DocumentReference) – A document reference that will be deleted in this batch.

    • option (Optional[WriteOption]) – A write option to make assertions / preconditions on the server state of the document before applying changes.

property id()

Get the current transaction ID.

  • Returns

    The transaction ID (or None if the current transaction is not in progress).

  • Return type


property in_progress()

Determine if this transaction has already begun.

  • Returns

    Indicates if the transaction has started.

  • Return type


set(reference, document_data, merge=False)

Add a “change” to replace a document.

See for more information on how option determines how the change is applied.

  • Parameters

    • reference (DocumentReference) – A document reference that will have values set in this batch.

    • document_data (dict) – Property names and values to use for replacing a document.

    • merge (Optional[bool] or **Optional[List]) – If True, apply merging instead of overwriting the state of the document.

update(reference, field_updates, option=None)

Add a “change” to update a document.

See for more information on field_updates and option.

  • Parameters

    • reference (DocumentReference) – A document reference that will be updated in this batch.

    • field_updates (dict) – Field names or paths to update and values to update with.

    • option (Optional[WriteOption]) – A write option to make assertions / preconditions on the server state of the document before applying changes.

Decorate a callable so that it runs in a transaction.

  • Parameters

    to_wrap – (Callable[[Transaction, …], Any]): A callable that should be run (and retried) in a transaction.

  • Returns

    the wrapped callable.

  • Return type

    Callable[[Transaction, …], Any]