Package types (0.1.0)

API documentation for filestore_v1.types package.



A Cloud Filestore backup. .. attribute:: name

Output only. The resource name of the backup, in the format projects/{project_number}/locations/{location_id}/backups/{backup_id}.

:type: str


CreateBackupRequest creates a backup. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The backup's project and location, in the format projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}. In Cloud Filestore, backup locations map to GCP regions, for example us-west1.

:type: str


CreateInstanceRequest creates an instance. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The instance's project and location, in the format projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}. In Cloud Filestore, locations map to GCP zones, for example us-west1-b.

:type: str


DeleteBackupRequest deletes a backup. .. attribute:: name

Required. The backup resource name, in the format projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}/backups/{backup_id}

:type: str


DeleteInstanceRequest deletes an instance. .. attribute:: name

Required. The instance resource name, in the format projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/instances/{instance_id}

:type: str


File share configuration for the instance. .. attribute:: name

The name of the file share (must be 16 characters or less).

:type: str


GetBackupRequest gets the state of a backup. .. attribute:: name

Required. The backup resource name, in the format projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}/backups/{backup_id}.

:type: str


GetInstanceRequest gets the state of an instance. .. attribute:: name

Required. The instance resource name, in the format projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/instances/{instance_id}.

:type: str


A Cloud Filestore instance. .. attribute:: name

Output only. The resource name of the instance, in the format projects/{project}/locations/{location}/instances/{instance}.

:type: str


ListBackupsRequest lists backups. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The project and location for which to retrieve backup information, in the format projects/{project_number}/locations/{location}. In Cloud Filestore, backup locations map to GCP regions, for example us-west1. To retrieve backup information for all locations, use "-" for the {location} value.

:type: str


ListBackupsResponse is the result of ListBackupsRequest. .. attribute:: backups

A list of backups in the project for the specified location.

If the {location} value in the request is "-", the response contains a list of backups from all locations. If any location is unreachable, the response will only return backups in reachable locations and the "unreachable" field will be populated with a list of unreachable locations.

:type: Sequence[]


ListInstancesRequest lists instances. .. attribute:: parent

Required. The project and location for which to retrieve instance information, in the format projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}. In Cloud Filestore, locations map to GCP zones, for example us-west1-b. To retrieve instance information for all locations, use "-" for the {location} value.

:type: str


ListInstancesResponse is the result of ListInstancesRequest. .. attribute:: instances

A list of instances in the project for the specified location.

If the {location} value in the request is "-", the response contains a list of instances from all locations. If any location is unreachable, the response will only return instances in reachable locations and the "unreachable" field will be populated with a list of unreachable locations.

:type: Sequence[]


Network configuration for the instance. .. attribute:: network

The name of the Google Compute Engine VPC network <>__ to which the instance is connected.

:type: str


NFS export options specifications. .. attribute:: ip_ranges

List of either an IPv4 addresses in the format {octet1}.{octet2}.{octet3}.{octet4} or CIDR ranges in the format {octet1}.{octet2}.{octet3}.{octet4}/{mask size} which may mount the file share. Overlapping IP ranges are not allowed, both within and across NfsExportOptions. An error will be returned. The limit is 64 IP ranges/addresses for each FileShareConfig among all NfsExportOptions.

:type: Sequence[str]


RestoreInstanceRequest restores an existing instances's file share from a backup.


UpdateBackupRequest updates description and/or labels for a backup.


UpdateInstanceRequest updates the settings of an instance. .. attribute:: update_mask

Mask of fields to update. At least one path must be supplied in this field. The elements of the repeated paths field may only include these fields:

  • "description"
  • "file_shares"
  • "labels".

    :type: google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask