Class StyleInfo (3.3.0)

StyleInfo(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Font and other text style attributes.


Name Description
font_size int
Font size in points (1 point is ¹⁄₇₂ inches).
pixel_font_size float
Font size in pixels, equal to *unrounded font_size* - *resolution* ÷ 72.0.
letter_spacing float
Letter spacing in points.
font_type str
Name or style of the font.
bold bool
Whether the text is bold (equivalent to font_weight is at least 700).
italic bool
Whether the text is italic.
underlined bool
Whether the text is underlined.
strikeout bool
Whether the text is strikethrough. This feature is not supported yet.
subscript bool
Whether the text is a subscript. This feature is not supported yet.
superscript bool
Whether the text is a superscript. This feature is not supported yet.
smallcaps bool
Whether the text is in small caps. This feature is not supported yet.
font_weight int
TrueType weight on a scale 100 (thin) to 1000 (ultra-heavy). Normal is 400, bold is 700.
handwritten bool
Whether the text is handwritten.
text_color google.type.color_pb2.Color
Color of the text.
background_color google.type.color_pb2.Color
Color of the background.