
2.1.0 (2022-11-09)



  • samples: Added extra exception handling to operation samples (#393) (fa0f715)

2.0.3 (2022-10-10)

Bug Fixes

2.0.2 (2022-10-03)

Bug Fixes


  • samples: Added Processor Version Samples (#382) (f9ce801)

2.0.1 (2022-09-13)


  • samples: Updated Samples for v2.0.0 Client Library (#365) (74f2249)

2.0.0 (2022-08-17)


  • v1beta3: Added Processor Management and Processor Version support to v1 library

  • v1: Added Processor Management and Processor Version support to v1 library

  • v1beta3: Changed the name field for ProcessRequest and BatchProcessorRequest to accept * so the name field can accept Processor and ProcessorVersion.


  • v1: Added corrected_key_text, correct_value_text to FormField object in document.proto (78e7fba)

  • v1: Added field_mask to ProcessRequest object in document_processor_service.proto (78e7fba)

  • v1: Added integer_values, float_values and non_present to Entity object in document.proto (78e7fba)

  • v1: Added OperationMetadata resource (78e7fba)

  • v1: Added parent_ids to Revision object in document.proto (78e7fba)

  • v1: Added Processor Management and Processor Version support to v1 library (78e7fba)

  • v1beta3: Added Barcode support (78e7fba)

  • v1beta3: Added corrected_key_text, correct_value_text to FormField object in document.proto (78e7fba)

  • v1beta3: Added integer_values, float_values and non_present to Entity object in document.proto (78e7fba)

  • v1beta3: Added OperationMetadata resource (78e7fba)

  • v1beta3: Added parent_ids to Revision object in document.proto (78e7fba)

  • v1beta3: Added Processor Management and Processor Version support to v1 library (78e7fba)


  • fix minor docstring formatting (78e7fba)

  • samples: Added Human Review Request Sample (#357) (1a5ebea)

1.5.1 (2022-08-11)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: allow protobuf < 5.0.0 (#360) (f6478ef)

  • deps: require proto-plus >= 1.22.0 (f6478ef)

1.5.0 (2022-07-15)


Bug Fixes

1.4.2 (2022-06-03)

Bug Fixes


  • fix changelog header to consistent size (#333) (bf23383)

1.4.1 (2022-04-28)

Bug Fixes

  • mark Document.Entity.type as REQUIRED in all versions (#317) (2d82c64)

  • remove Document.Entity.bounding_poly_for_demo_frontend from v1beta2 (2d82c64)

1.4.0 (2022-03-19)


1.3.0 (2022-03-05)


  • add symbols field, and auto-format comments (#277) (ca016dd)

  • add api key support (#267) (061eb45)

  • add question_id field in ReviewDocumentOperationMetadata (#269) (1c61b73)

  • add question_id field in ReviewDocumentOperationMetadata (#273) (530f2ba)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: require google-api-core>=1.31.5, >=2.3.2 (#285) (573deee)

  • deps: require proto-plus>=1.15.0 (573deee)

  • remove libcst from setup_requires (#276) (56c96e4)

  • resolve DuplicateCredentialArgs error when using credentials_file (530f2ba)

1.2.1 (2022-01-17)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: drop packaging dependency (038a736)

  • deps: require google-api-core >= 1.28.0 (038a736)

1.2.0 (2021-10-14)


1.1.0 (2021-10-08)


  • add context manager support in client (#224) (8b65652)

Bug Fixes

  • add ‘dict’ annotation type to ‘request’ (a95fac8)

  • improper types in pagers generation (fd5dd70)

  • v1beta2: enable self signed jwt for grpc (#191) (14e7765)

  • v1beta2: Update DocumentUnderstandingService default_host from a regional endpoint to non-regional (#195) (090bcc5)

1.0.0 (2021-07-26)


  • add always_use_jwt_access (35e3b74)

  • add the processor management methods (35e3b74)

  • bump release level to production/stable (#151) (1e6b470)

  • Move CommonOperationMetadata for potential reuse (#157) (a1a92b2)

  • update ReviewDocumentRequest to allow set priority and enable validation (#172) (35e3b74)

  • v1beta3: update document.proto, add the processor management methods (#160) (54bc0e9)

  • v1: Move CommonOperationMetadata into a separate file for potential reuse (#158) (c309f8f)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: add packaging requirement (#162) (f09f807)

  • deps: pin ‘google-{api,cloud}-core’, ‘google-auth’ to allow 2.x versions (#180) (8eab36e)

  • disable always_use_jwt_access (35e3b74)

  • enable self signed jwt for grpc (#184) (1e35b42)

  • exclude docs and tests from package (#159) (1325677)


  • omit mention of Python 2.7 in ‘CONTRIBUTING.rst’ (#1127) (#164) (baba888)

  • add Samples section to CONTRIBUTING.rst (#181) (b0f4c7a)

0.5.0 (2021-05-28)


  • add confidence field to the PageAnchor.PageRef in document.proto. (be671a8)

  • support self-signed JWT flow for service accounts (be671a8)

  • Use non-regionalized default host name for (be671a8)

Bug Fixes

  • add async client to %name_%version/ (be671a8)

  • Parsing pages, but should be paragraphs (#147) (c4aca1b)

0.4.0 (2021-03-25)


  • add ‘from_service_account_info’ factory to clients (d6f183a)

  • add common resource path helpers, expose client transport (#43) (4918e62)

  • add documentai v1 (#101) (74fabb5)

  • add from_service_account_info factory and fix sphinx identifiers (#80) (d6f183a)

Bug Fixes

  • added if statement to filter out dir blob files (#63) (7f7f541)

  • adds comment with explicit hostname change (#94) (bb639f9)

  • fix sphinx identifiers (d6f183a)

  • moves import statment inside region tags (#71) (a04fbea)

  • remove client recv msg limit and add enums to types/ (#72) (c94afd5)

  • removes C-style semicolons and slash comments (#59) (1b24bfd)

  • samples: swaps ‘continue’ for ‘return’ (#93) (dabe48e)


0.3.0 (2020-09-30)


Bug Fixes

  • python: change autodoc_default_flags to autodoc_default_options (#27) (4eefc0a)

0.2.0 (2020-05-28)


0.1.0 (2020-04-01)


  • documentai: bump copyright year to 2020, tweak docstring formatting (via synth) [#10230) (329dbcf)

  • documentai: initial generation of documentai (#9623) (fc3d29f)

  • add v1beta2, remove v1beta1 (#13) (1d8efd9)