Class ProcessDocumentRequest (0.1.0)

ProcessDocumentRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request to process one document.


parent str
Target project and location to make a call. Format: projects/{project-id}/locations/{location-id}. If no location is specified, a region will be chosen automatically. This field is only populated when used in ProcessDocument method.
input_config .document_understanding.InputConfig
Required. Information about the input file.
output_config .document_understanding.OutputConfig
Optional. The desired output location. This field is only needed in BatchProcessDocumentsRequest.
document_type str
Specifies a known document type for deeper structure detection. Valid values are currently "general" and "invoice". If not provided, "general"\ is used as default. If any other value is given, the request is rejected.
table_extraction_params .document_understanding.TableExtractionParams
Controls table extraction behavior. If not specified, the system will decide reasonable defaults.
form_extraction_params .document_understanding.FormExtractionParams
Controls form extraction behavior. If not specified, the system will decide reasonable defaults.
entity_extraction_params .document_understanding.EntityExtractionParams
Controls entity extraction behavior. If not specified, the system will decide reasonable defaults.
ocr_params .document_understanding.OcrParams
Controls OCR behavior. If not specified, the system will decide reasonable defaults.
automl_params .document_understanding.AutoMlParams
Controls AutoML model prediction behavior. AutoMlParams cannot be used together with other Params.