Class PhoneNumber (2.41.0)

PhoneNumber(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Represents a phone number. PhoneNumber resources enable phone calls to be answered by Dialogflow services and are added to a project through a PhoneNumberOrder.


Name Description
name str
Optional. The unique identifier of this phone number. Required for PhoneNumbers.UpdatePhoneNumber method. Format: projects/. Format: projects/.
phone_number str
Output only. Phone number in E.164 __ format. An example of a correctly formatted phone number: +15556767888.
conversation_profile str
Optional. The conversation profile calls to this PhoneNumber should use. The project ID here should be the same as the one in name. Format: projects/. Format: projects/.
Output only. The state of the PhoneNumber. Defaults to ACTIVE. PhoneNumber objects set to DELETE_REQUESTED always decline incoming calls and can be removed completely within 30 days.




The states that a PhoneNumber can be in.