Class MatchIntentResponse (0.4.1)

MatchIntentResponse(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Response of [MatchIntent][].


text str
If [natural language text][] was provided as input, this field will contain a copy of the text.
trigger_intent str
If an intent was provided as input, this field will contain a copy of the intent identifier.
transcript str
If [natural language speech audio][] was provided as input, this field will contain the trascript for the audio.
trigger_event str
If an event was provided as input, this field will contain a copy of the event name.
matches Sequence[]
Match results, if more than one, ordered descendingly by the confidence we have that the particular intent matches the query.
The current Page. Some, not all fields are filled in this message, including but not limited to name and display_name.