Class WebhookRequest (0.2.0)

WebhookRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The request message for a webhook call.


detect_intent_response_id str
Always present. The unique identifier of the DetectIntentResponse that will be returned to the API caller.
fulfillment_info .gcdc_webhook.WebhookRequest.FulfillmentInfo
Always present. Information about the fulfillment that triggered this webhook call.
intent_info .gcdc_webhook.WebhookRequest.IntentInfo
Information about the last matched intent.
page_info .gcdc_webhook.PageInfo
Information about page status.
session_info .gcdc_webhook.SessionInfo
Information about session status.
messages Sequence[.response_message.ResponseMessage]
The list of rich message responses to present to the user. Webhook can choose to append or replace this list in WebhookResponse.fulfillment_response;
payload .struct.Struct
Custom data set in QueryParameters.payload.



FulfillmentInfo(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Represents fulfillment information communicated to the webhook.


IntentInfo(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Represents intent information communicated to the webhook.