Class WebhookResponse (0.1.1)

WebhookResponse(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

The response message for a webhook call.


fulfillment_response .gcdc_webhook.WebhookResponse.FulfillmentResponse
The fulfillment response to send to the user. This field can be omitted by the webhook if it does not intend to send any response to the user.
page_info .gcdc_webhook.PageInfo
Information about page status. This field can be omitted by the webhook if it does not intend to modify page status.
session_info .gcdc_webhook.SessionInfo
Information about session status. This field can be omitted by the webhook if it does not intend to modify session status.
payload .struct.Struct
Value to append directly to QueryResult.webhook_payloads.
target_page str
The target page to transition to. Format: projects/.
target_flow str
The target flow to transition to. Format: projects/.



FulfillmentResponse(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Represents a fulfillment response to the user.