Module batch (2.20.1)

Create / interact with a batch of updates / deletes.

Batches provide the ability to execute multiple operations in a single request to the Cloud Datastore API.





An abstraction representing a collected group of updates / deletes.

Used to build up a bulk mutation.

For example, the following snippet of code will put the two save operations and the delete operation into the same mutation, and send them to the server in a single API request:

.. testsetup:: batch

import uuid

from import datastore

unique = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:8]
client = datastore.Client(namespace='ns{}'.format(unique))

.. doctest:: batch

>>> entity1 = datastore.Entity(client.key('EntityKind', 1234))
>>> entity2 = datastore.Entity(client.key('EntityKind', 2345))
>>> key3 = client.key('EntityKind', 3456)
>>> batch = client.batch()
>>> batch.begin()
>>> batch.put(entity1)
>>> batch.put(entity2)
>>> batch.delete(key3)
>>> batch.commit()

You can also use a batch as a context manager, in which case commit will be called automatically if its block exits without raising an exception:

.. doctest:: batch

>>> with client.batch() as batch:
...     batch.put(entity1)
...     batch.put(entity2)
...     batch.delete(key3)

By default, no updates will be sent if the block exits with an error:

.. doctest:: batch

>>> def do_some_work(batch):
...    return
>>> with client.batch() as batch:
...     do_some_work(batch)
...     raise Exception()  # rolls back
Traceback (most recent call last):

.. testcleanup:: txn

with client.batch() as batch:
    batch.delete(client.key('EntityKind', 1234))
    batch.delete(client.key('EntityKind', 2345))
Name Description
client Client

The client used to connect to datastore.