Class SuggestionInfo (0.10.16)

SuggestionInfo(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Detailed information about the suggestion.


Name Description
Annotations for the suggestion. This provides information about which part of the suggestion corresponds to what semantic meaning (e.g. a metric).
query_matches MutableSequence[]
Matches between user query and the annotated string.



MatchInfo(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

MatchInfo describes which part of suggestion matched with data in user typed query. This can be used to highlight matching parts in the UI. This is different from the annotations provided in annotated_suggestion. The annotated_suggestion provides information about the semantic meaning, while this provides information about how it relates to the input.

Example: user query: top products


annotated_suggestion { text_formatted = "top product_group" html_formatted = "top product_group" markups { {type: TEXT, start_char_index: 0, length: 3} {type: DIMENSION, start_char_index: 4, length: 13} } }

query_matches { { start_char_index: 0, length: 3 } { start_char_index: 4, length: 7} }