Class State (5.12.0)


The job state.

    Applies to restartable jobs only.


Name Description
STATE_UNSPECIFIED The job state is unknown.
PENDING The job is pending; it has been submitted, but is not yet running.
SETUP_DONE Job has been received by the service and completed initial setup; it will soon be submitted to the cluster.
RUNNING The job is running on the cluster.
CANCEL_PENDING A CancelJob request has been received, but is pending.
CANCEL_STARTED Transient in-flight resources have been canceled, and the request to cancel the running job has been issued to the cluster.
CANCELLED The job cancellation was successful.
DONE The job has completed successfully.
ERROR The job has completed, but encountered an error.
ATTEMPT_FAILURE Job attempt has failed. The detail field contains failure details for this attempt.