Class ConvertConversionWorkspaceRequest (1.12.1)

    mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs

Request message for 'ConvertConversionWorkspace' request.


Name Description
name str
Name of the conversion workspace resource to convert in the form of: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/conversionWorkspaces/{conversion_workspace}.
auto_commit bool
Optional. Specifies whether the conversion workspace is to be committed automatically after the conversion.
filter str
Optional. Filter the entities to convert. Leaving this field empty will convert all of the entities. Supports Google AIP-160 style filtering.
convert_full_path bool
Optional. Automatically convert the full entity path for each entity specified by the filter. For example, if the filter specifies a table, that table schema (and database if there is one) will also be converted.