Class Operation (2.3.1)

Operation(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

This operation resource represents operations that may have happened or are happening on the cluster. All fields are output only.


name str
The server-assigned ID for the operation.
zone str
The name of the Google Compute Engine zone __ in which the operation is taking place. This field is deprecated, use location instead.
operation_type .cluster_service.Operation.Type
The operation type.
status .cluster_service.Operation.Status
The current status of the operation.
detail str
Detailed operation progress, if available.
status_message str
Output only. If an error has occurred, a textual description of the error.
self_link str
Server-defined URL for the resource.
target_link str
Server-defined URL for the target of the operation.
location str
[Output only] The name of the Google Compute Engine zone __ or region __ in which the cluster resides.
start_time str
[Output only] The time the operation started, in RFC3339 __ text format.
end_time str
[Output only] The time the operation completed, in RFC3339 __ text format.
progress .cluster_service.OperationProgress
Output only. [Output only] Progress information for an operation.
cluster_conditions Sequence[.cluster_service.StatusCondition]
Which conditions caused the current cluster state.
nodepool_conditions Sequence[.cluster_service.StatusCondition]
Which conditions caused the current node pool state.




Current status of the operation.



Operation type.