Class NetworkAttachmentConnectedEndpoint (1.15.0)

    mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs

[Output Only] A connection connected to this network attachment.

.. _oneof:


ip_address str
The IPv4 address assigned to the producer instance network interface. This value will be a range in case of Serverless. This field is a member of oneof_ _ip_address.
ipv6_address str
The IPv6 address assigned to the producer instance network interface. This is only assigned when the stack types of both the instance network interface and the consumer subnet are IPv4_IPv6. This field is a member of oneof_ _ipv6_address.
project_id_or_num str
The project id or number of the interface to which the IP was assigned. This field is a member of oneof_ _project_id_or_num.
secondary_ip_cidr_ranges MutableSequence[str]
Alias IP ranges from the same subnetwork.
status str
The status of a connected endpoint to this network attachment. Check the Status enum for the list of possible values. This field is a member of oneof_ _status.
subnetwork str
The subnetwork used to assign the IP to the producer instance network interface. This field is a member of oneof_ _subnetwork.
subnetwork_cidr_range str
[Output Only] The CIDR range of the subnet from which the IPv4 internal IP was allocated from. This field is a member of oneof_ _subnetwork_cidr_range.




The status of a connected endpoint to this network attachment.

Values: UNDEFINED_STATUS (0): A value indicating that the enum field is not set. ACCEPTED (246714279): The consumer allows traffic from the producer to reach its VPC. CLOSED (380163436): The consumer network attachment no longer exists. NEEDS_ATTENTION (344491452): The consumer needs to take further action before traffic can be served. PENDING (35394935): The consumer neither allows nor prohibits traffic from the producer to reach its VPC. REJECTED (174130302): The consumer prohibits traffic from the producer to reach its VPC. STATUS_UNSPECIFIED (42133066): No description available.